the land of rain, in a jungle;

A four-man dark squad wearing animal masks and black ninja uniforms is cautiously approaching a hidden canyon ahead….

“It’s about to arrive, everyone be careful.”

Suddenly, the leader of the dark squad at the head lowered his voice,

At the same time, he shook his head at the three people behind him and signaled, and the three people behind them all slowed down when they saw this.

That’s right, this is a dark squad of Konoha,

This time, even if Konoha Village was destroyed by Hundred Beast Kaido, they did not return to Konoha Village,

They just wanted to collect a little more information about the God Organization, and after unremitting efforts, they found that the Xiaozhi Mercenary Organization in the Land of Rain cooperated with the God Organization, so they changed their goals and began to attack the Xiaozhi Mercenary Organization.

And this canyon in front of you,

According to reliable information, it is a secret base of the Xiaozhi mercenary organization.

“Wait a minute, I’ll release the bugs first and go scout…”

Maybe it’s sensing that something is wrong with the atmosphere,

The leader of the dark squad frowned, his heart moved, and his hands quickly sealed, “Secret Technique, Parasite…”

Swish… Swish… Swish..

The words did not fall,

Under the cautious eyes of the three dark ninjas behind him,

Countless densely packed insects swept away from the body of this dark captain, and spread towards the vast canyon ahead…

“The bugs of Lord Oil Girl Zhi Ash are really getting more and more terrifying,”

“yes… But with these bugs exploring the way, we are much safer…”

“It seems that our squad is going to take the lead in completing the task again!!”


After the bugs go out,

The three dark ninjas started talking about your words,

For them, following a strong captain, when doing tasks, it is really much easier, especially following a captain with secret skills like Oil Girl Zhi Ash, which is the icing on the cake….

“Let’s go… Intelligence error. ”

At this time, the oil girl Zhi Ash did not pay attention to these words,

After the worm went out, he was concentrating on the perception,

However, when he sensed that the bugs swept through the valley and did not find a person, he knew that there was something wrong with their intelligence!!

“What, intelligence error?”

One of the dark ninjas was a little surprised,

What kind of joke, how could there be a problem with their intelligence, since Captain Zhi Ash said so, then, he can only believe it.

Swish… Swish… Swish..

And at this time,

Accompanied by a tingling sound,

I saw that the insects that had just gone out to investigate intelligence were densely packed into a line, and poured into the body of the oil girl Zhi Gray without any hindrance…

However, no one found out,

One of the pitch-black bugs was mixed in these bugs, and also entered the body of the oil girl Zhi Ash!!

“Hmph… Have an outsider? ”

However, as a master of using insects, the oil girl Zhi Ash quickly sensed that something was wrong with the bug, snorted coldly, and wanted to use the secret technique of the oil woman clan to subdue the bug.


Can… It’s too late,

The next moment, the body of the oil girl Zhi gray paused slightly, and her body instantly froze in place,

“Captain, are you all right?”

Seeing this scene, the three dark ninjas behind them looked at each other,

They could see the look of doubt in their eyes, because, at the moment just now, they actually sensed the chakra fluctuations on the captain’s body, which was very messy, as if they had gone crazy.

“He… How could it be okay? ”

At this time, a cold voice sounded from the body of the oil girl Zhi Gray,

“Who is it…,”

“Captain Oil Lady Zhi Ash, what’s wrong with you?”

“Back off… We go back ..”

Hearing these words, the faces of the three dark ninjas changed suddenly, and as soon as their bodies moved, they wanted to retreat,

Bang… Bang… Bang..

However, it was already late,

Three piercing sounds sounded in succession,

Under the stunned gazes of the three dark ninjas,

From the back of the oil girl Shiki-sama, three black tentacles flew out in vain, and before the three dark ninjas could react, they fiercely inserted into the hearts of the three dark ninjas,

“This… How can it be? ”

Looking at this inky black tentacle,

The three dark ninjas couldn’t help but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and their eyes were filled with extreme horror,

Because, at this moment, countless black tentacles suddenly appeared on the body of their oil girl Captain Zhi Gray, and his head turned into a hideous monster head.

“Hey… Go and die! ”

In the next moment, the hideous monster turned his head and smiled very humanely,

Immediately, the three black tentacles contracted rapidly, and directly took out the hearts of the three dark ninjas, and in an instant, it was bloody and extremely terrifying.

“It seems that after possession, my consciousness is taking the initiative.”

After casually killing three Konoha Dark Ninjas,

Luo Lei sensed the body of the oil girl Zhi Ash, and muttered something incredulously,

He remembers that in the Marvel world, Venom, consciousness has never taken the initiative, it is firmly suppressed by the host,

As a result, he was using the venom template to possess the body of Oil Lady Zhi Ash, and he directly suppressed the original consciousness of Oil Woman Zhi Gray perfectly.

This… It’s a bit awesome!

In other words, he is now disguised as an oil woman Zhi Ash, which no one can detect…



(PS: Ask for flowers and evaluation, moe new….. Thank you, Grandpa……… )_

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