Chapter 598 Tailed Beast Bomb is now! The front is tough!

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked by the huge water curtain controlled by Shuiyue, Eight Tails also said after slightly shocked.

“Sure enough, it’s a water-based ninja, you have a good location!”

This place is Yunlei Gorge, with beautiful mountains and clear waters and clouds covering the mist. The large river crossing here is a unique advantage to the water system ninja.

Shuiyue can abruptly block the Eight Tails road ahead with a mortal body, naturally because of the endless rolling river.

At this moment, Shuiyue also spoke.

“Leave it to me here, you go quickly!”

Although she said this, Shui Yue’s inner thoughts at this time were actually: Hmph, I didn’t expect that I would stand up several times to protect these guys?

I just abide by the agreement with Shi Yu!

Yes, exactly!

At this moment, Shuiyue muttered to herself.

In his opinion, what he did 867 was entirely because of his agreement with Shiyu, and everything was to collect seven Shinobi swords.

But in fact, this was just an excuse Shuiyue found.

If it is for the seven ninja swords, then he can go and find them directly, without having to work hard here.

You must know that fighting Eight Tails, one who is careless will lose his life.

If the life is gone, what promise to talk about!

It can only be said that Shuiyue’s temperament has changed during the time he spent with Shiyu, Sasuke and others, and he even regarded them as friends for a time.

Otherwise, he would not make such a righteous act at this moment!

After hearing Shuiyue’s words, Killer Bee suddenly exclaimed.

“You made me like this, how could I let you run away!”

“Asshole! Asshole!”

Killer Bee did not hesitate, and directly joined Eight Tails to prepare for the ultimate ultimate move, Tailed Beast Bomb.

At this moment, the Eight Tails bull’s head is facing the sky, the blood basin is open, and the red and blue Chakras suddenly appear in the void, and then begin to converge towards one in a special proportion.

When the black sphere slowly condensed, everyone present was shocked, even Sasuke, who had reached the peak at this moment, was no exception.

Because they can clearly feel the terrifying aura contained in the black sphere, that is definitely the energy that can kill themselves and others.

Undoubtedly, this technique has completely surpassed his strongest killing technique, Lightning Style Qilin!

Sasuke is still like this, and even more pretentious is Xianglin and Shigego.

“Sasuke(cgdd), let’s go quickly.”

“Yes, the enemy in front of us is not something we can fight against.”

The previous Fragrant Phosphorus originally wanted to inquire about Sasuke’s attitude, but at this moment, after feeling the power of this “Tailed Beast Bomb”, she did not have this thought.

In her opinion, this is definitely not something they can fight against, even if it is Sasuke, who has just mastered super ninjutsu.

She was forgiven for such consideration, because he didn’t know the power of “Susanoo”.

Of course, Sasuke’s current Master’s “Susanoo” level may not be able to prevent the Eight Tails Tailed Beast Bomb in its heyday.

Taking all the circumstances into consideration, retreat is the best option at present.

It’s not only Xianglin, Shigego and Shuiyue share the same idea at the moment, which is why Shuiyue will just step up to stop Eight Tails.


With the current Eight Tails posture, if no one is left behind, maybe the four of them will explain here.

However, Sasuke’s answer was beyond everyone’s expectations.

“If it was just now, I would listen to your opinions.”

“But now I am not incapable of fighting against one!”

When the voice fell, Sasuke didn’t talk nonsense, and went straight to the front, which was the battlefield where Shuiyue and Eight Tails were located.

Looking at the situation, Sasuke is going to be tough!

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