Chapter 638 Encourage and reprimand! The wind and the earth are extremely!

In the battlefield.

Faced with the attack of the Chōji four, Tiandao Payne didn’t have the slightest worry on his face.

With a wave of Chakra stirring in his body, Shenluo Tianzheng was activated again.


With a bang, the air vibrated, and the attacks launched at him from all sides were all disintegrated at this moment.

Perceiving this scene, Ding Zuo and Chōji were also startled.

Their attack just now had powerful lethality, but at the same time it was also a kind of disguised-temptation.

For Tiandao, they also clearly know the ability of the latter.

Some time ago, Jiraiya and Shiyu were just talking with them on paper, and they had never seen the real ability of the latter.

The fact that Shiba owns Rinnegan is top secret in Konoha. Apart from Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi, others are basically unaware of it.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Seeing that the attack of himself and others was resolved, Ding Zuo immediately shot three kunai.

But this kind of frontal attack obviously didn’t play a big role in front of Heavenly Dao Payne, and he was evaded by the latter without the slightest suspense.

Upon seeing this, Kakashi also shot a bitter shot.


I saw him flying out of Kuwu and there was a piece of talisman paper hanging on it, with dense runes on it, and the word “Boom” written in the center of the talisman paper.

Needless to say, that is a detonation talisman!


Even if Kakashi attacked unexpectedly, he seemed so powerless in front of Shinra Tianzheng.


The detonating talisman exploded, but it was bounced away by the Heavenly Dao Penn to the extent that it would not be affected.

At this time, Kakashi did this, in addition to wanting to see if the surprise attack could work, he was also verifying one thing.

And now he got the result!

Just as Shi Yu told them, the Shenluo Tianzheng technique cannot be used continuously.

Every time you use this technique, there is a certain interval in between.

Shiyu told Kakashi and the others that the time required for him to start the Master technique was five seconds, but now it has been shortened by three seconds.

As for Payne’s Shenluo Tianzheng, it takes a few seconds and needs to be verified in battle.

Although Shiyu knew the answer, he didn’t tell Shiyu everything to Kakashi and others, because he had never fought Tiandao.

Therefore, there are some things he didn’t tell in detail.

The reason why the Shenluo Tianzheng technique has a time interval is because this technique involves the connection of gravitation or repulsion and the human body.

Although both Shenra Tianzheng and Universal Pull belong to Wind Style, they have reached Ultimate and are evolving towards a new kind of escape technique.

This technique can be said to involve the use of Magnet Style, but it is also advanced.

Magnet Style is a combination of Wind Style and Earth Style!

From this it can be concluded that in addition to the power of Wind Style Ultimate and Earth Style Ultimate, Shinra Tianzheng and Universal Pull contain the power of Earth Style Ultimate.

…For flowers…

It can be said that these two techniques belong to the category of Blood Succession Limitation.

This is indeed the case.

Whether it is Byakugan, Sharingan, or Rinnegan, these three pupil techniques belong to the boundary of blood inheritance.

Therefore, the skills born from them naturally possess such abilities.

“I can already be sure that Heavenly Dao Payne uses this technique for five seconds.”

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Dingza said.

“The gap is so short, you can’t get close to him at all.”


“Yes, this technique is too pervert.” Chōji echoed.

“But… we only have this chance right now!”

Kakashi’s meaning is very clear, if the five of them want to reach heaven, they can only start from this flaw.

Otherwise, they will not have the slightest chance!

After hearing Kakashi’s words, the four members of the Dingzuo team also fell silent, apparently agreeing that it was the former.

At this moment, Kakashi’s voice rang again.

“I have a clever plan.

“However, I need your two to help each other!”

The two people referred to by Kakashi are naturally the Ding Zuo father and son, and he needs the secret technique of the Master of the two.

The Akamichi family has always been known for its strength in inherited skills!

Kakashi must rely on the strength of the two to defeat the heavens with one move.

Because he himself wants to be a bait, this is his tactic!


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