Chapter 684 Tokiwa Takigawa! Behind the scenes!

“Leave it to me outside.”

Naruto would naturally not object to Shiyu’s words, because he wanted to stay with his parents for a while.

The same goes for Jiraiya, he also has a lot to say to Minato.

If he missed this opportunity, he was afraid that he would never have another chance. After all, Fourth Generation had already died in reality.

Shiyu smiled slightly at the Naruto family of three and Jiraiya, and then his figure disappeared from Naruto’s consciousness.

The second after Shi Yu disappeared, Kushina asked curiously.

“Minato, how do I feel like he is alone?”

Kushina is naturally referring to Isshin Takikawa, and she naturally knows the latter.

After all, are Takikawa Isshin and Minato good friends?

“As you think in your heart, Shiyu is the son of Isshin.”

“Oh, what I didn’t expect was that that guy was also in the Nine Tails disaster.

Although Minato didn’t finish speaking, Kushina already understood the follow-up, and there was a glimpse in his eyes. He obviously did not expect the latter couple to rush away like them.

She could feel Naruto’s mood at the moment, so the latter must be uncomfortable.

In her opinion, when Shi Yuzui said to deal with outside affairs, he was actually not afraid to see their family of three get upset and feel sad.

Not only Kushina thought of it like this, but also the others in the room.

However, this is not the case.

At this moment, Shiyu hadn’t thought about this at all, he just wanted to leave time to Naruto and the others, and deal with the outside affairs by the way.

Missing his parents really doesn’t have any obsessions for him.

The reason is simple, because he is a traverser!

It is for this reason that he will forget about this incident, but he never thought that his behavior made Kushina misunderstood.

Furthermore, Shi Yu has already included the two on the resurrection list.

Although they were cheap parents, Shi Yu felt that if he had this ability, he would naturally resurrect him.

Since he occupies the bodies of other people’s children, he should do something for them.

As for Fourth Generation and Kushina, Shi Yu also thought about it. If there is a place at that time, he will be resurrected.

After all, the two are not only Naruto’s parents, but also his parents’ friends.

Furthermore, he himself has different emotions for Fourth Generation, the latter is a character he likes very much.

At the same time, Naruto is in the spiritual world.

After Naruto, Jiraiya and Kushina had a short talk, Minato knew that he and Kushina were running out of time, and immediately switched the subject.

“Naruto, teacher Jiraiya々々.”

“When the Nine Tails monster attacked the village sixteen years ago, I discovered something.

Originally, Minato wanted to talk about this earlier, but the sudden arrival of Natoba and Jiraiya put the matter on hold.

But now that time is running out, he naturally told the two about this, hoping that they could stop the mysterious man’s conspiracy.

“Dad, what is it?” Naruto said.

“In fact, the arrival of Nine Tails back then was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!”


Naruto gave a stunned sound, but Jilai spit out the words “Sure enough”.

Obviously, Jiraiya has long been skeptical about this!

Because when Uzumaki Kushina was produced, Anbu was guarded, and even Minato was there in person.

But this kind of formation still let Nine Tails get out of trouble, this is one of them.

Second, none of the many Anbu guarding the production was alive. Even Third Generation’s wife Sarutobi Lake Biwa was killed on the spot.

Third, the birthplace is quite far away from Konoha, why did Nine Tails come here for no reason?

Is it just because of being sealed by Konoha for so long and wanting revenge?

Although this explanation makes sense, it is a bit far-fetched!

Because Nine Tails appeared directly in Konoha and was airborne, it means that it is very likely to be Summoning.

For this, the former Uchiha Madara tried his best to do it.

This is why after this incident, Konoha’s high-level officials will all target the Uchiha clan.

“”Although the man was repelled by me back then, he will definitely come to attack the village again. ”

“Dad, is it Payne that manipulated the Nine Tails demon fox to attack the village?”

No wonder Naruto would ask like this, (Nuo Zhao Zhao) because Payne is very strong.

And he is attacking Kimura at the moment, and his purpose is Nine Tails. The superposition of various factors makes them connect the two together.

Not only Naruto thought of it like this, but also Jiraiya.

Because it is possible to extrapolate from the timeline.

Nagato’s age is five years younger than Minato, and even if Nagato doesn’t have the current strength in sixteen years, it will never be too weak.

But it is a pity that their speculation was rejected by Fourth Generation.

“No, it’s not!”

“However, I can be sure that he is also one of Akatsuki’s members.”

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