Naruto Coming To Marvel

Chapter 732: Otonin 3 graduates

Just when Nick Fury carried out Plan B and bombed the Yinnin base.

The three of Steve Rogers drove to the gate of Kirigakure base. Compared with the vast area occupied by Otonin base and Charlotte base, Kirigakure is only a small manor.

And the task they came over was that Nick Fury added an insurance to this operation, that is, entrusting Kirigakure to protect S.H.I.E.L.D.

If Oto Nin is later retaliated or dissatisfied, then Mist Ninja, who has conflicts with Oto Nin, is a good foreign aid. As for why he didn't communicate in advance, it was because Nick Fury was worried that the task entrustment would fail and leaked the secrets in advance, so it was carried out at the same time as the attack on the Yinnin base.

Under Bai's leadership, the three of Steve came to each other's manor, and saw Mizukage Terumimei of Kirigakure.

Handel Dolby, who was in charge of negotiating the entrustment, said, "Ms. Terumi Mei, I am Agent Handel Dolby of S.H.I.E.L.D. Here is a task entrusted to everyone from Kiri Ninja."

Terumi Mei smiled and said, "Entrust the mission, let's talk about the mission content." "..."

Handel Dolby began to tell Terumi Mei about the entrusted tasks of S.H.I.E.L.D. …

the other side. Yinnin base.

Three minutes had passed, there was no movement in the ruins below, and Wu Zhi hovering above immediately started infrared scanning.

After some scanning, no information about any living people was found. Under the order of Nick Fury, Wu Zhishang immediately lowered the hanging ladder, and soldiers began to descend from it.

Outside the base, a large number of armored vehicles have surrounded the Yinren base. As the armored vehicles opened, rows of heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the vehicles, quickly blocked the scene and started searching with the soldiers on Wuzhi. The Yinnin base that was bombed into ruins.

And in the psychic world.

The Otonin group of four was a little embarrassed at this time, they had just abandoned the base and fled here.

Change in half an hour... Change in half an hour

After half an hour, change to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and non-sacred timeline.

Continental Hotel, top floor.

"Boss, there is a new assassination mission, two million dollars, would you consider it?"

A blond beauty with a hot figure, wearing a professional skirt and a secretary's attire, stood in front of Charlotte Doyle and said calmly.

"Oh, two million dollars, this price is not low."

"Let's talk about the specific information of the task first, and then I will consider whether to accept this task worth 2 million dollars." "You know me, I am picky about the task target, is the target a black man?"

Sitting by the window sill, Charlotte held a square glass of whiskey in her hand, and slowly moved her eyes away from the scenery outside the window, and put her gaze on Ginny who was talking.

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"Not black..."

"Charlotte, you are all black killers now, and now some black killers in the Continental Hotel have a lot of opinions on you."

Charlotte played with the wine glass in her hand, and said in a serious tone: "I hate two types of people the most in my life, one is discrimination, and the other is black people."

"If those **** have problems with me, let them come to me and talk to me, and I will send them to where they should go!" Seeing his serious tone, Ginny shrugged her shoulders, indicating that everything you said is true. right.

"The target of this new bounty mission is John Wick. The employer wants to kill him as soon as possible. The amount is 2 million US dollars. Do you want to consider it?"

At the name John Wick, Charlotte Doyle's mind drifted far away. A guy who wiped out an entire gang because of a dog.

Is his story about to start?

then watched

A glance at the photo of the mission target in Ginny's hand confirmed that it was this guy, not the same name.

Charlotte turned the square cup in her hand, looked at the yellow-brown liquid inside, took a sip, and said calmly, "The price is too low, don't take it!"

"Hy?" Ginny was curious.

"You entered the industry relatively late, and you may not have a comprehensive understanding of a lot of information."

"John Wick was once the number one killer in the killer world, and he was considered a legend in the killer world before he retired..."

Following Charlotte's narration, Ginny had an intuitive understanding of this new guy on the task list, and then nodded and said, "The price is indeed low."

Although he looked at Charlotte and asked curiously: "Master Ninja, how is it compared to you?" Charlotte said with a smile on his face: "He and I are not killers in the same world!"

Although Charlotte didn't say it directly, UU Reading, but her confident tone and indifferent attitude obviously didn't take John Wick's strength seriously.

Ginny's eyes sparkled, she was no longer obsessed with this task, but said, "I'll go and see for you, what other tasks are suitable for you."


After obtaining Charlotte's consent, he turned and left the room, and walked towards the hotel mission hall. Watching Ginny leave, Charlotte looked at the world outside the window again.


My name is Feng Yi, from Blue Star.

When I was playing Naruto mobile game and drew the new character Kashumian Hero Jiraiya, because I was cheated by the game planning, I found that when I spent 3000 oceans and couldn’t get the character fragments, I was directly **** off. died violently.

As a result, he was inexplicably transmigrated and reborn into this world.

Although the planet under his feet is also called the earth, it is completely different from the planet Charlotte was originally on.

After all, on Times Square in New York, the huge Stark Industries advertisement was extremely eye-catching, and the latest issue of Playboy on entertainment newspapers and magazines once again fell into the arms of Tony Stark.

This is the Marvel Universe, or in Charlotte's eyes, it is even more of an aesthetic universe covered in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When consciously waking up the memory of her previous life, Charlotte found herself in a dilapidated alley in a dilapidated alley in New York.

Seeing her dressed like this, Charlotte guessed that she was an orphan, or a brat who ran away from home. As for the Naruto mobile game that **** him off, it also turned into a golden finger and appeared in his consciousness.

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