Chapter 286

At this moment, in the mood of Demon.

The eyes of the three big snake girls are firmly locked on Shi Yu, waiting for the latter to reveal the answer.

But the next second, they were dumbfounded! When Shi Yu waved his arm, an irregular spatial crack appeared in front of them.

Through the cracks in space, they can see part of the real world.

Undoubtedly, Shi Yu did it! He really mastered the true meaning of this (Fairy Magic Mood State), and mastered the aura fluctuations in this different space.

If not, it would be impossible for him to open this space portal.

This result was undoubtedly shocking them! They knew that Shi Yu was very strong and enchanting, but they did not expect that he was already enchanting.

This has surpassed the category of evildoers, it is simply a pervert! But it is not this that shocked them the most, but that Shi Yu actually did this without Jieyin.

You know, this is even the [White Snake Fairy] can’t do it! There are not many people who open the portal of space by mind, and there are not many people in their memory. It is rumored that the pioneers of their [Longdidong] have such an ability.

There is also the [Six Dao Immortals] who opened up the Nin Sect a thousand years ago! As for the [Datong Mu Huiye] they did not know, as for the [White Snake Immortal] whether they knew it or not, it was not known.

Anyway, the only one who gave [Six Dao Immortals] help was [Big Toad Immortal Toad Pills] from [Miaomu Mountain].

At this moment, they fully understood Shi Yu’s power! Originally, there were only two ways to crack the [Demon Mood], but Shi Yu forced the third.

This result was completely beyond their expectations! But at the same time, their hearts were also very angry and wondering why Shi Yu came to their [Longdidong] The latter already possessed such a powerful strength, and also mastered the [Xianshu] 】, what he did when he came here was when the three sisters were shocked and puzzled, Shi Yu’s voice slowly sounded.

“I’m talking about three, you guys are still doing something there.”

“Hurry up!”

Hearing Shiyu’s words, the three big snake girls were all taken aback, and then nodded in unison.


Immediately after.

The three of them 3 followed Shi Yu’s departure from this different space of the [Demonic State of Mind].

But returning to the real world, the three of them still didn’t look away from Shi Yu’s body.

At this moment, their eyes when they looked at Shi Yu completely changed.It was no longer a teenager who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

It’s a peerless evildoer who can match their [Longdidong] Holy Land Lord [White Snake Fairy].

They didn’t expect to encounter such an existence in their lifetime.

Because, it was too shocked! They have lived for nearly a thousand years, but they are Bu Maotou boys.

Moreover, they also discovered that Shi Yu’s body did not change the slightest when using the [Xianshu].

Except for those black eye pupils shining with [Golden Light]! According to them, the three [Fairy Modes] in this world belong to the three holy places.

The people of their own clan have not changed much after learning. Only after reaching a certain level will some “dragons” slowly appear.


However, according to the historical records of their [Longdidong].

They [Longdidong] did not know how many years they were founded, but in these endless years, none of their ancestors became “dragons”.


The strongest is the founder of Longdidong.

It is said that although it did not become a “dragon”

, But it is a “jiao”

Now! And the [Transformation Art] was created by their ancestor [Longdidong] and passed on.

This is why they can become adults! Relatively speaking, [Miaomu Mountain] and [Wet Bone Forest] do not have this ability.

From this, a conclusion can be drawn in disguise, that is, the strength of the three holy places.

Undoubtedly, [Longdidong] ranks first! Next is [Miaomu Mountain], and finally [Wet Bone Forest]! This is why [Wan Snake] is more powerful than [Toad Wentai] and [Slug]. Reasons to be strong.

[Wan Snake] Being able to rank in the second echelon among the psychic beasts in [Longdidong] is enough to show that it has extraordinary strength.

The [Fairy Mode] of the three holy sites has its own merits, and their [Fairy Mode] of [Longdidong] is closer to the “Dragon”

The more perfect.

And [Miaomushan]’s [Fairy Mode] is “frog-like”

The less the better! As for the [Fairy Mode] of [Wet Bone Forest], it is “pattern”

Less is more perfect.

Although Tsunade didn’t learn the [Fairy Mode], it was this concept that created a similar [Hundred Heroes Art Creation Regeneration].

Although these three types of [Fairy Mode] have different forms, they have the same goal in different ways.

That is, the [Fairy Mode] has a common feature! That is [Eyes]! No matter how perfect your [Fairy Mode] is, the eyes will definitely show the eyes of their holy land race.

But at the moment they saw Shi Yu’s eyes were neither [Snake Eyes], nor [Frog Eyes], nor [Slug Eyes].

Therefore, they suspect that Shiyu’s [Fairy Mode] should not be any of their three holy places.

But as for where Shi Yu’s [Fairy Mode] came from, they obviously don’t know.

Seeing the trio 3 staring at him stupidly without saying a word, Shi Yu’s voice reached their ears once again.

“I said the three guardians, have you seen enough?”

“If you have seen enough, then take me to see [White Snake Fairy].”

Hearing Shi Yu’s words, the three big snake girls also recovered from the sluggishness.

As the eldest sister, Tian Xin Shen Ji said first after a slight daze.

“Uh, come with us!”

When the words fell, Shi Yu finally moved her gaze away, and then turned to take the lead.

Upon seeing this, [Tanzu Hime] and [Ichikishima Hime] also followed.

Shi Yu didn’t hesitate, and slowly followed

After a while.

They passed through the long cave and came to the deepest zone.

It’s not as dark and dim as it is outside, and I don’t want to be as narrow and cold as it is outside.

This is an extremely spacious area, which looks like a small square.

There is a quaint temple on the central wall in front of this square! On the plaque of the temple, there are three 3 vigorous and powerful characters of [Longdidong]! Not only that.

The surrounding walls are embedded with blue beads the size of pebbles, emitting a faint light.

Moreover, there is still a faint moonlight falling down above the tiankeng above the square, adding a bit of mystery to the square.

To be precise, it makes the temple in front of you even more mysterious! Undoubtedly, this is the deep temple where the [White Snake Fairy] lives! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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