Chapter 577 The fate of the arrogant! The same end by different routes?

“If Itachi is not dead, how do you choose?”

When Yu said this, the atmosphere in the court suddenly solidified.

Although this is only a hypothesis, the spit out of Toki’s mouth makes them feel a little inexplicable.

In their eyes, Shi Yu seemed to have the ability to turn all impossible into possible.

Otherwise, why can he create his own 【Sage Mode】!

Seeing that Sasuke didn’t answer, but just silently chatting with himself, Shiyu said again.

“If you believe me, continue to follow the previous plan.”

“What I can guarantee is that you will see each other again in the near future!”

Obviously, Shiyu didn’t let Sasuke meet Itachi right now.

Because a lot of things will be disrupted in this way, the tasks presented by the system will probably be disordered, which is not the situation he wants to see.


Shi Yu’s two simple words made Sasuke’s look startled, and the bright electric light appeared in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, this is the surprise and excitement in his heart!

But because he is a person who is not good at expressing his inner feelings, he did not overexpress it on his face.

There are no accidents.

After a brief conversation, Sasuke temporarily put aside the idea of ​​destroying and dominating Konoha Shinobi village.

However, he did not give up the idea of ​​killing Konoha’s high-level leaders!

For this condition, Shi Yu did not veto it.

Because he doesn’t have a good impression of Danzo, if Sasuke doesn’t kill, he will probably do it himself.

After all, Danzo was eyeing him at the beginning!

Had it not been for his ability to show some strength later, coupled with the fact that he was very close to Tsunade and Jiraiya, I am afraid he would have done it a long time ago.

Of course, there is a more important reason.

Because he couldn’t see through Shi Yu’s depth from beginning to end, he once looked at Shi Yu from a distance, and he was surprised to find that the latter’s eyes were like two bottomless abysses, making it impossible to see.

This is what makes him jealous!

In addition to the news from Sai, it was claimed that it was not Sasuke who killed Orochimaru, but Shiyu’s words.

It is also because of this that the jealousy in his heart is deeper!

He has been able to sit firmly in the high-level position of Konoha and control a part of the core power for many years, and his city government and resourcefulness are naturally far more comparable.

Many decisions are made after careful consideration, just like grabbing Uchiha Shisui’s eyes back then.

Uchiha Shisui, known as the peerless genius of Uchiha’s generation!

He has become Jōnin at a young age, and his strength is unfathomable.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be directly promoted to work in Anbu!

But it was such a talented young genius who was still calculated by the pattern, and even had an eye taken away.

Is that because Shisui is not as strong as Danzo?

Obviously not!

Everything is because of Danzo’s meticulous arrangement. He understands everything about Shisui and its fatal impact, which makes all the plans successful.


With Shisui who has awakened [Mangekyō Sharingan] a long time ago, how can he end up having his eyes taken away and committing suicide?

All this is due to his Isshin’s desire for stability in the village and peace in the world!

Not only him, but even Itachi, who inherited his thoughts, followed in his footsteps.

What a pity! What a sigh!

If there is no Shi Yu, the fate of these two great arrogances is undoubtedly going to the same end by different routes, and both will be ruined in Danzo’s hands.

After the conversation.

Shi Yu didn’t stay with them, because he had more important things to do in Konoha.

Payne and the others are heading to Konoha at this time, and a big storm is about to start!

Moreover, he still has system tasks to complete.

Although Shi Yu himself did not stay, he had given the Phosphorus down, and a squad still needed a perception-type ninja.

Not only that, but the healing power of Aromatic Phosphorus is unmatched!

As for the comfort of Xianglin, Shi Yu didn’t worry too much, and he gave the latter (Zhao Qian Zhao) enough means to save his life.

Shiyu gave her a roll of [Xianshu Scrolls] on the bright side, and Shiyu left a chakra in her body in private.

This Chakra is sealed, and it will only be triggered when it encounters Aroma Phosphorus!

This method is similar to Itachi’s [Transfer Seal], Minato’s [Eight Sign Seal], and Orochimaru’s [Evil Seal Seal].

When Sasuke and the others rushed to Cloud Shinobi Village, Konoha was also caught in a nervous preparation.

Nothing else, because Penn is about to attack the paper!

And Shi Yu?

That night, he appeared in Hong’s house!

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