Chapter 624 Rely on the old and sell the old! The fury of the fat sheep!

In Hokage’s office.

Tsunade was suddenly unhappy when he heard Xiaochun turning to bed.

“What are you doing?”

Although they only said they would not let Naruto come back, once the news reaches Mount Myōboku, Naruto will definitely come with Toki.

Moreover, Shi Yu will never stop Naruto!

On the contrary, Shi Yu wanted Naruto to join the battle.

Tsunade knew about this, because it was Toba who said that he wanted Naruto to protect himself.

Therefore, Tsunade also agreed with the idea of ​​letting Naruto fight.

However, this incident finally reached the ears of Mitokado Homura, Zhuan Ning Xiaochun and ~ Danzo.

They are in a high position in Konoha and want to detect and hear-the news is naturally not difficult.

This is the reason why Tsubaki and Mitokado Homura will stand up to stop Tsunade from telling Naruto to return.

The latter is Jinchūriki, Konoha’s indispensable power.

For the sake of the village, they must not let Naruto have any accidents!

This is the same as the main purpose of each village to protect Jinchūriki!

from their perspective.

Today’s Naruto is too weak to be suitable for war.

The most important point is that they heard from Danzo that it was not someone else who had invaded Konoha, but the leader of Akatsuki.

Although they don’t know who is the leader of “Xiao”? How good is Six Paths Payne?

But after learning that Jiraiya was defeated by the former, they had to proceed with caution.

No way, they didn’t know Shi Yu’s power at all!

Therefore, they will never risk letting Naruto play!

“I heard Danzo say that the leader of [Xiao] is currently attacking the village, and his target is Nine Tails Jinchūriki.”

Hearing Mitokado Homura’s words, Tsunade became more dissatisfied.

“so what?”

“It’s not that Naruto will fight alone. Jiraiya will fight with him. As a village, Jinchūriki will definitely become stronger.”

“Otherwise, we will still face the same problem in the future.”

Tsunade only mentioned Jiraiya, but she did not disclose to Shiyu.

In other words, because she said it at the moment and the two would not believe it.

After all, Master Shi Yu’s power is too heaven-defying!

And the latter is just a teenager who has just turned sixteen, so naturally he can’t believe Tsunade’s one-sided words.

Tsunade is considered to be a person who has had more contact with Shiba. After hearing about the abilities of Master Shiba, she couldn’t believe it for a while.

She is still like this, not to mention the two old guys Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura who have hardly been in contact with Shi Yu.

To Tsunade’s answer, Xiaochun still didn’t mean to compromise.

“The key is that Naruto is still a child. With his current strength, how can he fight that kind of guy?”

“You know…that’s the guy who defeated Jiraiya?”

“In case of being defeated, the Nine Tails demon fox may fall into the opponent’s hands, and the consequences will be unthinkable.”

…For flowers…

Tsunade couldn’t bear the sound of turning to Xiaochun before she turned to bed. She really couldn’t understand the two of them relying on their own reason to rely on the old to sell the old.

No nonsense, he slammed forward and grabbed the collars of the two of them.

Seeing Tsunade like this, the two of them were shocked even if they were wrong.

What was shocking was that they didn’t expect Tsunade to do such a disrespectful act to their two predecessors. What was terrified was that they knew that Tsunade had always been known for brute force, and if one was not careful, their two old bones would inevitably fall apart.

The fury of the fat sheep can be stopped by ordinary people!

“Tsunade, what are you doing?”

“Let go, we are the consultants of the village, who do you think you are, dare to treat us like this.”

Tsunade didn’t say anything about turning to bed, Tsubaki and Mitokado Homura, but his voice became louder and more angry.

“I just want to ask you!”

“How long are you going to put him in a cage like a canary? This is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later you will let him follow in the footsteps of other villages in Jinchūriki.

“Besides, do you know Naruto’s current strength?”

“The will of fire of Konoha Shinobi Village has been inherited, and now is the perfect time for the newcomers to surpass the older generation.

“He is not a war tool we secretly possess. He has his own name, his own ideas, and the will of fire he inherited.”

“He is Jinchūriki, but he is even Uzumaki Naruto!” Da,

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