The old man was very happy.

Zabuza is not a fool. It is impossible for a man like Kado who only knows how to pay people to betray Naruto! Even if you let him practice for 20 years, it is impossible!

Some people are born to be good at fighting, just like the boy in front of him. His brain is not good enough for Kado!

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Naruto and Zabuza gently raised their tea cups and touched them. This sip meant that their alliance had been established!

"Congratulations Mr. Zabuza, we finally have our own territory!"

Bai Xing said happily. For so many years, he has been wandering around with Zabuza. Although there are countless landscapes to see, it is not a good thing to always be homeless and move at any time!

Moreover, the pursuit troops and bounty ninjas sent by Kirigakure have never stopped.

"The group of Anbu that chased me before Kirigakure is quite powerful! If I can have their help, I will have less trouble after I control this area!" Zabuza poured himself another cup of tea and filled Naruto's cup by the way.

"Just wait for me to go over, as long as there are corpses, there will be no problem!"

Naruto nodded and said affirmatively. He understood what Zabuza meant. After all, he was still a celebrity on the list. Once he showed up, he would definitely have a lot of trouble. The group of wanderers that Cardo found usually bullied ordinary people, but if they really faced ninjas, this incident would be a lesson!

"Kado, you stay with Zabuza and help him take over your territories. Let all the hooligans under you leave and be good people. They can go home to farm or go to other places to live. Anyway, you can't stay here any longer!"

"In addition, you have been entrenched in this place for so many years, you must have some savings, right? Tell me the number!"

Naruto looked at Cardo and said, this time he came not only to cooperate with Zabuza to leave a way out for himself, but also to go for the people's fat and blood that Cardo plundered. To do big things, money is a must!

"Report to the Lord, I have about 300 million silver in my hand, countless real estate deeds... and..."

"Enough, enough! Tell me where you hide the money, and you can explain the rest to Mr. Zabuza later!" Naruto hurriedly stopped Cardo's report. He just wanted to know that there was money!

Wow, 300 million taels of silver! So much money!

I can't believe that such a small place can be plundered by him for so much money!

"Zabuza, I want to take this money away. The rest of the real estate deeds and so on will all belong to you. We can split the subsequent profits in half! How about it?" Naruto looked at Zabuza and said. To be honest, he was a little embarrassed. It was too unreasonable not to leave a penny for such a large amount of money.

"Leave me a little bit, how about 50 million taels? After all, we can't exploit the people to survive in the future. There must be a lot of places to spend money, and managing this place and recruiting soldiers also requires money. If you take it all away, it will be difficult for me to carry out my subsequent work!"

Zabuza's eyes darkened, and his mind was full of black lines!

What is this kid thinking? You take all the money away and leave a bunch of real estate deeds. What can I eat? At least leave me some cash!

"That's right! You're right!"

Naruto scratched his head a little embarrassedly. It was indeed a bit too much! Let's decide it this way, leave him 50 million!

"You can't make money from the poor, but this place has extremely developed water transportation, and all the people who come and go are wealthy businessmen, and most of them are unscrupulous! The people's money cannot be exploited, but it doesn't mean that their money cannot be taken! As long as it's not excessive!"

Naruto gave Zabuza a proper suggestion. He had seen a movie a few years ago called Let the Bullets Fly. The rich man Huang Silang and the county magistrate teamed up to cheat the people's money and took money to suppress bandits at every turn!

What was the result? The people's money was not returned, the money of the wealthy businessmen was returned in full, and the silver finally obtained was divided into 30% and 70%! The bandits were suppressed once for each new county magistrate, and the money came faster than a printing machine!

"Don't worry, I know what to do. It just didn't succeed back then. If it succeeded, you kid would have to go to the Hidden Mist Village to see me, understand?"

Zabuza waved his hand. He still knew these things. There must be a place to collect money, right? If they didn't exploit, then what was the point of them conquering this territory? Listen to the praise from the people below?

"Let's go, let's go to the dirty land first, and then I will

Go get the money!"

Naruto drank the tea on the table in one gulp, stood up and walked towards the door with Zabuza.

"No, no, no, Mr. Zabuza is recovering from his injuries now, so he can't move around. I'll take you there!"

Bai saw Zabuza being pulled out by Naruto, and immediately stopped Zabuza with heartache. He also knew where those people buried the bodies, so he just took Naruto there!

Naruto looked at Bai, then at Zabuza! He let go of his hand, what a good partner!

Naruto followed Bai back and forth in the woods, and soon arrived at the place. Looking at the hundreds of mounds below, Naruto also took a breath of cold air. These two guys really killed a lot of people!

"Are these all the Anbu of Kirigakure? "Naruto looked at Bai in disbelief and asked,

Anbu, or the Anbu of Kirigakure, the world-famous first pursuit unit! Killed more than a hundred? It turns out that in Kirigakure, Anbu is a high-risk profession!

"This is accumulated over the years. Every year they send a group of people here. To be honest, there are many good players. There were several times when Lord Zabuza and I almost died! If you can get them out of the impure world, the pressure on Mr. Zabuza and me will be much less. Not to mention controlling this area, even taking more places is a small problem!"

"It's not a big deal, just wait and see! "

Naruto jumped off the tree trunk directly, and activated multiple shadow clones. In an instant, hundreds of Naruto appeared in the surrounding area. Three people worked together to dig graves. The chicken cub dug up more than a hundred graves buried by Zabuza and his men. Some of those who were killed by Zabuza in the early days were only skeletons, and some of those who were not too long ago could still see rotten meat!

Naruto controlled the clones to draw a large Impure World Reincarnation formation. Each clone had corresponding bones or rotten meat under his feet. With the Impure World Reincarnation seal, the clones were There was a terrifying howl in the quiet and dark forest.

Naruto looked at the hundred or so people from the Kirigakure Anbu team in front of him with satisfaction. To be honest, he really felt that the fight with Zabuza a few days ago was because the old guy underestimated the enemy and looked down on them! If he had let go, Zabuza would not have lost so aggrievedly!

These people are good at fighting!

"Take them back to report, let Zabuza relax and give them orders. I have arranged all these. They will listen to Zabuza and your orders 100%!"

Bai looked at Naruto who was about to run away in surprise, and asked in doubt: "What about you? You won't go back with me!"

"I'm going to get the money! Three hundred million taels! You wait for me there!"

Before he finished speaking, Naruto turned into a ball of white smoke. It turned out that the one who came to negotiate just now was a shadow clone, and the real body did not come!

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