The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Azuki Mitarashi took Sasuke away, and she urgently needed to meet with the third generation to report the situation!

Orochimaru had indeed sneaked into Konoha, and had already placed the Heaven's Curse Seal, which represented the selection, on Sasuke of Team 7. This curse seal had both good and bad effects. Azuki Mitarashi felt the curse seal on her neck. She was once one of the targets selected by Orochimaru.

Until now, she still remembered the pain at that time, and of course she also understood how much power this curse seal brought to her!

If this is not handled well, once a genius like Sasuke joins Orochimaru, Konoha is likely to have an extremely powerful opponent in a few years. She cannot stand by and watch this potential threat.

Not long after Mitarashi Anko left, Sakura woke up. When she woke up, she saw Naruto roasting a pheasant in front of the fire. She was immediately anxious because she didn't see Sasuke.

At the same time, she also remembered that after meeting the ninja from the Hidden Grass Village, she suddenly lost consciousness!

What did Naruto and Sasuke do later, and where is Sasuke?

"Naruto, where is Sasuke? Where is that ninja?"

Sakura hurried to Naruto and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, sit down first!" Naruto took Sakura's hand and motioned her to sit down first and don't worry.

"After you fainted, Sasuke and I had a big fight with that ninja. Sasuke was accidentally attacked, but luckily it was nothing serious. He has been taken back by the examiner for treatment. I'm waiting for you to wake up here. Once you wake up, we have to go to the high tower in the center to complete the task and then meet up with Sasuke there!"

Naruto quickly told her the result, but there was still a hint of deception. Of course, he did it on purpose, otherwise he would have to explain to this girl what the Heaven's Curse Seal is for a long time!

This number of words is not water, otherwise the readers will curse!

When Sakura heard that Sasuke was injured, she immediately became anxious. After hearing that Sasuke had been taken away for treatment, she was relieved. Of course, she was also very happy to see that Naruto was safe.

"I'm glad that you two are okay! When are we going to leave?"

Sakura took a pheasant leg handed over by Naruto. She was indeed a little hungry after being unconscious for so long.

"Let's do it tomorrow morning. It's getting late today. Let's rest here. When it's light tomorrow, we'll set off!"

Naruto took a bite of the roasted pheasant. The golden color added a bit of appetite, which made people's appetite whet.

"Oh, okay!"

Now that Sakura knew that Sasuke was fine, she was relieved. She immediately started to eat with relish. As long as Sasuke was fine!

In the Hokage office building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had received a report from Mitarashi Anko. He knew about Orochimaru's infiltration and killing of Kusagakure ninjas. Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little confused. He knew Orochimaru. This kid was a rebel. His appearance in Konoha must be no good!

As soon as he learned the information, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent a lot of people out, but when Mitarashi Anko appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen holding Sasuke, the old guy was visibly panicked!

"This is... Heaven's Curse Seal!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the black spot on Sasuke's neck in surprise. He knew Orochimaru's methods very well. After all, he was his student!

"Where's Orochimaru?"

"I don't know. The three of them encountered Orochimaru. Sakura was frightened and fainted. After Sasuke and Orochimaru fought, he was defeated and planted with Heaven's Curse Seal. It seems that Orochimaru regarded Sasuke as one of the vessels for reincarnation. When Naruto realized that he was invincible at the first moment of Sasuke's accident, he quickly used Flying Thunder God to transfer them and successfully escaped from Orochimaru's poisonous hands!"

Mitarashi Anko reported the information she got from Naruto to the third generation Hokage word for word.

"That's good! It's good that the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki is fine!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard that Naruto ran away with Flying Thunder God, and immediately felt relieved. What he feared most was that Orochimaru would attack Naruto. After all, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki could not afford any mistakes!

As for Sasuke, although he was hit by the Heaven's Curse Seal, it was no big deal compared to the Nine-Tails! It was just a small Heaven's Curse Seal.

"Withdraw everyone back!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on the chair and thought for a while, then waved his hand and said to the Anbu behind him.

He knew his apprentice well, if he didn't want to be

If he didn't find it, then even if he sent out more people, they wouldn't be able to find Orochimaru's existence, not to mention that there was a group of people waiting nearby.

"What about Sasuke?"

Azuki Mitarashi looked at the Third Hokage sitting in a chair without saying a word, and couldn't help asking.

"Send him to the hospital, and call the people from the Sealing Squad over! Orochimaru's Heavenly Curse Seal has a guiding effect. Sasuke's heart is already occupied by hatred. If he is guided again, he may be easily controlled by Orochimaru. Let the people from the Sealing Squad set up a seal around the Heavenly Curse Seal!"

Azuki Mitarashi nodded, she thought so too! The Heavenly Curse Seal is unsolvable, so it can only be blocked by sealing techniques!

After a night of rest, Naruto and Sakura were both full of energy!

Because of yesterday's killing of the chicken to scare the monkey, and before going to bed, Naruto specially split eight shadow clones to take turns to keep watch, so they slept extremely sweetly at night, and no one dared to disturb them at all!

After the two of them packed up a bit, Naruto and Sakura headed towards the central tower. They had already collected all the scrolls, so there was no point in staying here any longer!

Along the way, Naruto and Sakura sensed several auras, but after seeing Naruto, these auras chose to shrink back silently. They were robbing scrolls, not rushing to reincarnate.

Naruto and Sakura arrived at the central tower unimpeded. After arriving here, they found that there were already three teams here, one of which was the third team they were familiar with!

Due to Naruto's generosity, the third team got the scrolls at the beginning, and they rushed all the way. Before everyone had time to set up control, they had already arrived at the tower and returned the task scrolls. In terms of time, they have broken the speed of the previous Chunin Exams! No one is faster than them!

Naruto is also familiar with the other team, which is Team 8 where his beloved wife Hinata is. Naruto is not worried about Hinata at all. He and Hinata have been practicing every day these days. During this period, both of them have strengthened a lot in all aspects, especially Hinata. Although she is not showing her strength now, if she really shows her strength, it is estimated that she can scare everyone!

Naruto looked at the remaining team, and this team is also familiar!

I won’t say much about other things. The super big gourd on the other side’s back, plus the red hair, and the iconic word "love" on the forehead, just this look, don’t be too familiar!

In addition to the one-tailed Jinchuriki Gaara of Sand Village, can there be a second person who meets the requirements in the world?

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