The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"I can consider giving you a chance to meet, only one chance! If Naruto goes with you, I have nothing to say, but if he doesn't join, you can't pay attention to him anymore!"

After a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head and exhaled a deep puff of smoke. After thinking for a long time, he still felt that he couldn't turn against Danzo at the moment, so he simply made such a neutral suggestion.


Danzo nodded. As long as the third generation agreed, other things would be easy to say. As for whether it was voluntary to join, who could know?

"You continue to appreciate art, I won't bother you!" Danzo left the Hokage office building with satisfaction, leaving Sarutobi Hiruzen alone sitting at his desk smoking a cigarette.

"Come on, send two people to invite Naruto to be a guest! Just tell them I have something important to discuss!"

After returning to his Root base, Danzo immediately showed off his style that was no less than that of the Third Generation, and began to issue orders majestically while sitting on a chair.

With Danzo's order, two ninjas dressed in the style of Anbu appeared immediately and took the order and disappeared in an instant.

There is actually no difference between the clothes of Danzo's Root members and those of Anbu members. If there is anything wrong, it is probably that the masks of both sides are different! Most of the masks of Anbu are birds, beasts, insects and fish, while the masks of Root are varied and different.

[Ding, it is detected that the host is being remembered by Shimura Danzo, and the system issues the following tasks! ]

[Task 1, agree to Danzo's request, join the Root, and let him do whatever he wants. The task rewards the host with a full set of Rasengan moves. ]

[Task 2, scold Danzo and turn against him. Reward Sharingan Two Magatama and Initial Rasengan】

Naruto, who had just returned home and was about to take a hot bath, had not had time to take off his clothes when the long-lost mechanical sound of the system came into his mind. He was so happy that he thought there was another benefit, but unfortunately the news was not very good.

"Damn it, I just came back and was remembered by this old guy Danzo. What bad luck!" Naruto cursed inwardly and simply turned off the hot water valve that had just been boiled. Since the system started to prompt, the man must have arrived while he was talking.

Sure enough, after only three or five minutes, Naruto heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, two ninjas who looked like Anbu appeared at his door, but he knew that they must be the roots under Danzo's hands.

"Naruto-kun, we are ninjas under Lord Shimura Danzo. Lord Danzo wants to invite you to visit the Root Base. I wonder if it is convenient for you?"

"If I say I don't want to, can you two agree?"

Naruto looked at the two Root ninjas in front of him and said helplessly. Since Danzo sent people here, he had no other choice except agreeing to this option, because that guy was the strongest person in Konoha Village except for the Hokage!

"Let's go, lead the way!"

The two Root ninjas stepped aside to make way for Naruto, and Naruto was not polite. He walked out directly and followed the two to the Root Base.

Danzo's Root Base is the place with the strongest armed forces besides the Konoha Hokage office building. There are thousands of Root members training and entering here all year round. Therefore, it occupies a large piece of land in Konoha Village, close to the west. Originally, this area was to be allocated to other families, but later it was snatched by Danzo as the territory of the Root.

There is no family near the Root base. This is the restricted area isolation zone that Danzo specially sought approval from the Hokage to ensure the mystery of the Root and the secrecy of the training of the Root members. It can be said that Danzo has invested a lot in the Root!

Naruto followed two Anbu ninjas and entered through the heavily guarded high wall. He passed through countless buildings guarded by guards along the way and was finally brought into a wide hall.

There was a chair on the hall, and a man with half of his body tied with bandages sat on it. Naruto knew that the man was Shimura Danzo, an old guy as sinister as the third generation, but the two of them were a bit different. The third generation pretended to be a good person on the surface, but secretly plotted against you!

Danzo was different. This old guy would plot against you both openly and secretly!

"Welcome, Naruto!"

When Danzo saw Naruto coming, he stood up with a cane, and the remaining half of his face smiled like a flower, but it was a pity that it was all wrinkled!

"Stop, Master Danzo, please stop being polite. As we all know, the Root is the most mysterious place in Konoha. I am a newly graduated Genin, and I am very happy to be invited by you to come here.

In a place like this, just tell me what you want to do. Let's cut the Gordian knot. I'm busy going back to take a shower!"

Danzo's smile froze. The last young man was so vigorous a long time ago. He remembered that the man seemed to be called Shisui. To this day, a part of him is still in his body.

"Very good, heroes emerge from youth. I like quick words! Let me be frank. I like your decisiveness and ruthlessness in killing. I want you to join the Root. What do you think?"

Danzo restrained his smile. Since Naruto came straight to the point, he didn't pretend!

"No, old dog Danzo, I asked you to speak and you really spoke! You don't even take a piss to look at your own virtues. You want me to join the Root as your vanguard. Are you worthy? "

Naruto sneered without any hesitation and started to confront Danzo.

It should be said or not, Naruto's opening directly confused Danzo. After so many years, this was the first time he was scolded in less than two sentences, especially in the Root Base, this was the first time!

"It's good for young people to have temper, but too much is as bad as too little. No matter what, elders should still be respected!"

Danzo's old face was pulled. After so many years, he knew that someone scolded him, but it didn't matter. He didn't care. But this kind of scolding with a finger pointing at his nose was the first time!

"I know you have learned Flying Thunder God, but this is not the basis for your recklessness! "

Danzo squeezed out a few words from his teeth, and it can be seen that he was very annoyed! After all, from the time he came in until now, he was scolded by Naruto after only a few words. This was too disrespectful to the second-in-command of Konoha!

"Old man, don't think I don't know what the Root is. To put it nicely, you are the power of Konoha, and to put it bluntly, you are your dog Danzo. Join the Root, right? I think you have to be banned by your unique restrictions!"

"You dog-like thing, are you worthy of letting me serve you? Are you crazy? "

Naruto was not polite at all. The system task made him curse and swear. It had nothing to do with him. Although the full set of Rasengan moves was very tempting, who would be willing to be a dog?

Let you go, are you willing? Anyway, I don't want to!

Danzo narrowed his only remaining eye. Naruto could see that the old guy's hand with the cane was constantly exerting force, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes from time to time. Obviously, Naruto's words had touched his murderous heart.

"Don't think that you can run rampant just because Sarutobi Hiruzen protects you. This world has not only daytime, but also night!"

"Old man, don't quibble with me. I tell you, don't dream!"

"Danzo, you heard it, this kid doesn't want to join your root. According to our agreement, you can't have any ideas about him in the future! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out from the corner. Although Danzo's Root was heavily guarded, they still lacked the strength to stop him, the Hokage. There was no place in Konoha Village that Sarutobi Hiruzen could not reach!

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