Chapter 480

“That guy seemed to have an accident while performing this technique, and he broke an arm directly.”

As soon as Sasuke said this, Tokiba’s four were all surprised.

Immediately after.

After Shi Yu was stunned for a short time, he immediately realized it.

The four Sasuke 4 don’t know why the ninjutsu performed by the soil has such a change, but he knows it all.

Because Deidara was dragged into the (Divine Power) different space by him! At this time, Shiyu couldn’t help but smile to himself, he didn’t expect such a coincidence.

Drag Deidara into the [Shenwei] space and explode, but he didn’t want the latter’s explosion to affect the three people of Xianglin3.

Unexpectedly, this unexpected joy happened! At this moment, Toki also knew the reason why Sasuke was able to beat the dirt so quickly.

It turns out that all this still has something to do with him! If it weren’t for this, Sasuke would have used the [Suzano Noho], and it would be impossible to use the latter.

The (Kaleidoscope) with the soil is too virtual, and the average person is not his opponent at all.

Perhaps, Sasuke can use Amaterasu to threaten his life without knowing it.

But it was only once! However, the point is to bring the earth to master the ultimate illusion of Izanaki.

Therefore, one life threat was obviously not enough for him! And when Shi Yu was immersed in his thoughts, Xianglin was the first to think of something, and his eyes couldn’t help but fall on Shi Yu.

What Xianglin thought was that Shiyu just said that he dragged Deidara into a different space, and Sasuke said that the masked man had the ability to escape into the space, and the latter’s arm disappeared strangely.

Therefore, he wondered if the two escaped spaces were the same! But in the end she shook her head.

Obviously, she felt that this idea was too far-fetched! Just when the atmosphere was slightly silent, the voice slowly sounded.

“Sasuke, what do you have next


“Since a member of [Akatsuki] has appeared in this base, maybe Itachi may be among them. I want to investigate it further.”

After hearing Sasuke’s words, Shi Yu replied.

“Then hurry up.”

“Since the masked man who is fighting with you is an accomplice of Itachi, maybe he will inform the latter.”


Sasuke nodded, so the group of five people5 stepped on again to find the entrance to the stronghold.

With the previous search, they did not spend this time.

Soon they found the stronghold established by the Xiao organization here, and at this moment, they finally knew why they couldn’t sense the chakra fluctuations here.

It turned out that this stronghold was enchanted by his subordinates, and if nothing else, it should be preventing others from perceiving.

If not, when they first arrived here.

Shi Yu and Xianglin should be able to quickly perceive any chakras in this barren mountain.

Especially Shi Yu, his [God Forbidden Eyes] is even stronger than Xianglin’s [Kagura Heart Eyes].

But even he didn’t feel it, and it can only explain a few problems: either this stronghold is empty! or there is no stronghold here at all! or there are other reasons, and this enchantment in front of you is undoubtedly one of them! [Xiao] The organization’s stronghold does not have managers, test items, etc., like the Oshe Maru base. The former has only a few dozen people.

Moreover, it also includes a few people who have died! The stronghold of Xiao is not maintained and managed all the year round like other organizations. It has only one function.

That’s what they used to seal the tail beast! Therefore, the strongholds they chose were all remote places that were extremely hidden and would not be easily disturbed by people.

And at this time, the barrier that shields perception that Yu and the others are now seeing was laid for this purpose.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read: Collect, recommend, and share!

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