When the moon is empty,

Konoha Village was also full of cries of pain

There are broken walls everywhere

The wounded are countless

Because at this moment, outside Konoha Village, a huge fox is roaring up to the sky.

Several Vajra chains stretched out from the belly of a weak red-haired woman and wrapped around the nine-tailed demon fox.

Night of the Nine Tails!

The beginning of all destiny is also the birth of the child of destiny.

At this time, Bo Feng Shuimen looked at his wife affectionately:

“Next, I will cast the Bagua Seal to reseal the Nine Tails onto Naruto.”

The face of Jiu Xinnai below changed drastically:

“What do you say? You actually sacrificed yourself just so that I could see Naruto? ”

“I want you to stay with Naruto and not go with me!”

Bofeng Shuimen looked at the Nine Tails and shook his head, and said with a solemn face:

“I know what you want to say, but what Jiraiya-sensei calls about the change in the world and the disasters that come with it.”

“Today I have confirmed two things, attack your mask man, that guy must bring blood.”

“Then it must be this kid who stops him!” This child, named after Jiraiya teacher, will definitely be able to open up the future as a human pillar in the future! ”

However, Naruto below slowly opened his eyes

After he heard the declaration of Bofeng Shuimen

Slowly stretched out his hand and put up two long middle fingers.

Naruto: “Wow wow wow! (YouTM sealed the Nine Tails back into Jiu Xinnai’s body!) )”

That’s right

Naruto is a crosser

Originally a puffing author on Blue Star

As a result, he died suddenly on the way to add more codewords.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Wave Feng Shui Gate 2 was preparing to seal half of the Nine-Tailed Ga in his body.

Naruto, who was a Hokage doujin author in a previous life, naturally knew the darkness of Konoha.

As soon as the couple died, they lived a life that was simply not human.

Tuanzo racked his brains all day to train himself into a killing machine.

The ape flying sun slashed even more ruthlessly

Directly with mental abuse,

Let the entire people of Konoha isolate him, and then brush the favorability yourself.

If the mind control is far more abhorrent than execution.

So Naruto tried very hard to tell the big fool in front of him

You sealed the nine-tailed meow back!”

During the fourth battle, Naruto’s Nine Tails were pumped away

It was his father who put the Yin Nine Tails into his body and immediately jumped alive.

It’s a pity that newborn babies can only make a wow-w

No matter how Naruto spoke, only the sound of wow-wah was heard between the two of them.

Wave Feng Shui Men and Jiu Shinna all looked at Naruto with a kind face:

“You see how cute he is, you have to believe in our son.”

Naruto decisively extended two delicate middle fingers.

Bofeng Shuimen: “…”

“Naruto, this gesture is not very elegant, don’t stretch it in the future.”

Saying that, Bofeng Shuimen also intimately helped Naruto and broke his fingers back.

Naruto: “…”


The Nine Tails, who had already touched the seal, saw that he was about to be sealed again

Angrily, he stabbed Naruto with his big paw.

As a result, in order to retain Chakra’s wave feng shui men and Jiu Xinnai, he was instantly selected by the nine-tails strength MVP string 2.

As half of the nine-tails were cut apart, they were pulled into Naruto’s body.

The huge Chakra that suddenly appeared instantly knocked Naruto out.

After Watergate’s death,

The Flying Thunder God Enchantment he had arranged disappeared instantly

The ape flying sun outside the enchantment rushed in with the dark part of the sealing class

He hurriedly hugged Naruto who had a seal on his stomach with one hand.

Regardless of the life or death of Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai.

Damn Watergate!

He actually sealed the Nine Tails to his son!

You must know that this is a tool of war in the village, a nuclear weapon used to deter each other with other Shinobi villages.

With the disappearance of the powerhouses of the level of Senju Pillar and Uchiha Madara

The importance of tailed beasts in the major villages has increased.

Even the second-generation Hokage was killed by two golden horns and silver horns that gnawed the nine-tailed flesh

It is enough to illustrate the power of the tailed beast.

Of course, this terrifying power must be in the hands of himself as the Hokage

Although he is still only a retired Hokage.

Originally, he finally brainwashed the Feng Shuimen couple

Successfully supported a puppet Hokage and a battlefield pepper heir of the Will of Fire.

The result is on this night of the Nine Tails,

The excessive Hokage that he had painstakingly cultivated for the Sarutobi clan and the Uzumaki clan that had only been found by destroying the Land of Waves were both martyred like this?

That’s right, martyrdom.

At that time, the ape flying teeth outside the enchantment were almost crushed.

Obviously, there are many ways to seal

The dark part of himself and the sealing class has arrived.

As a result, it was blocked by the enchantment of the wave feng shui gate.

He never expected that Bofeng Shuimen was a big lover

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was going to die, he actually chose to die together!

It is also thanks to his own will of fire that is in place

It was good that before he died, the Nine-Tails stayed in Konoha

Sarutobi looked at the gossip seal on Naruto and frowned

He snorted coldly in his heart

“It’s worthy of being the fourth generation, is this insurance given to prevent accidents with your children?”

That’s right

Wave Feng Shui Gate as the fourth generation of Hokage who took over the Dark Division

Even under the influence of the Will of Fire

But the darkness of Konoha Village is also well known.

Even Kakashi knows to warn Uchiha Itachi not to step into the power vortex of Konoha’s high-level struggle.

How could the Wave Feng Shui Gate, who was a Hokage, not know?

So he chose to go to Yellow Spring with Jiu Xinnai

The only thing that could be done for Naruto,

It was to seal the Nine Tails inside Naruto’s body

Because he knows the importance of human pillar power to the village

The village will definitely spare no effort to protect Naruto’s safety.

It may be isolated and excluded

But it is absolutely guaranteed that Naruto will grow up alive and securely.

So when Payne attacked the village,

After Hakaze Shuimon knew that Naruto was not regarded as the son of a hero living in the village, he was not too surprised

Because Naruto has grown up alive and securely

In his opinion, this is enough.

But it was clear that this wasn’t enough for Naruto the traverser.

Sarutobi looked at the fainted Naruto, whose two middle fingers were raised, revealing question marks all over his face.

What is this look?

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