Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan
Chapter 31 - Uchiha Kiyomi.
This chapter was edited by [Bleakabyss]
Could any kind soul tell me who the mizukage was before and during world war 3?
Duy was a little helpless at his son's question, anyone with a little knowledge would know who this excited girl is. As she was none other than the princess of the Uchiha clan.
She is what you would call the opposite. No She is completely the opposite of all uchiha. For one she is lively, outgoing and very friendly which seems to warm the hearts of everyone and not to mention she is really cute.
She can melt anyone's heart. She is very much liked by the people of Konoha because of her sympathetic personality.
Guy is a lot. He is hardworking, diligent, determined, but intelligence wasn't his strong suit.
"She is the princess of the Uchiha clan, Guy" his father spoke softly so that only they could hear.
Guy nodded, a little embarrassed, actually. Now he remembered that he had seen her in the room and with Eiji no less.
"Yohalooooo Eiji!!!" Kiyomi said as she jumped into his arms with her face planted into his ċhėst savoring his scent.
Not far behind, a woman with red hair that was straight and reached all the way to her ankles with short shoulder length strands that framed both sides on her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left, she is fair-skinned and slender, while having mesmerising violet eyes and she is walking behind Kiyomi with a smile on her face.
Kakashi spotted an evil smile behind Kiyomi. 'What is this demon doing here?' Kakashi was horrified, he didn't expect that this red haired, terrifying tentacle monster would come, suddenly Kakashi started looking around trying to find the demon's sacred weapon, the frying pan!
Eiji couldn't even notice Kushina coming his way, because with Kiyomi in his arms he was rendered speechless. "Hi Kiyomi, how are you?" asked Eiji on autopilot.
"Hnnnn!! I'm doing great" She pulled her face away from his ċhėst and responded with glee, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
Watching her cute student totally lost in a world of his own, a cheeky smile crawled its way to her face, and she punched him lightly on the head, "Eiji!!!, are you so happy in your own world that you couldn't even see me, your beautiful sensei standing right here?" rubbing his head with one hand but still using his other hand to hold on to Kiyomi not letting her go.
You could hardly ever see Eiji so spaced out or unresponsive, it's only when he is with Kiyomi that he tunes out of reality and hops straight into fantasy
Feeling the blow to his head, Eiji came to it. "H-huh?" Only then did Eiji notice Kushina laughing at him. "When are you going to let her go, Eiji?" The smile on her face became more mischievous.
(Editor: Kakashi must be shitting himself right now)
Eiji felt his face heat up, but with his super thick skin he ignored everything and asked directly. "What are you doing here, Kushina-neesan?" In fact, it was Mikoto who was supposed to accompany her here.
For some unknown reason, Fugaku refused to meet Eiji, even though he had been friends with sakumo for years.
(Editor: what could he say, after all he is not really interested in little boys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. is he?)
"Obviously I should accompany my newest student who is all so very cute, don't you agree?" Kushina was extremely happy with this arrangement.
Kakashi paled at the news, why wouldn't he after all it's like having a monkey in your housing constantly stealing your bananas and in his case it is Kushina constantly giving off eerie vibes and it was as if he was seeing flying pans around her figure just waiting to strike!
"You mean?" The sound of a bell rang in Eiji's mind quickly.
Kiyomi approached Eiji again, but this time she tilted her head towards him with a cute smile. "Let's get along E-I-J-I" with a light giggle as she covers her mouth.
(Editor: man imagine her breath…)
Kushina was extremely happy, now she had two extremely cute students!.
'I knew this woman was crazy.' Kakashi's body was ready to run from his current position any second! Anywhere would be better and safer as long as he stays away from her.
He still remembered how he was beaten by her in the hokage's room, no one dared to save him from their hands. They are all traitors, in front of her, he trusted no one.
Sensing something, she fixed her gaze on Kakashi. "What's wrong kakashi-kun?" She noticed his tensed leg muscles that were ready as if he was planning to run.
Unconsciously, Kakashi took a step back, gulping as he spoke a little nervously. "N-nothing" fully vigilant.
Amused by his reaction, Kushina reluctantly decided to stop teasing the boy; he would probably disappear if she went near him.
(Editor: Trust me, man might just awaken mangekyou sharingan just to kamui away from you)
Diverting her attention, she turned to the Sakumo who was sitting on the porch of the house watching everything that was happening. "Good morning, Sakumo-san, I hope I'm not intruding." Kushina greeted him politely.
Almost everyone was shocked by what they saw. The fact that this woman knew manners was unbelievable!.
Following her sensei's example Kiyomi politely greeted him too. "Good morning sakumo-sama, pleased to meet you and thank you for letting us in" as she bowed.
Sakumo was having fun with their sincere attitude towards him but good things must come to an end so he slowly stood up. "I already said that you can just call me Sakumo, Kushina," he told her jokingly.
His gaze shifted to the little girl, he crouched around her height and said warmly. "You must be the little Kiyomi-chan I hear so much about?" he asked as he stroked her hair.
"Hnnnnn!!" She nodded as she enjoyed Sakumo stroking her hair.
"You're adorable," Said Sakumo while still stroking little Kiyomi's hair.
Kushina was a little embarrassed as she wanted to say something. But Sakumo noticed her unease and asked her directly. "What do you want me to do kushina? You can tell me." He smiled warmly.
Kushina was a little relieved, even after what had happened, Sakumo was still the same one she knew. "Y-can you teach Kiyomi too? Ninjutsu i mean?" She blushed after asking.
Almost everyone already knew why she asked this, he knew almost all the ninjutsu, as she was never interested in them, so there's no way to teach... and her Kenjutsu and genjutsu were even worse... It was amazing that she was still a jonin.
"Of course, but I think Eiji is the better choice for that part, but if she wants to I can still train her in Kenjutsu and the other arts." replied Sakumo casually.
He might as well get busy doing something instead of just thinking bullshit all day, his kids were bugging him every day to do something productive.
Kushina's eyes sparkled. "Really!?? Thank you so much sakumo!" Kushina punched the air as if she had been given a month of free ramen at Ichiraku.
Hearing the conversation, Kiyomi approached Eiji as she spoke, "Eiji, I still don't know how to do [Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu]" She spoke softly because she was embarrassed.
With the uchiha standards she was told that her jutsu performance was just "passable" . It wasn't good or decent. That hurts her a little.
"Tch tch tch!" Said Eiji, waving his index finger left and right while speaking with a tone of knowledge and wisdom. "Real ninjas don't say [Fire style: fireball jutsu] Kiyomi...'' Eiji shook his head in disappointment.
"Ehhhh… So what do they say?" She was so innocent that she ended up believing eiji's bullshit.
"Real ninjas say [Fire style: SPIT FIRE]" said Eiji with an exaggerated movement.
(Editor: he was doing backflips and all)
Kiyomi's eyes sparkled. "Woooow". clapping her hands cheering Eiji on.
Could any kind soul tell me who the mizukage was before and during world war 3?
Duy was a little helpless at his son's question, anyone with a little knowledge would know who this excited girl is. As she was none other than the princess of the Uchiha clan.
She is what you would call the opposite. No She is completely the opposite of all uchiha. For one she is lively, outgoing and very friendly which seems to warm the hearts of everyone and not to mention she is really cute.
She can melt anyone's heart. She is very much liked by the people of Konoha because of her sympathetic personality.
Guy is a lot. He is hardworking, diligent, determined, but intelligence wasn't his strong suit.
"She is the princess of the Uchiha clan, Guy" his father spoke softly so that only they could hear.
Guy nodded, a little embarrassed, actually. Now he remembered that he had seen her in the room and with Eiji no less.
"Yohalooooo Eiji!!!" Kiyomi said as she jumped into his arms with her face planted into his ċhėst savoring his scent.
Not far behind, a woman with red hair that was straight and reached all the way to her ankles with short shoulder length strands that framed both sides on her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left, she is fair-skinned and slender, while having mesmerising violet eyes and she is walking behind Kiyomi with a smile on her face.
Kakashi spotted an evil smile behind Kiyomi. 'What is this demon doing here?' Kakashi was horrified, he didn't expect that this red haired, terrifying tentacle monster would come, suddenly Kakashi started looking around trying to find the demon's sacred weapon, the frying pan!
Eiji couldn't even notice Kushina coming his way, because with Kiyomi in his arms he was rendered speechless. "Hi Kiyomi, how are you?" asked Eiji on autopilot.
"Hnnnn!! I'm doing great" She pulled her face away from his ċhėst and responded with glee, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
Watching her cute student totally lost in a world of his own, a cheeky smile crawled its way to her face, and she punched him lightly on the head, "Eiji!!!, are you so happy in your own world that you couldn't even see me, your beautiful sensei standing right here?" rubbing his head with one hand but still using his other hand to hold on to Kiyomi not letting her go.
You could hardly ever see Eiji so spaced out or unresponsive, it's only when he is with Kiyomi that he tunes out of reality and hops straight into fantasy
Feeling the blow to his head, Eiji came to it. "H-huh?" Only then did Eiji notice Kushina laughing at him. "When are you going to let her go, Eiji?" The smile on her face became more mischievous.
(Editor: Kakashi must be shitting himself right now)
Eiji felt his face heat up, but with his super thick skin he ignored everything and asked directly. "What are you doing here, Kushina-neesan?" In fact, it was Mikoto who was supposed to accompany her here.
For some unknown reason, Fugaku refused to meet Eiji, even though he had been friends with sakumo for years.
(Editor: what could he say, after all he is not really interested in little boys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. is he?)
"Obviously I should accompany my newest student who is all so very cute, don't you agree?" Kushina was extremely happy with this arrangement.
Kakashi paled at the news, why wouldn't he after all it's like having a monkey in your housing constantly stealing your bananas and in his case it is Kushina constantly giving off eerie vibes and it was as if he was seeing flying pans around her figure just waiting to strike!
"You mean?" The sound of a bell rang in Eiji's mind quickly.
Kiyomi approached Eiji again, but this time she tilted her head towards him with a cute smile. "Let's get along E-I-J-I" with a light giggle as she covers her mouth.
(Editor: man imagine her breath…)
Kushina was extremely happy, now she had two extremely cute students!.
'I knew this woman was crazy.' Kakashi's body was ready to run from his current position any second! Anywhere would be better and safer as long as he stays away from her.
He still remembered how he was beaten by her in the hokage's room, no one dared to save him from their hands. They are all traitors, in front of her, he trusted no one.
Sensing something, she fixed her gaze on Kakashi. "What's wrong kakashi-kun?" She noticed his tensed leg muscles that were ready as if he was planning to run.
Unconsciously, Kakashi took a step back, gulping as he spoke a little nervously. "N-nothing" fully vigilant.
Amused by his reaction, Kushina reluctantly decided to stop teasing the boy; he would probably disappear if she went near him.
(Editor: Trust me, man might just awaken mangekyou sharingan just to kamui away from you)
Diverting her attention, she turned to the Sakumo who was sitting on the porch of the house watching everything that was happening. "Good morning, Sakumo-san, I hope I'm not intruding." Kushina greeted him politely.
Almost everyone was shocked by what they saw. The fact that this woman knew manners was unbelievable!.
Following her sensei's example Kiyomi politely greeted him too. "Good morning sakumo-sama, pleased to meet you and thank you for letting us in" as she bowed.
Sakumo was having fun with their sincere attitude towards him but good things must come to an end so he slowly stood up. "I already said that you can just call me Sakumo, Kushina," he told her jokingly.
His gaze shifted to the little girl, he crouched around her height and said warmly. "You must be the little Kiyomi-chan I hear so much about?" he asked as he stroked her hair.
"Hnnnnn!!" She nodded as she enjoyed Sakumo stroking her hair.
"You're adorable," Said Sakumo while still stroking little Kiyomi's hair.
Kushina was a little embarrassed as she wanted to say something. But Sakumo noticed her unease and asked her directly. "What do you want me to do kushina? You can tell me." He smiled warmly.
Kushina was a little relieved, even after what had happened, Sakumo was still the same one she knew. "Y-can you teach Kiyomi too? Ninjutsu i mean?" She blushed after asking.
Almost everyone already knew why she asked this, he knew almost all the ninjutsu, as she was never interested in them, so there's no way to teach... and her Kenjutsu and genjutsu were even worse... It was amazing that she was still a jonin.
"Of course, but I think Eiji is the better choice for that part, but if she wants to I can still train her in Kenjutsu and the other arts." replied Sakumo casually.
He might as well get busy doing something instead of just thinking bullshit all day, his kids were bugging him every day to do something productive.
Kushina's eyes sparkled. "Really!?? Thank you so much sakumo!" Kushina punched the air as if she had been given a month of free ramen at Ichiraku.
Hearing the conversation, Kiyomi approached Eiji as she spoke, "Eiji, I still don't know how to do [Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu]" She spoke softly because she was embarrassed.
With the uchiha standards she was told that her jutsu performance was just "passable" . It wasn't good or decent. That hurts her a little.
"Tch tch tch!" Said Eiji, waving his index finger left and right while speaking with a tone of knowledge and wisdom. "Real ninjas don't say [Fire style: fireball jutsu] Kiyomi...'' Eiji shook his head in disappointment.
"Ehhhh… So what do they say?" She was so innocent that she ended up believing eiji's bullshit.
"Real ninjas say [Fire style: SPIT FIRE]" said Eiji with an exaggerated movement.
(Editor: he was doing backflips and all)
Kiyomi's eyes sparkled. "Woooow". clapping her hands cheering Eiji on.
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