Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 33 - 33. The Blind Uchiha

Shiroken didn't allow the new people to become a part of his clan. The Nidama clan didn't accept people out of anywhere. The people he had saved were made to set up their new village.

The normal people of Tea Country were confused why so much celebration was going on in the Daimyo palace district. It was decorated to the brim, lots of traders were invited to bring some special goods and food. The whole Nidama clan was cheering and laughing like they had all hit a fortune. ​​

Unknown to them, they really had hit a fortune. Because Shiroken was their de facto ruler, their leader and their protector. With him around, they did not need to worry about anything.

Shiroken was also in awe when he found out they had already taken over the country. On top of that, they had made a magnificent castle as well as the capital city around it, though mostly the Nidama Family lived there and operated many businesses. It was more of a financial capital along with being an administrative capital.

People wore good clothes there, horse carriages also looked beautiful, carrying people around. The tall pagoda styled buildings gave it a very peaceful and yet modern feel with their catchy paint.

"You really built a very remarkable place, Jin," Shiroken said in praise. He was currently sitting in the Daimyo's office, with Monari, Jin, Fumiko and the old village Elder present.

Jin smiled, "After we lost the village, I wanted to create something that would surpass that, a new memory we could all hold on to. Now that you are here, I can finally retire and you can take up all the responsibilities."

Shiroken quickly waved his hand, "No, no... That's not going to happen. I have different plans, Jin. First, let me tell you all that happened to me when I was stuck in that crystal. I was constantly watching everything around me. The pain, the deaths, and the misery I saw... I have a new goal now... I have the power, Jin. And if I don't use it now to change the world, I will not be able to sleep at night."

He told them everything. About the wars, about the deaths. About what he saw in Konoha not long ago. How the Shinobi villages were still at each other's throats. Always trying to start a new war. He gave the example of Kirigakure, which was still being called the Bloody Mist, for their practices and cruel methods.

"Then what are you planning on doing? Fight them?" Monari asked.

"No, contain them. You understand that these Shinobi villages and their Kage are not the supreme authority in their lands. Daimyo, although weak and powerless, holds absolute authority. They can stop giving the shinobi village money, stop their trades, or even the missions. But, they are normally so weak that they are afraid of even raising their voices when the Shinobi village does something wrong.

"But in most cases, these Daimyo are so detached from reality and so corrupt that they don't care about what happens to the world as long as their existence is ensured. And the shinobi villages always send some people to guard the Daimyo whenever a big conflict is going on, this is so the Shinobi villages can ensure their own survival.

"I am going to bring every single Daimyo in the world under my thumb and declare myself the Supreme Daimyo, of all the lands in the world. What can the Shinobi villages do when their Daimyo has agreed to my appointment? Maybe some will try to challenge me or assassinate me, they can try, and it will just give me more reason to strike back at them harder."

"So are we going to take a hard approach or a soft approach?" Jin inquired.

Shiroken got up and looked out of the window of the room. This Daimyo castle was very high and overlooked the vast ocean. "Both, we will use both approaches. Except for Konohagakure, other villages don't know anything about me or the clan. So, before they even realise what's going on, I will be done with my work.

"But, I suspect there is something more mysterious going on. There was a strange creature that was keeping an eye on me. Isobu said the creature looked somewhat like something he had seen in the past. I will have to investigate that as well."

"What about the Saint Beasts?" Fumiko inquired. After all, these beasts were like beloved gods to them, without them, the family would always be incomplete.

"I will get them back too. But, I need to find a way to extract them without killing the Jinchuriki, because in most cases, the Jinchurikis had no choice, as they were kids when the bijuu were sealed in them. However, I'm sure there are some bad seeds too, I will kill them and take out the bijuu immediately." Shiroken planned. He was not against violence as it was a necessary evil, he was just against killing innocents.


"Then, I will have to continue to work as Daimyo. It's going to be exhausting." Jin muttered.

Shiroken went to him and placed the little Shirajin on Jin's lap. "Don't worry, I will not let you get tired too much. I don't want Monari to complain that she does not get any alone time with her husband."

"HEY! I never complained." Monari yelled.

Jin chuckled, "Really?"

"Are you suggesting something else?" She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Shiroken burst out in laughter, "Haha, stop, you two. Anyway, if we are going to celebrate, why not make toys in the shape of all the Saint Beasts? Make them look cute, I'm sure all the children and women will love them. This way, we can slowly create a new generation that does not fear them. And when we finally have all the bijuu back, they will be able to roam around without worrying about scaring someone."


"That's a bright idea, I will make sure they look as cute as possible. THIS IS A MAN'S PROMISE!" The old village head, Rakumatsu, nearly 160 years old, shouted. Ever since he had gotten stronger and started exercising, he had fallen in love with bodybuilding. Now, he looked buffed but still old. He had found his second youth in this old age. The old man even wore glasses now because in his own words "It looks stylish.". [A/N: Just imagine master Roshi but without perversion.]

"But what will we tell the country? They need to know why we are celebrating this day." Fumiko voiced.

Everyone thought hard. Then Monari just shrugged, "Just tell them that we are celebrating the return of a very strong ancestor. He's old enough after all."

"Wait, are you calling me too old?" Shiroken faced her with false anger.

She looked away, "Maybe. Come, Shirajin, I will show you the funny songs your old uncle used to write. But 90 per cent are about dumplings so you might fall asleep soon."

Shiroken chuckled, "Hehe, she hasn't changed at all."

"She's just too happy with you back," Jin said, standing beside him and putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome back, Shiro. We were worried if you'd even come back in our lifetime, no matter how long it is. You should go out and meet the clan members too, it will make them happy." Jin advised.

"I will, Jin. But I need to wake up a few people that I had saved before. Where is the medical centre here?"

Jin took him to their well-developed medical centre in the palace. The doctors here were not ninjas, instead, they were Nidama clan members, they practised and researched intensively on animal bodies and dead human bodies, slowly learning about the art of operations and healing.

They were still learning though. Shiroken suggested something, "Maybe later I can get you some medical ninja scrolls. They should help you to some extent."

The doctors were elated hearing this and bowed to him.

Shiroken was then taken to an empty room by Jin. There, he put the scroll on the table and opened it.


The body of the boy that was missing an arm and leg appeared. His wounds were non-existent now, even his face was somewhat healed with only a few scars left.

Shiroken made the boy wake up. He was in a coma for so many years now after all. The boy's eyes quickly opened and he started breathing very fast.

"Calm down, you are safe. You are alive." Shiroken tried to ease him. The boy probably remembers the events just before his death as if they happened a second ago.

"It has been 35 years since that event took place. Will you tell me your name and where you are from? I will take you to your home." Shiroken offered him after a bit.

But even the prospect of going to his home didn't excite the boy and his eyes seemed as hazy as before. Now that his shock had subsided, the boy seemed to be a statue.


Shiroken snapped his fingers in front of the boy's eyes. They didn't even flinch. "He still seems to be in shock from the trauma. I guess he will not be moving around. I have already healed him physically, I don't know why he's like this now. Maybe he needs some time to get used to?"

Shiroken put him in a wheelchair and took out the next scroll. In this one, the boy with no eyes was stored. His body was also in a coma for the past year.

He didn't know about this boy, his eyes were missing and there was no way to tell if he had woken up. Though he was indeed moving a little.

"Are you awake?" Shiroken asked.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

The boy all of a sudden shouted and released a giant fireball from his mouth. It was big, much bigger than all the people Shiroken had seen do in his life. Maybe not bigger than Monari though.

Shiroken didn't even flinch and put his hand on the boy's mouth, absorbing the whole fireball by converting its element into Natural Energy.

"Calm down, boy. It's been years since you fell in the river. I saved you from there. What's your name?" Shiroken asked him in a calm voice.

"Who are you?" The boy asked. He knew better than to give away his name so easily.

"I am Shiroken Dama, head of the Dama and Nidama clan, and by my side is Jin Nidama, the Daimyo of Tea Country. He's a good friend of mine. Now, you tell me about yourself, that's what basic courtesy is." Shiroken replied.

The boy stayed silent for a while. Most probably weighing his options. In the end, he realised that he was stuck. His fireball didn't even make the people move, and he could not see either.

"I am Shisui Uchiha,"


[You can see Dama City and the old man Rakumatsu on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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