Chapter 621 Card Temple is here! The pressure of reincarnation!

“I won’t tell such people!”

Hearing Iruka’s words, Tiandao Payne’s face did not change in the slightest, even his eyes did not move, like a robot without emotion.

But it is true, he is a puppet!

However, since he is a humanoid puppet, Nagato’s emotions are also affected by manipulating Chakra.

The reason why there is no ripple now is that Iruka is just an unrelated passerby in his eyes.

“That’s it”

Tiandao Payne spit out three words without the slightest emotion, and then the black stick in his hand pierced directly towards Iruka.

If nothing else, this blow would end his life!

26 However…

At this critical moment, the appearance of a big hand directly held the black stick firmly in the palm of the hand.

This scene made Tiandao’s unwavering eyes condensed slightly. This was the first time he had intruded into Konoha with a trace of mood swings.

Looking along the big hand holding the other end of the direct black rod, a figure came into his eyes.

It was a young man with silver hair. Although half of his face was hidden by the mask, it did not affect the angular face.

There is no doubt that the young man in front of you is a beautiful man!

Although there is a scar on his left eye, it does not destroy his handsomeness in the slightest, but makes him more murderous invisibly.

The most eye-catching thing is his left eye. The pupil of his eye is not an ordinary color, but a blood-red color.

That’s right, that’s Sharingan!

And the silver-haired young man in front of him is no one else. He is the Konoha technician known as the copy ninja-Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi looked directly at Heavenly Way Payne, facing Rinnegan in no way.

“It’s a good strategy to make a noise first to attract attention, and then secretly search.

Seeing Kakashi appeared and saved her life, Iruka, who had recovered, also shouted immediately.


“You take the wounded man and leave, leave it to me here.”

Listening to Kakashi’s words, Iruka didn’t talk nonsense, and directly struck the comatose wounded on the ground.

He knows that staying with his own strength is also a burden, and it is better to play a little useful value to help the injured.

“Kakashi-senpai, I beg you here!”

When the voice fell, Iruka took the wounded man a few moments before disappearing.

Tiandao Payne didn’t care too much about Iruka who left, but he didn’t want his whereabouts to be exposed so early. Although he wanted to keep both, but Kakashi watched him tightly.

If he wants to continue to act now, he must defeat the latter.

At this point, Tiandao Payne directly launched an offensive against Kakashi under the control of Nagato.

Tiandao raised his leg with a kick, because the speed was too fast, there was a slight sound.

Fortunately, Kakashi has the pinnacle of Jōnin’s level, coupled with the assistance of Sharingan, there is no problem in avoiding this unpretentious blow.

Kakashi squatted down suddenly, and while avoiding the attack of heaven, he sealed his hands and slapped the ground instantly.

Earth Style Earth Flow Wall!


With a bang, a thick wall appeared on the ground with four dog heads carved on it.

This is Kakashi’s modified earth flow wall, combined with his own “Summoning Technique”, and its effect is more significant.

This move is extremely blocking the back of Heavenly Dao Payne!

Then, the latter did not appear to run away, only to see his right palm 893 peeping, and another black spear appeared, pointing directly at Kakashi’s chest.

The speed is so fast that even Kakashi did not escape in time for the first time.

However, fortunately, Kakashi made certain adjustments in time, so that the black rod that was going to penetrate his chest just pierced his left shoulder.

In order not to let the black rod go deeper, Kakashi held it firmly with his left hand, counteracting the force released by Heavenly Path Penn.

at the same time.

Kakashi’s right hand was clenched into a fist and headed towards the facade of Heavenly Path Penn.

However, just when Kakashi was about to hit the latter.

Heavenly Path Payne directly used Rinnegan’s power, and the pressure of his pupils made Kakashi’s movements stop at that moment.

“what is that?”

It was also at this moment that Kakashi’s heart throbbed, and a sense of consternation emerged spontaneously.

This is the pressure of reincarnation!

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