Torture Department.

Nara Tomokazu crossed his hands and supported his chin, his eyebrows twisted together, giving people a look of heavy heart.

In the past few months, he sent messages to Uchiha Masa several times, but there was no reply. He didn't believe that Uchiha Masa would be killed or imprisoned.

It is very likely that he hid himself.

Thinking of the three mines, he went to find Kurama Shunichi to return to the village when he came back.

But he asked him to come back and said that he died in the mission and stayed in the mines to guard for Uchiha Masa to prevent those Hyuga from rebelling.

The news of Uchiha Masa's disappearance came out a week after he came back.

After inquiring, there was no evidence to prove that he was missing in the mission.

After the third war started, Hatake Sakumo, who was on a mission, had another accident, and the village began to talk about him abandoning the mission for his companions, causing Konoha to suffer heavy losses.

In the past few months, he heard that Hatake Sakumo was in a slump.

The Konoha high-ranking officials quarreled for unknown reasons, and the atmosphere in the village became extremely tense.

He had never given up paying attention to Uchiha Masa's news. He didn't know when someone suspected that Uchiha Masa had defected.

Uchiha Masa was capable of defecting!

But he would never do it at this time. The Third World War was a good opportunity to make money, and he would never miss this opportunity.

Unless... he was held up by something.

This reason prevented him from coming back, and there was no way to pass on the news.

What could isolate him from the outside world!


Nara Tomokazu thought of what Uchiha Masa and Minato said about having dinner with summoned beasts half a year ago.

With Uchiha Masa's virtue, he would never waste his breath on meaningless things.

He didn't have a summoned beast, so he didn't know about these things, and Minato was not in the village.

"Uchiha Masaru, how will the water you have muddied end?"

Nara Tomokazu sighed, and after leaving the interrogation department, he was going to Uchiha to gather information in the name of visiting Uchiha Masaru's parents.

Unexpectedly, he met Orochimaru on the road. He didn't want to show his face in front of such a dangerous person, but when he thought of Uchiha Masaru's summoning, he gave up being an invisible man.

"Lord Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru, who had returned from Danzo, saw that it was Nara Tomokazu, and narrowed his eyes slightly. This was the teammate of his filial disciple.

"You are... from the Nara family."

"Lord Orochimaru, I'm sorry to waste your time. I want to ask if there is any news about Masaru. I remember that he once said that he would have dinner with the summoned beast. I wonder if he will visit the summoned beast's house."

Nara Tomokazu finished his words in one breath, staring at Orochimaru, hoping to get some information from him.

"Really? Maybe!" Orochimaru was shocked that Uchiha Masaharu could find the Earth Dragon Cave, but he did not show any emotion, "Don't worry about that kid, don't focus on him."

After saying that, he left Nara Tomokazu with his back.

"Who... is worried about that bastard!"

But he did not see any emotional fluctuations in Orochimaru.

Then he felt that Orochimaru seemed to have other meanings in his words.

"Could it be..."

Nara Tomokazu bought some gifts and came to Uchiha Masaharu's house.

He greeted the busy Uchiha Rena.

"Auntie, excuse me!"

"Tomokazu-kun?" Uchiha Rena hurriedly greeted the person after seeing him.

When he approached Uchiha Masaharu's house, he inadvertently glanced at the roof, and then came to the somewhat old Japanese style.

"Excuse me, is there any news about Masaharu? He..." Uchiha Rena asked worriedly.

"Ah, don't worry, aunt. He received eighteen tasks at a time. It's impossible to complete them in a short time."

Nara Tomokazu secretly looked at the room. He was not a perception-type ninja, so he couldn't tell whether someone was monitoring here. Although this possibility was not great, it was just...

"I came here to get Zhenjun's notes. He handed the fourth team to me. He had arranged many things. He said that there was a notebook at home. If you encounter any problems, you can come and get it."

"So that's the case. This kid is really something. I don't want him to be a ninja..." Uchiha Rena muttered, but the worried look never dissipated. She took him to Uchiha Zhen's room, "We don't go into his room. It's a bit messy."

"It's okay, aunt, I'll find it myself and help him clean it up by the way."

"Thank you for your hard work. Stay here for dinner. I'll go prepare the food."

After Uchiha Rena left, he quickly checked the structure of the entire room and the placement of items, and then began to check every detail.

Ten minutes later, from the traces of trampling in several places, someone had been to Uchiha Zhen's room before him andAnd I have searched for things here.

He casually took a notebook, said hello to Uchiha Reina, and said goodbye after dinner.

After leaving, he confirmed a fact.

Uchiha Makoto's parents were monitored, and they were monitored by the Anbu.

The Uchiha actually let the Anbu openly monitor them, and their clan leader didn't care?

Or acquiesced!

From the moment the Anbu entered the Uchiha clan to monitor Uchiha Huai and his wife, Uchiha Fugaku thought of the news of Uchiha Makoto's disappearance. Only those who knew the truth knew it.

It's hard to say whether he can come back!

Uchiha Makoto's disappearance is more beneficial than harmful to him. Being in power, no one wants a person who can threaten him, even if he doesn't have this intention.

Having tasted the sweetness of power, he hopes to sit firmly in the position of clan leader, lead Uchiha to the center of power, and leave a name for future generations.

The most headache for him during this period was that he had to deal with the four elders every day.

Also missing was Uchiha Miao, the only surviving son of the Fourth Elder, who was also his lifeblood.

Uchiha lost two excellent jonins, and he felt a little sorry for it.

But the two people who made him feel sorry were holding a skewer and a brush and setting up an iron rack to start grilling.

The two of them stayed in the mountain cemetery for half a year, and gradually got used to it from shivering at the beginning.

After watching Uchiha Zhen enter the illusion every day when he opened his eyes, and lying on the stone bed like a dead dog after the illusion was lifted, the two of them silently competed and began to practice.

In just half a year, they have entered the ranks of elite jonins from just entering the ranks of jonins.

Even in Uchiha, they are qualified to walk sideways!

"Add more cumin, adults like to eat this!" Uchiha Yan muttered while brushing the sauce with a brush.

"We don't know how long we've been here. Judging from the length of our hair, it's been several months. We don't know how to complete the fifteen missions! Will we be fined when we go back?"

Uchiha Yan looked up at Uchiha Miao and said in surprise: "The mission was completed a long time ago, and you didn't know it?"

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