Chapter 832 Ushio Ninja Village! Third Generation Container!

After successfully acquiring the power of Nine Tails, Naruto’s status also changed.

At this moment, his whole body was enveloped by the golden Chakra, and his body exuded a powerful and pure power.

This Chakra is violent and evil in Nine Tails, but after being washed by the medium of Naruto, it becomes a kind of gentle and sacred.

Naruto felt his full power, and said with great excitement~.

“Shi Yu, I succeeded!”


“I finally fulfilled my mom and dad’s instructions, and I-finally did it!”

Minato and Uzumaki Kushina reappeared in Naruto’s mind between the words, especially when he heard that his mother was the upper-generation Jinchūriki.

“Naruto, you don’t know that I was your last Jinchūriki, and what I want to tell you must start here.”

“Mom, are you Jinchūriki too?” Naruto said in astonishment.


Kushina nodded, and then said: “I am the ninja who was selected as the second Jinchūriki. To be precise, I came to Konoha Shinobi Village to be the Jinchūriki of Nine Tails.”

“Uh” Naruto was taken aback, and immediately asked, “Why? Why do you, a native of another country, want to become Konoha’s Jinchūriki?”

“Although I am from a village in another country, the fire country and the Uzumaki country are allies, and the Konoha Shinobi village and Uzumaki Ninja village have a deep relationship. The Senju clan where the First Hokage of Konoha Village was originally located is with Uzushio. The village was a distant relative, and later in-laws were formed.”

“Because the people in Ushio Village have strong vitality, Ushio Ninja Village has been called a Longevity Village, where people who are good at using sealing techniques live.

“However, their temperament is a bit rude!”

“The seal of the four elephants on your stomach was originally developed in our village, and most of the seals your father knew were taught by me.,

“And Naruto, the logo on the back of your clothes is the national emblem of Uzumaki Ninja Village!”

“Currently on Konoha Shinobi’s village ninja costumes, this mark is also used as an iron proof of a friend.

“But it’s a pity that Ushio Chao Ninja Village was gone when I was a kid!”

“Not here? Why?” Naruto asked in a puzzled way.

In his opinion, Uzumaki Ninja Village has already formed an alliance with Konoha Shinobi Village, so why is it gone?

Nowadays, Naruto knows that part of his blood belongs to this village, so he also has a certain degree of concern for the latter, which is human nature.

“In that era of war, everyone was afraid of the sealing ability of the Uzumaki clan, so they were targeted and destroyed!”

“It is said that all the survivors of Qiao Xing hide their identities and are scattered all over the world.”


Naruto muttered, his expression was extremely excited. He had already hidden the village or disbanded for some reason. What he never expected was that he was annihilated.

What is the difference between this tragedy and the Uchiha clan that Sasuke belongs to?

…For flowers…

According to the information he now knows, it is also because Konoha’s high-level leaders have been repelling them because of their fear of the Uchiha clan’s power, which eventually led to the latter’s rebelliousness and ultimately the tragedy of annihilation.

“All you don’t know is that when people in Uzumaki Ninja Village are born, some people have special abilities. For example, I have a powerful Chakra that can suppress Nine Tails when I am born.”

“And my predecessor, Jinchūriki, is also a female ninja from Uzumaki Ninja Village. She is also the wife of First Hokage, named Uzumaki Mito!”

“This is the beginning of the marriage between Konoha Shinobizha Village and Ushio Ninja Village. This is why I was later sent to Konoha Shinobizha Village, and one of the reasons why you will be selected as the Third Generation Jinchūriki by Minato. .

“So, the Uzumaki clan is regarded by the world as a race that suppresses the tail beasts!”

“And apart from this incident, do you know about the battle that First Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara saw only?”

“I’ve heard of it.” Naruto truthfully Kaidō.

“Then you should also know that Uchiha used the power of Nine Tails in that battle, and the final result is that First Hokage won the battle, then the follow-up problem will come, which is the handling of Nine Tails. ”

“In order to help get First Hokage to obtain Nine Tails, Mito-sama seals the force Nine Tails into her body through a sealing technique, and she

“It became the first generation of Nine Tails Jinchūriki!” factory.

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