Chapter 296

“That tester has done it!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire [Stalactite Cave] instantly boiled.

At this moment, all the snakes’ eyes converged on Shi Yu.

I saw that the latter’s hair was upside down at this time, and his body was overflowing with golden light, and there was a thick and incomparable (Xianshu Power) in it.

They won’t perceive this kind of breath, because it’s not an ordinary chakra.

It’s [Xianshu Chakra]! But this is not the point, the point is that Shi Yu’s eyes have changed from the original black to a pair of golden [snake pupils].

This is a sign that humans have cultivated their [Longdidong Fairy Mode]! Only when they successfully cultivated into the [Fairy Mode], the eye pupils will change.

Seeing this scene, all the snakes were stunned! Even the [White Snake Fairy] and the Three Snake Ji who knew Shi Yu had mastered [Xianshu] were no exception.

Although the two are both [Xianshu], there are always differences! However, Shi Yu has mastered the [Longdidong Fairy Mode] after listening to the [White Snake Fairy] telling it.

What an enchanting talent is this! Can this not shock them [White Snake Fairy] and the Three Big Snake Fairy even so, let alone [Wan Snake] waiting for snakes.

“It’s so possible!”

“What the hell is this human being?”

“I don’t know! But to be sure, this person is definitely an extremely perverted evildoer!”


When the snakes were talking about it, only Shiyu Yu knew it.

Because this [Longdidong Fairy Mode] and [Wet Bone Forest Fairy Mode] have the same effect.

Therefore, Shi Yu mastered it the moment he finished speaking in [White Snake Immortal], and didn’t need to spend extra time thinking.

They all use the [Blood Deed] as a guide when condensing, absorb [natural energy] and combine their own strength to create [Xianshu Chakra], thereby entering the [Fairy Mode].

The reason why the [Blood Deed] is cited is because the [Blood Deed] can better integrate [mental energy], [physical energy] and [natural energy].

It is not so much a “Blood Deed”, but it is a container of Di harmony, which can more easily bring together the three energies.

This is why the [Fairy Mode] created by Shiyu is more difficult than the [Fairy Mode] of the three major holy sites. He said that the development of the [Fairy Mode] did not rely on any assistance.

And if you want to successfully enter the [Fairy Mode], you must integrate yourself with nature.

This is not… easy to do! Because everyone has a certain body difference, everyone’s balance point is different.

If you want to learn, you can only rely on yourself! And when the snakes thought that Shi Yu was only initially learning the [Fairy Mode], the next scene was an instant slap in the face.

I saw that Cong Shiyu’s body overflowed with golden light, which turned into a chakra coat, with golden snakes roaming around.

Not only that.

At this moment, Shi Yu had bright eyes, and even a pair of exquisite horns grew on his head.

Although it is not obvious, it does exist.

Needless to say, that is “Dragon Horn”

! If the appearance of [Snake Eye] means that Shi Yu has learned the [Fairy Mode] of [Dragon Cave], then the appearance of [Dragon Horn] means that Shi Yu has completely mastered this [Xianshu].

At this moment, everyone was already stunned! However, the matter did not end there.

I saw that the golden light on Shi Yu’s body became more and more flaming, and those (snake eyes) began to change.

Become: deeper and deeper, as if filled with stars.

Bright and majestic, it is daunting! When the eyes change, time

The rest of Yu’s body is also changing.

The little golden snake that originally swam around Shi Yu’s body turned into a snake python at this moment.

Moreover, the dragon’s horns on the head are also elongated a lot.

If you want to divide the [Fairy Mode] of [Longdidong] into stages, Shiyu at this moment has undoubtedly entered the third stage.

The first stage is [Snake Eye Transformation]! The second stage is [Dragon Horn Transformation]! As for this third stage, it is [Transformation of Flood Dragons]! This level has only been reached by the ancestors of [Longdidong]. After this, no one can do it.

Even the [White Snake Immortal] in front of me is currently only at the peak of [Phase 2 Dragon Horn Transformation].

So far, I have not been able to see the mystery of this [Phase 3 Transformation of the Flood].

[Transformation of Huajiao]: Let the body’s limbs become: unusually strong, with patches of golden scales attached.

Therefore, this third stage of the [Transformation of the Dragon’s Scales] can also be referred to as the [Dragon Scale Transformation].

But in just a few minutes, Shi Yu not only learned to be their 【Longdidong】【Fairy Mode】.

Moreover, it has reached the [third stage] directly! It has directly reached the height of their [Dongdidong] strongest ancestor, making them feel full of incredible.

In the past, they had only heard that some of their ancestors had achieved the [Transformation of the Flood Dragon], but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

Although it is a human being to reach the [Change of Hua Jiao] at this time, they also have a feast for their eyes.

It can be said that it is the scene of a lifetime! If Shiyu arrives today, I am afraid that this “huajiao” will not be seen until the death of their generation.

The view.

At this moment, all the snakes stared at that Shi Yu who was sitting on the stone pier with excitement.

The previous disdain and doubts have long since disappeared! Replaced by a thick shock and anticipation! They were shocked that Shi Yu could do this in just a few minutes, and they looked forward to whether Shi Yu could go further.

Let them see the last “changing dragon”

! If they can, they will have no regrets in this life.

The transformation of a dragon is undoubtedly the wish of every [Longdidong] tribe to dream of destruction.

Even if they can’t do it themselves, they hope someone can do it, no matter if he is a human or a snake.

Seeing Shi Yu’s appearance at this moment, [Tian Xin Shen Ji] couldn’t help asking [White Snake Fairy].

“Old ancestor, brother Shi Yu looks like”

“It can’t be wrong, that’s [Hua Jiao]!”

[White Snake Immortal] responded, and then said: “Our [Longdidong Immortal Mode] can be roughly divided into four levels, and Xiao Yu’s current appearance is the third level in the eyes of the ancestors.”

“Old Ancestor, do you think Brother Shi Yu can reach the last level?”

[Tanjin Ji] asked.

“I’m not sure about this!”

“Even though Xiao Yu’s talent is incomparably enchanting, the final level is really too difficult. It can be said that it is beyond the reach of humans.”

“For us Snake Clan, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, not to mention that he is just a contractor.”

【White Snake Fairy】This is not to look down on Shi Yu, but the contractor’s 【Fairy Mode】in itself is weak.

After all, this is based on the [Fairy Model] created by their snake clan! If humans want to reach the highest level, it will undoubtedly be thousands of times more difficult than them, or even higher.

This is an innate shackle that cannot be changed! And this inborn shackle may be an insurmountable gulf in the eyes of others, but it is not difficult for Shiyu.

Nothing else, just because he “hangs”

! Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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