The years go by, the sea is over! Another three years have passed.

Since three years ago, Qianyu showed his hand in front of the Thousand Hand Pillars, and the Thousand Hand Pillars often took out some policy matters to discuss with Qianyu.

But this is good if it is not discussed, and it is out of control as soon as it is discussed.

In the past three years, Konoha has had Qianyu's figure in all aspects, from education to medical care, from task assignment to patrol, from toddlers to the elderly.

In terms of education, the reform of the ninja school, because of the addition of civilian students, directly expanded the ninja school by two or three times.

While solving the problem of insufficient students, it has also created a number of jobs, so that those who retire at home and the cruel have a place to play.

And letting them get along with children and young juniors every day also greatly promotes their sense of belonging to Konoha's new home.

After all, these old people are almost all remnants of the Warring States period, and although they all yearn for peace, they still have a heavier weight in their hearts.

But now, after such an arrangement, it not only solved the teachers, but also let these old people start to spontaneously recognize the big family of Konoha little by little from their hearts.

In addition, in order to prevent the families from forming parties and forming gangs, Chiyu also suggested that the principal of the ninja school must be directly served by Naruto, and it must be the current Hokage.

This is to prevent the responsibility from being unclear, and the second is to let the children know who the current Hokage is and who is their teacher.

That's right, in addition to these, Chiyu also gave a suggestion that children who graduated from ninja schools could call themselves students of Naruto.

This also has several advantages, one is to prevent civilian ninjas from being wooed by various families, after all, there is a name of Naruto's protégé, and ordinary people will not look at other families.

Two, or that, as a Hokage protégé, do you want to set an example and not smear the Hokage's face?

In this way, it can effectively prevent some people who have wavered their minds from doing some illegal things.

As soon as this strategy came out, it immediately amazed thousands of hands.

Of course, this is not to say that a thousand hands can't think of it, but the era he is in has limited his thinking, which leads him to think about everything from the perspective of the family, first consider the family, and then think about others.

The difference is between the thousand hand pillars!

It can only be said that the Thousand Hand Pillar is worthy of being the master of the end of the Warring States, although his brain is inflexible, but he has courage!

If it were someone else, who would have taken the words of Qianyu, a seven-year-old child, to heart and put them into action.

It can be said that if Qianyu's policy can be implemented, it is really necessary to say that it is fortunately that it is Qianshuzhu who is in power, not others, otherwise even if Qianyu says it well, no one will listen to it, let alone implement it.

As for those who take the name of Hokage and act arbitrarily, naturally they will not be tolerated.

And this involves another department - security!

This department is also directly subordinate to Hokage, and is responsible for arresting and prosecuting those who violate the law, and they are also responsible for Konoha's patrols and so on.

Simply put, this is Konoha's public police department!

In addition, in addition to education and security departments, Qianyu also gave practical methods in medical treatment.

In terms of medical treatment, Qianyu's reform is also very simple, because medical ninjas are not so simple to cultivate, and medical ninjas are still strategic materials in a certain sense.

So the method given by Chiyu is to have existing medical ninjas write down all they have learned in their lives, and then classify them.

Something simple, like general knowledge, is added to the ninja school.

Some of the more complex, not so easy to understand, are placed in the school library for interested and gifted children to learn on their own.

If these children really can't understand, but they want to learn, they can ask the teacher for one-on-one tutoring.

As for the final expertise, it is placed inside Konoha Hospital for medical ninjas who are interns.

Naturally, this is definitely not a white, and even if Qian Yu wants to be a white, it is estimated that Qianshou Zhujian will not agree.

Therefore, the strategy given by Chiyu is that after medical ninjas write out what they have learned all their lives and turn them in, they will not only get a large amount of money.

What's more, when their child needs treatment and he himself cannot cure it, Konoha will treat them unconditionally until they recover, free of charge!

As soon as this condition came out, it immediately made most of the medical ninjas put aside their prejudices, and in the afternoon of the same day, the Naruto Building was surrounded by water, and one by one, they held up their medical books and shouted to turn them in.

As for why they are so positive? Then it can only be said that Qianyu has captured human nature this time.

After all, no one knows when the accident will come, in case something happens to their child, and it is something they can't cure, will they have to wait for death?

It is precisely because of this that everyone will be so positive, they are really not afraid of 10,000 just in case!

After that, Qianyu also gave practical policies for finance, pensions and so on.

In addition to the policy, Qianyu also has one more item that makes Qianshou completely convinced.

That is, the number one in these departments is Hokage, and it can only be Hokage!

Of course, when this point of view was first proposed, Senju Zhuma was strongly opposed to it.

In his words, Konoha is everyone's Konoha, not the Konoha of one person between his thousand hand pillars, and he should not and cannot let it be a word.

For this, Qianyu had already expected it and gave an explanation on the spot.

That is the reason why Chiyu made Hokage the number one in all departments was not to make Konoha a hall of words, but for the concentration of power, so that the government decree could be effective in the first time, without pushing back and hindering.

After all, people are complex, and if the head of a certain department hides his own secrets and does not implement the government order, then it will be an unpredictable loss for Konoha.

Of course, in order to prevent a real word, Qianyu also reserved two second-in-command for each department, and in addition to assisting Hokage in managing the department on weekdays, he discussed the implementation of the policy with Hokage.

Yes, if Hokage's policy is to be truly implemented, except in wartime, it must be agreed by all three members of the department in order to be truly implemented, otherwise it will have to be nullified.

In this way, after Qianyu's explanation, Qianshuzhuma finally agreed to Qianyu's policy reform.

In the end, Konoha was also completely renewed, which was very different from the original.

In addition, I don't know what Qianshou Zhujian thinks, he actually gave Qianyu out, so that everyone knows that these strange policies are all from a small child.

So after this incident, Qianyu's fame in Konoha was completely exploded.

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