Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 117 - 117. Uchiha Matters

Gaara cried a lot that night. He basically let go of all his emotions and surprisingly, in one single night, his whole personality changed. Gone was the gloomy and angry Gaara. He seemed to smile now while looking at Naruto's shenanigans.

But, Shiroken had to help him get close to his brother and sister. So he called Temari and Kankuro to come with him and eat at Ichiraku ramen. Ramen for breakfast was weird.

"Temari and Kankuro, you two do not need to be afraid of Gaara anymore. He's a good kid. I talked to him yesterday. All the attacks he was doing and his anger were due to his insomnia. Having a tailed beast inside you is not easy. Everything is fine now, however.. He will not get angry and he will not try to kill you." Shiroken told them the gist of it.

Temari and Kankuro stared at Gaara. Temari was the first to notice the changes in him. Gaara's face looked much better now, there was no constant frown on his forehead. His eyes also looked calm. She guessed that if he was an insomniac then he must also have a tingling headache all the time.

She got off from her seat and walked to Gaara. "Is he telling the truth, Gaara?"

Gaara, who longed for relationships, closeness and friends, nodded immediately. "I talked with Shukaku and he has agreed he won't create problems for me."


She suddenly hugged her little brother. Gaara felt warm and cherished for the first time. In this world, Kankuro and Temari were the only family left for him. Everyone else was dead, his uncle, his father and also his mother.

Kankuro also didn't stay back and jumped to hug his little brother. Even though for some reason Kankuro had a dislike for young kids, thankfully it didn't span towards his own young brother.

Shiroken smiled giddily, "Well, let's eat then. TEUCHI, THE USUALS. And have you packed the crate of dumplings for me?"

Teuchi was pumped as always. Shiroken was a whale spender. He had asked him for 1000 dumplings to take to the Dama Country. Heck, Shiroken even ate so much that his single visit would make Teuchi earn more than he would make from a whole week. And Shiroken came every day.

"Everything is ready, Lord Dama. Children, what do you want?" Teuchi asked the Suna siblings.

They cheerfully ate their breakfast in peace. But someone was keeping an eye on them. However, Shiroken already knew it.


Inside the Hokage Office.

Tsunade sat in her chair, but she was not doing paperwork right now. Because she had to make the toughest decision right now. It was... what to do with Itachi?

In front of her stood Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke and Monari. There was also Hiruzen since all this mess was made during his tenure. She looked at Hiruzen, "So, did you have anything planned for when Itachi finishes his mission, Lord Third?"

She had lost all respect for Hiruzen and didn't even call him sensei anymore. Even Jiraiya did not call him sensei. And now it was hitting Hiruzen hard, as he felt that he failed as the Hokage and also as a teacher. His hair had completely turned white before he retired, now, he was balding.

"No... Lady Tsunade. We did not really expect that Itachi would return someday." Hiruzen replied.

Tsunade glared at him narrowly. Itachi was a world-renowned missing-nin. His power was in the same categories as the strongest Kages to have ever existed. She hated that Konoha let go of such a powerhouse. "So you expected him to just die. I'm glad Itachi didn't turn on us and also decided to destroy the village, which seems to be the norm these days.

Well, Itachi Uchiha, what do you personally think? You got any plans?" She asked.

Itachi, now wearing a red coloured haori, looked like a good civilian, a very handsome one. Shiroken had given the full authority of dealing with Itachi to Monari. The reason being that if Shiroken were to judge, he would directly kill Itachi. But, considering so many background things that happened, the involvement of Danzo, Obito as 'Madara' and that black thing, Shiroken didn't even know what was the truth anymore.

Itachi spoke in his calm monotonous voice, "I have no plans. I have been loyal to Konoha. I will accept whatever the village decides."

Tsunade nodded, "If I were to go by normal laws, you would be put to death for eradicating the Uchiha clan. But people do not know what happened behind the scenes. However, they don't care about the truth either, as in their eyes, you shall always be a traitor, who destroyed his own clan. A Parricide who killed his own parents. No matter how much I tell them that you are friendly, they shall always see you as a criminal.

So, you can not live in this village. Itachi Uchiha, I am officially removing you from the Konoha registry. From now on, you have no village, no nationality. And since Lady Monari is the eldest Uchiha alive, she holds the right to decide what to do with you. But she is not a person of Konoha, so I can not meddle in this."

Itachi was taken aback but not surprised. The best thing Konoha could do was kill him and silence him. But since Shisui and Monari were with him, nobody would dare to do so. The best option for them was to kill him on paper.

Monari walked to Itachi and put her heavy hand on his shoulder, "Hehe... I guess you're coming with us, boy."

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Sasuke interrupted.

Tsunade immediately denied, "You're a shinobi of Konoha. Besides, your brother can still come here whenever he wants but with a different identity."

Sasuke was not as small to throw tantrums for such things, so he accepted. "Then... can I also go with him?"

"No, you need to focus on your training. Naruto is only going because he needs to let the tailed beast out of himself. He will return as soon as possible and get to work with Team 7 under Kakashi." Tsunade argued.

This was it for Sasuke's hopes and dreams. Monari, however, ruffled his hair, "Kid, grow up first. Don't always think about training and getting stronger. There are too many things in life that cannot be overlooked. Make some friends and play with them. Under Lord Dama, we're living in a peaceful world."

Nobody had doubts about that. Anybody that would try to start a war at this point would most likely get stomped. They truly pitied Iwa and Kumo at this point. The two villages were planning an attack against Shiroken.

Monari waved her bye, "Then I will leave, Lady Hokage. We need to head back to Sunagakure in an hour. Everyone, follow me."

Shisui and Itachi followed her behind, leaving Sasuke alone, who also left soon. But he didn't cry. However, as soon as Tsunade was left alone, Shiroken barged in. "WHO THE F..." She was about to shout but didn't after seeing who it was.

Shiroken without saying anything put a few papers on her desk, "Sign these. These are preferential trade agreements. Konoha and the Fire Country are suffering from unemployment. With this trade agreement, I will be able to allow business owners in Konoha to open factories here and give people a job. In return, you will also let them export and import products at a reduced rate of tax. The same goes with the Wind Country, although they have no industry, they still make a few items that are not found anywhere else.

"These agreements are between the Dama, Wind, Fire, Waves and Water countries."

Tsunade read the papers carefully. She frowned a little, "Won't this be bad for the Fire Country?" She asked.

Shiroken took a seat and explained, "Tsunade, understand one thing. My dream is not just to stop all wars and make a peaceful world. Because as long as countries and their borders exist, there shall always be a divide, and human greed takes advantage of that divide. I am going to remove all borders, creating one huge landmass. There will still be Kages and Shinobi villages, but no countries.

"Tell me, do these deals still sound bad? Because all people across the world will belong to one single side. Today, I provide jobs to people, tomorrow when they get rich, they can create their own companies. The main point is to keep an eye and not let any company or trader establish a monopoly where he forces other competitions to die out."

Tsunade thought about it. She could not really make any decisions about the country since it was beyond her authority as per the signed agreement. All she could think about was the village. And from the trade agreement, her village would gain a lot.

*Sigh* "I hope I don't regret this." She sighed and just signed them.

Shiroken smiled and assured her, "You won't. You have my promise, Tsunade."

The way he said it, she blushed and cursed herself internally. ~I... shouldn't have allowed him to call me by my name directly. He says it with such... closeness.~

She handed the papers back to him, "Thank you for your work, Lord Dama. I hope you keep on showing your face in the village every once in a while. You are currently the people's favourite elder You're probably even more famous than me."

He agreed, "I will return to meet many clan heads, but you should quickly deal with your hemophobia and start treating people. This will make you famous once again."

However, his advice made her go pale, "I... I tried, Lord Dama. But I can't seem to be able to get over it."


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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