Chapter 690 Yuzan of Heaven! Reincarnation Sacrifice!

Watching the thousands of Shadow Clone pounce at him, Nagato’s spirit at this moment is also extremely nervous.

Because his Shenluo Tianzheng hadn’t cooled down yet, he had no possibility of dodge in the face of such an all-round, dead-angle attack.

He never thought that Naruto had already considered this step when he was creating smoke, and he threw out the spiral shuriken to attract his attention and agreed to let his Shadow Clone quietly spread around and change into stones. Blind its attention.

“Damn it, just let it go!”

From Nagato’s words, it can be seen that he has left the victory to time to decide.

As long as Shinra Tianzheng cools down before Naruto’s fist touches him, then he has won.

Otherwise, he loses!

“It should be too late”

The reason why Nagato said this is because Naruto is in a wrong state at the moment.

The state here refers to neither the Naruto mental state nor the physical state, but the BUFF state.

At this time, Naruto has already exited Sage Mode, so his mobility has been reduced to a certain extent, that is to say, his speed is no longer as fast as the previous 983.

And this is Nagato’s only chance!

as predicted.

Everything was as expected by Nagato. After losing the buff of Sage Mode, Naruto’s speed was much lower than before, unable to break through his defense in a short two seconds.

Just when Naruto’s fist entered the three-foot range of Tiandao’s body, Tiandao’s Shenluo Tianzheng had already cooled down.


As a wave of air vibrated and rippled away, Naruto was disintegrated in the interval of a locust-like clone.

And the body hidden in it (cgdd) is no exception, and it is also bombed away.

But the matter did not end like this, Naruto came up with a seemingly stupid but very practical method in that unyielding will.

That is to continue to use the human sea tactics, which is to use human flesh sandbags!

I saw that Naruto controlled the avatar behind him and forced the repulsive force exerted on him by Shenluo Tianzheng to offset it. Not only that, but he also quickly counterattacked.

With the help of the clone, he directly condensed Rasengan.

And let the clone help oneself, throw the main body to the heaven that just finished using the Shenluo Tianzheng.

Ah, Naruto, who was still some distance away from Tiandao, came directly to Tiandao. Before he could react, a Rasengan was already pressing on him.

No way, now exhausted Nagato can’t control Heaven to avoid such a quick blow.

The reason for this is that the Chakra that his body can make is now very limited, and this is because of the use of the Gedo Statue.

Nagato’s Rinnegan does not belong to him, so when using the Gedo Statue, he needs to sacrifice his own Chakra as a medium, which is why he becomes skinny.

For this reason, Nagato usually uses Chakra from opponents absorbed by Hungry Kidō.

To be honest.

If his body does not suffer from such loss, it is absolutely impossible for Naruto to defeat him at the moment.

As descendants of the Uzumaki clan, Nagato’s system is naturally not inferior to Naruto.

Coupled with the Rinnegan container carefully selected by his Uchiha Madara, the system is naturally stronger than the general Uzumaki clan.

Naruto was able to fight with it to this point, but used three kinds of Chakra.

In addition to itself, there are Xianshu Chakra and Nine Tails Chakra.

As one trades up and down, Nagato’s winning side is naturally smaller.


Tiandao, who was hit by the front of the spiral, was directly smashed into the pile of rocks, and the maneuverability in his body was completely damaged.

In other words, Nagato has lost control of it!


Seeing that Nagato’s state was a bit wrong, Xiao Nan on the side also gave a worried cry.


“The last Penn was knocked down!”

A complex color appeared on Nagato’s face between the words, and he never thought that he would really lose to Naruto.

Although there are elements of his carelessness and underestimation of the enemy, he has to admit that the current Naruto does have the capital to fight him.

Looking at the fat Naruto standing in the heavenly path, everyone except Shi Yu was covered with an incredible color.

No one thought that even Jiraiya’s incompetent existence would lose to Naruto, the tail of the crane they always thought.

Not only that.

Naruto’s defeat of Penn is undoubtedly equivalent to protecting the village, which makes the Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Naruto, start to change.

Because of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Naruto slowly changed while cheering.

For these, Naruto didn’t care at the moment.

What he wanted to do at the moment was to find out Payne’s ontology. He wanted to question the latter face to face, and at the same time wanted to learn something from his mouth.

For example, ask him about the man who manipulated Nine Tails to attack Konoha sixteen years ago?

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