Chapter 290

At this moment, she understood why Shi Yu was still fearless even after learning the power of [Yaqi Orochi].

After some consternation.

【White Snake Fairy】have started from the wooden couch, and began to look at Shi Yu carefully.

The Three Snake Girls may not be able to see Shi Yu’s true age, but for the [Fairy Snake Fairy] who has reached the perfect level of [Xianshu], they can be judged by [Natural Energy].

It was also because of this that made her even more shocked! She really couldn’t imagine that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy would have such an ability.

“Juvenile, I don’t know where you learned [Xianshu] from which holy place”

“[Miaomu Mountain] or [Wet Bone Forest]”

As far as [White Snake Fairy] knows, there are currently only three [Fairy Modes] in this world.

That’s the three holy places in the world of psychic beasts! That’s why she thought that Shiyu’s [Xianshu] must have been learned from one of the holy places.

The most fundamental reason why they will be combined into the three holy places is because of this (Xianshu).

However, before Shi Yu could answer, the [Tanjin Ji] on the side was the first to say.

“Ancestor, Shiyu’s [Fairy Mode] doesn’t seem to come from the Three Holy Lands.”


[White Snake Fairy] gave a startled, and then whispered in his mouth: “Is it the new [Fairy Mode]?”

“I don’t know which clan created it. It seems that it won’t be long before the fourth holy land will appear.”

Obviously, the [White Snake Fairy] believes that the creation of a new [Fairy Mode] should also be one of the psychic beast races.

Psychic beasts are close to nature, and they are the most likely to create [Xianshu]! As for humans, they were eliminated by [White Snake Fairy] in the first place.

From the words of her and [Tanjin Ji], it can be heard that they have some understanding of the [Fairy Mode] of the other two holy places.

Otherwise, the three of [Tanjin Ji] 3 recognized that Shiyu’s [Fairy Mode] did not belong to any holy land.

After some thoughts, [White Snake Immortal] spoke again.

“Juvenile, can you tell me where you learned the magic?”

If you can hear [White Snake Fairy], [Ichijishima Hime] The three of them 3 also pricked their ears.

Obviously, they were also quite curious about this! At this moment, all four pairs of eyes focused on Shi Yu, waiting for the latter’s answer.

Seeing this, Shi Yu said slowly.

“Developed by myself.”

As soon as he said this, everyone was instantly dumbfounded, even the white snake fairy who had lived for countless years.

This is the [Fairy Mode] that I developed by myself! If Shiyu developed a ninjutsu, even a very advanced ninjutsu, they could accept it.

After all, they already knew Shi Yu’s enchanting talent! But they had researched the [Fairy Mode] by themselves, and the news was too shocking.

It’s not that they don’t believe in Shi Yu, but that this kind of thing is unbelievable! It’s like the [Fairy Mode] of their three holy places, which is the result of the hard work and painstaking efforts of countless ancestors.

It can be said that I don’t know how much time it took! But Shi Yu was all alone! Fifteen or sixteen years old! Even if Shi Yu started researching from her mother’s womb, it only took more than ten years.

In such a short time, I want to develop a brand new [Fairy Mode], which is undoubtedly a fantasy for them.

Because their three holy places have spent endless years! The hard work of countless ancestors! Moreover.

If the [Fairy Mode] were so easy to create, there would not be only three [Fairy Modes] in the world today.

Even Chongwu who owns the [Fairy Human Body] can’t create [Fairy Mode].

This shows how difficult it is to create a brand-new [Fairy Mode], which is why [White Snake] and others are so shocked after learning this answer.

If it were someone else, they would definitely deny it directly! But when they were Shiyu, they felt that this was not impossible! After all, Shiyu had brought them too many unexpected things! Of course they didn’t. He would think that Shi Yu had spent more than ten years, so [Tian Xin Shen Ji] broke the silence.

“Brother Shi Yu, how long did it take you to develop [Fairy Mode]”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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