Chapter 616 People go to the building empty! Penn Qi is here!

Hearing Omoy and Karui chattering, Samyi on the side could not help but whisper.

“It’s really tiring to be with you, alas, my shoulders seem to be sore again.”

“Your shoulders are sore, not because your breasts are too big.”

Omoy murmured, and then said again: “Maybe your shoulders are sore, but it’s actually because of”


Before Omoy had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the somewhat fierce Kajuy.

“It’s annoying!”

“Don’t tremble! Go away!”

“You should be more careful and focused when thinking about things.

Omoy returned to Ikarui plainly, and then said with a serious analysis: “Kajuyi, you have a flat chest, so your shoulders won’t be sore.”

This time Omoy still didn’t finish speaking, and was still interrupted by Kajuy, but this time it was not with words, but with his feet.

“You give me 26 shut up!”

He only heard an angry shout from Kajuy, and he took his foot towards Omoy.

Upon seeing this, Omoy moved to the side and easily escaped.

Obviously, Kajuy just kicked it casually, and didn’t use any physical skills, just simply unhappy.

Of course, it is also possible that Omoi is used to it.

He knew Kajuy’s temper, so he had taken precautions beforehand.

Although he hasn’t been in the middle of Switzerland, Omoy is the Tao.

“Hey, I knew you would be like this a long time ago.”

Hearing Omoyi’s words, Karuyi’s unhappiness rose to a new level, but she was stopped by Samyi when she was about to have a seizure.

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

“Hurry up, if you make Master Raikage wait in a hurry, you may really be scolded later.”

When the three of them rushed to the Raikage building, a brigade sent by Raikage had already set off.

According to the clues provided to them by “Jie”, after a large-scale search, they gathered some information and finally found Sasuke and their stronghold.

But it is a pity that when they arrived here, it was already empty.

Not only Sasuke and his party have long since disappeared, but even Obito and others have also moved their positions.

Although they are very strong now, Obito does not want to be exposed to the eyes of the world before the final plan is completed.

After all, the opponent is Cloud Shinobi Village, one of the five major countries!

If he wants to fight against him with the power of his current Master, he must use the power of the tail beast.

But the problem is that the current tail beasts are all sealed in the Gedo Statue, and he can’t manipulate it without Rinnegan.

Therefore, the main power he relies on now is Nagato!

But the problem is that Nagato has already led Six Paths Payne to Konoha at this time.

Of course, even if Payne was here, he would not be able to fight this meaningless battle. At present, they only care about plans.

Soon after Obito and the others evacuated, Nagato and Konan had arrived at Konoha Shinobi village.

At this time, there were seven people standing in a dense forest outside Konoha Village.

There are five men and two women, six of them are Six Paths Payne controlled by Nagato, and the seventh is Xiaonan.

Nagato has been unable to move due to physical disability.

Therefore, before the action, Xiao Nan had found a hidden hiding place for him.

As for the other woman, that is Nagato’s new beast way!

The previous sound was damaged by Shiyu, and even the remains were discarded in a different space.

Therefore, Nagato changed another female Jōnin from the Wind Demon clan as a substitute for the “Animal Dao”.

At this moment, Tiandao Payne, who was standing in the forefront, looked in the direction of Konoha Village, his eyes were deep, and then there was an icy cold.

“Now start to inflict pain on the world!”

“Next, we will be divided into two groups: luring the enemy and exploring. Let’s assign personnel first.”

“The enemy group is Shura Dao, Animal Dao and Hungry Kidō!”

“The exploration group is Heavenly Dao, Earth 890 Dao and Hell Dao!”

After assigning Six Paths Payne, Tiandao locked Xiaonan.

“Xiaonan, you belong to the exploration group.

“I know.”

Xiao Nan nodded, apparently positioning herself a long time ago.

Her abilities are very special, she is very good at exploring intelligence, and naturally belongs to the exploration group.

Because in the [Xiao] organization, apart from this intelligence collector, Xiao Nan is the other one.

Although Nagato and Xiaonan are cooperating with Obito, they naturally do not believe in the latter without reservation.

Therefore, they also have their own considerations!

Those who want to achieve great things naturally cannot believe in others blindly, and they have to rely on their own strength.

After the grouping is complete.

Tiandao Payen looked directly at the Konoha Shinobi village ahead, and said.

“The whole village of Konoha is enveloped in a spherical barrier on the ground and in the sky. It seems that they have been prepared for it.”

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