Chapter 671 Tailed beast mode! The power of evil!

“Now I’ll let you and I struggle on what basis!”

As Naruto’s voice fell, an astonishing power burst into his body in an instant.

This kind of power fluctuation is not in the least under Chakra, because he is more violent, domineering, and even with a kind of evil.

“Roar ”

After a loud roar, Naruto directly entered the tail beast mode.

Without any prelude, it came out in Three Tails mode, which is the limit that Naruto can withstand now.

If it is four, it is estimated to be violent!

Naruto was playing in this state. Deidara hugged her head, and could only flee away in a desperate manner.

And Naruto also knows that the enemy facing today is definitely stronger than Deidara, which is beyond doubt.

Therefore, he directly used the maximum limit that he could directly bear!

As that amazing power exploded, they all shook away the heavenly Dao that had stepped on him.

“The power of Nine Tails demon 957 fox?”

Seeing this scene, Tiandao also murmured to himself.

He knew that Jinchūriki would use the power of the tail beast, but almost all Jinchūriki could only use part of the tail beast’s power.

If it can be used completely, the Akatsuki organization will also be able to hunt them easily.

Fighting against Jinchūriki and Wildtail Beasts are two different things!

If the former can fully master the power of the tail beast, then the strength is definitely several times stronger than the latter, or even more.

Killer Bee is a typical example!

With Killer Bee’s strength, there are really few in Akatsuki’s organization that can capture him alive.

After Naruto turned into Three Tails mode, his power skyrocketed again.

Under the evil blessing and stimulation, Naruto’s temperament has also changed a little, and it is all blue nonsense (cgdd).


With the sound of breaking through the air, Naruto in Three Tails mode directly rushed towards the heaven.

At this moment, he was a little angry, in addition to protecting the village, there is also the Shen Zuo Immortal still in the latter’s hands.

Looking at the tail beast Naruto that was close at hand, Tiandao’s face still didn’t have much waves.

Tailed beast, it’s not that he has never fought with it!

He hunted Six Tails with his own hands, and he didn’t use the power of heaven at all.

Now Naruto is only in the state of Three Tails, so he didn’t take it seriously.

Without any hesitation, Shenluo Tianzheng was directly displayed.

Now Penn is the only one left, he can’t have too much scruples, otherwise the puppet’s Heavenly Dao will not be able to withstand this kind of attack several times.


Without any accident, when Shenluo Tianzheng came out, even Naruto in Three Tails mode was still unable to resist and flew out.


Naruto shot upside down and blasted directly on the surrounding wall of the court. In an instant, rubble was splashed, smoke and dust rolled upside down, like dragons rushing out of the ground, straight up into the sky.

call out!

With a sound, a figure suddenly flew out of the originally invisible smoke and dust, a fiery figure.

No accident, it is the tail beast Naruto!

With the blessing of Nine Tails Chakra, Payne’s attack did not cause him much damage.

Naruto rushed to Heaven’s Path again, but this time his speed was faster, because he was a little anxious.

Shen Zuo Xianren’s life is in the hands of the Master. He hesitates for a second, and the latter becomes a bit more dangerous.

Because of this, Naruto’s anger has risen again!

Because in the tail beast mode, his emotions were originally difficult to control, and now with this stimulus, he is naturally anxious.

So he directly entered the Four Tails state before, and this is why he has become faster at this moment.

At this time, Naruto had just entered Four Tails, and his consciousness was not too bad.

So his primary goal now is to save Shen Zuo Xianren, so that he can fight with confidence.

And the reason why he dared to release the power of Four Tails, naturally he knew the out of date Yu.

Shi Yu replied: You can let go of your hands and feet for a fight!

With Shiyu’s words, Naruto naturally has no scruples.

In his eyes, Shiyu is omnipotent, even Nine Tails sealed in his body cannot make waves in front of the latter.

As Naruto rushed forward, Tiandao once again performed Shenluo Tianzheng.


He didn’t fly Naruto this time, because the tail beast Naruto could withstand this secret technique.

This scene shocked Tiandao!

However, it was only a moment.

Four Tails Naruto only supported it for a moment, and then it bounced off again.

But even so, he still made Tiandao extremely serious, and he never thought that Naruto in the Four Tails state would be so powerful.

You know, this kind of Six Tails probably can’t do it!

At this moment, he seemed to understand one thing, that is: Nine Tails is much stronger than Six Tails!

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