Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 55 - 55. MY MILKY MILKY COWS

Jiraiya left in a sullen mood. Shiroken was unaffected. His mind and goals were already set and he had already decided what he was going to do.

He would not teach a lesson to Konoha before taking over the Daimyo's office. And once he'd done that, he'd make Konoha feel helpless and hopeless, just as the people of Dama village felt when they were forced to once again move away from their home. ​​

It was weird, how the people of Dama village were in the first place dispositioned by the Uchiha and Senju clan fighting, after that Shiroken found them. Then, they were again being displaced by the Senju.

So, Shiroken wanted the Konoha to feel the same level of despair as their ancestors spread, and the current ninjas still spread in smaller countries and villages. The Shinobi villages are too ruthless, and Shiroken will teach them a lesson by being one level higher. What can a puny Shinobi village do when the Ruler of the Nation decrees something? Will they declare war on the country? On the Daimyo? Shiroken would warmly welcome any such efforts.

A person can only understand another's pain when they experience it themselves, even if it's momentarily. That's what he believed in.

"SHIRO! COME AND JOIN US!" Saiken chirped from the lake.

He smiled devilishly and flew to them, "Are you sure? I'm not weak little Shiro now. Wanna wrestle?"

"Hehe, yes, let's do it. But don't be sad if you can't defeat the two of us." Saiken proudly said.


Shiroken threw water on them as if it was a fountain falling from the sky. By the time the water cleared, Shiroken had disappeared.

"Ha? Where did he go?" Isobu looking around.

"Waa..." Saiken exclaimed suddenly.

The next moment, Saiken's body was elevated into the air as Shiroken appeared to be lifting him. "Hahaha, I am strong, you two."

"WOAH! I think you can really beat Kurama." Isobu was awed at the scene.

Shiroken laughed, "Hehe, I'm gonna try that later. Anyway, Saiken, wanna see your new farm?"

Saiken immediately got excited, "Yes yes... Let's go. MY MILKY MILKY COWS!"

So he took Saiken away, Isobu decided to swim a bit more to feel satisfied.


When Dama City was full of cheers, a small team of Shinobi arrived at Land of Waves.

"Why are we even in this stinky little country? I thought this was a dangerous mission, where are the dangers?" Naruto lazily walked ahead of the group and complained.

"No work is big or small, Naruto. In the end, it's all about making a living." Kakashi said.

"Huh, I get free food anyway. I wanna fight somebody. Some strong ninja, so I can show my secret ninja moves." Naruto proudly punched the air.

"Pa Pa-pa... PA... I would punch them to smithereens." He boasted.


"Aooo... What the hell was that?" Naruto fell back after bumping into something, or someone. He looked forward, there turned out to be a man with a bandage covered face and in a Shinobi dress. He also had a big, long sword on his back.

Excitedly Naruto got up, "YES! Finally some fighting. Let's do this, stranger."


Kakashi knocked on Naruto's face, "We're not here to cause trouble. Stick to the mission, that was the first rule."

"Register yourself at the gate before entering," Zabuza ordered them.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked annoyedly.

"I am the governor of this country, Zabuza Momochi. Why have you come here, Konoha Shinobi?" Zabuza questioned them like some immigration officer.


Kakashi immediately stood on guard, his two kunai out in attack stance. "This... This isn't a B rank mission, it just turned A rank."

Following him, the three Genin also got into a stance, "What's the matter, Kakashi sensei?" they asked.

"He is an S-rank missing-nin from Kirigakure, step back, you can not fight him," Kakashi warned them.

However, Zabuza didn't even move from his place or even take his sword in hand. He just seemed very uninterested. His eyes were, as always, tired. He was really tired to be honest, being the governor of a country, he was getting a really good salary, but his work was also too much. These days, sensing new opportunities to steal and swindle, many criminals tried to enter the country. Of course, the only riches they got was death.

Then he had to oversee a lot of infrastructural spending and make sure it was done without any kind of corruption. He was also a tax collector, revenue calculator and manager of the country. He hated this job. But, he'd rather not anger Shiroken.

And now here he was, entertaining 3 little monkeys and 1 silverback gorilla.

He sighed and replied, "No, I am not a missing-nin anymore. The Mizukage was changed and I was pardoned, but currently, I am in the service of Lord Shiroken Dama, the Daimyo of this land. This is my identity proof, and this is my pardon letter signed by Mizukage herself. Now, it's your turn, why did you come here?"

Kakashi was taken aback a little, he took a look at the various documents and felt that they were real. This time Kakashi took out a document, "I am Kakashi, this is Sasuke, Sakura and that dumb one is Naruto. We were commissioned to protect the man named Tazuna, who wants to build a bridge but some local goons had threatened him."

Zabuza scratched his bandaged face, "Umm... this commission is invalid now. The goons are now dead, the country is free, and the bridge you are talking about is the one you're standing on right now. You can go back now."

"AH! I REMEMBER NOW!" All of a sudden Naruto jumped.

Sakura angrily roared, "NARUTO! Something serious is going on here, the mission is cancelled and we won't get paid either."

But Naruto was excited and ignored her, "Kakashi Sensei, I remember now who paid for my lifetime supply of Ramen. It was the same old man, Shiroken Dama, he has long white hair and looks really buffed. He was really cool."

Kakashi was in a tough spot, having no idea what to do. And what Naruto just informed him didn't really help. "Can we meet this Tazuna? To make sure he no longer needs us?"

Zabuza nodded, he did not need to create a conflict out of things. "Follow me, I will take you to the country's foreign visitor's office."

And so Zabuza led them inside the village. It was bustling with activity now that Gato and his goons were dead.

"WAOH! Can I try those ramen? Ah, they look so juicy." Naruto, as soon as he saw the village that was slowly turning into a town, beamed with joy. Since the opening of trade routes, Wave Country was given a good trade contract, through which they can import and export things at the lowest tariffs.

This brought lots of Tea stalls from Dama country and Noodle stalls from Noodle country. Hell, these two shops were always adjacent to each other since many loved drinking sweet milk tea after a good meal, or maybe along with some snacks.

The economy started to revitalise and now money was pouring into the country.

Soon, Tazuna came to meet Kakashi. He happily told Kakashi why he did not need their services anymore because all his problems were already gone.

"You do know that I cannot give you back your safety deposit for the mission. These were the rules you signed to." Kakashi told him. This was how the ninjas were at least ensured some reward even if the mission failed or was cancelled.

With that, Zabuza solved the problem of Konoha ninjas without even having to raise his sword. Next was the damn tax calculations, and he'd rather raise his sword.


Dama Country,

"So you're telling me that someone is wanting to catch us more than the villages? But why?" Isobu wondered after he heard Shiroken's theory.

It was pretty simple. It was already known that Kirigakure plotted to use Isobu against Konoha. But, now that it was revealed that the Mizukage was being manipulated, it is unknown who truly wanted to do it? And what agenda did they have against Konoha?

"And from the fact that Saiken was attacked in the jungle by some really powerful beings, who I suspect of being related to the Akatsuki. We can ascertain that someone is after all the bijuu. The reason is unknown, the main perpetrator is unknown." Shiroken deduced.

Monari worriedly spoke, "Then, does this mean you need to quicken your efforts to free all the Saint Beasts?"

"Yes, not just that, but also deal with the world's problems, if we want to one day fight against whomever those beings are in the space," Shiroken muttered.

Saiken and Isobu agreed. "Then, how can we help?"

Shiroken smiled, "You don't need to. You only have to stay here, have fun and maybe play with the villagers every once in a while. But, we need to come up with a solution to talk to each other no matter where we are."

In the end, after a few minutes, Shiroken came to an idea, "What if I become all your Jinchuriki with a seal that is without a lock, and then release you back? Won't that establish a connection between us and also give you freedom?"

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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