A new official has three fires to start with.

Uchiha Makoto's anger was all directed at Nara Tomokazu.

Especially the way the three people died of food poisoning. He didn't know what happened until he went to the hospital.

Thinking of this, the nerve between his eyebrows kept jumping.

"Explain to me what kind of bird they ate that poisoned them! Did they eat the phoenix and were punished by heaven?"

Uchiha Makoto gritted his teeth and almost punched him in the face.

It's really outrageous. He opened the door to outrageousness. It's outrageous to the extreme!

"Birds that ate mushrooms! Do you have any objection? That's how they died!"

Nara Tomokazu was justified. It was troublesome to deal with them in the village, and now the culprit has the right to trouble him!

"Don't you think it's weird? Three ninjas went to catch birds and ate themselves to death. Do you think it makes sense?"

"After getting the bonus, our first group prepared to have a dinner. I had something to deal with and couldn't go. They went to the forest to hunt game and caught a little Ma Xiaoer who had eaten red umbrellas and white poles. Due to the cold weather, they chose to grill the little Ma Xiao in a small wooden house. After eating, they felt a little tired, a little sleepy, and a little ate too much. When they reacted, they had lost their ability to move and were found dead after rescue!"

"The cause of death was eating the little Ma Xiao who had eaten poisonous mushrooms! Is there a problem? Deputy Minister! It's not only our first group that chose to have a dinner! Groups 3 and 4 also had a dinner after getting the bonus, but they chose sushi and barbecue."

Uchiha Zhen was speechless for a moment, as if there was really nothing wrong.

It's just that they were too unlucky, and Nara Tomokazu, as the team leader, escaped because of something.


There's really nothing wrong with it!

Food poisoning plus carbon monoxide poisoning.

These three people are doomed to die!

"No problem, very good! No problem at all."

Uchiha Makoto's voice was almost squeezed out from his teeth.

The sound of the two quarreling came from the office.

The passing team members envied the fourth team very much. The only one who dared to quarrel and curse with Uchiha Makoto was Nara Tomokazu, who was so capable!

I heard that the quarrel was caused by the three food poisoned team members, and they envied them even more.

The future minister should not treat them badly!

Dong Dong Dong~

The knock on the door interrupted the quarrel between the two.

Come in!

"Deputy Minister, I am Futsu Luohan, the captain of the first team. Half a month ago, Lord Minato sent another ninja named Qiu Shui Xing Xing. We tried all kinds of methods but couldn't get any useful information."

Uchiha Zhen looked at Nara Tomokazu and asked, "Is Qiu Shui Xing Xing's matter not over yet?"

"No, this is not the task of the fourth team."

Nara Tomokazu was very straightforward. He felt that this task was problematic and involved a lot of things. He chose to take the entire fourth team to avoid it and only do some trivial tasks.

"Meeting! Meeting!"

Uchiha Zhen's face was full of impatience. Why is it so difficult to be a salted fish who does less work and gets more!

Futsu Luohan called the captain and team members of the entire interrogation department in a daze.

Uchiha Zhen looked at the three teams who were a little at a loss.

"I will treat everyone equally. From now on, the treatment of your other teams will be the same as that of the fourth team, including salary, bonus, and subsidy, but the work intensity must also be the same."


The eyes of the three teams were full of excitement.

They just want to be united. The monthly subsidy of the fourth team is higher than their salary.

Why? Just because the captain is strong!

"The fact that Lord Sakumo's grave was dug up is very bad. You don't want to devote your whole life to the village and end up not having peace after death!"

Looking at the constantly changing expressions on their faces, Uchiha Zhen knew that digging graves was a taboo!

"I hope that no matter what important tasks you have at this time, each team will send a group to assist in the investigation of the digging grave incident, with the fourth team as the main one."

Kakashi's indifferent face finally showed a trace of fluctuation. Who did it and where to start the investigation!

"Yan, Kakashi, Ibiki and Kato Shin are in your team. Train them well."

Uchiha Zhen thought about it. The fourth team now has only three teams, one less team than other teams. He decided to only do difficult tasks in the future. "All tasks that cannot be completed by all teams in the future will be handed over to the fourth team. Disband!"

"Nara Tomokazu, you stay."

There are only two people left in the room again.

"Digging graves... You did it! No one in Konoha is so wicked except you!"

Nara Tomokazu looked very unhappy. He was not stupid. When he mentioned looking for the grave digger, he thought that he was related to him.

But only Uchiha Makoto could say such a thing without blushing or beating his heart.

See UchihaChiha Makoto didn't say anything. He suddenly thought... This bastard wouldn't want to take this opportunity to deal with people he doesn't like!

"You don't want to forge..."

"You are still smart!" Uchiha Makoto praised generously. I really envy this brain. How much brain flower must be eaten to make up for such an IQ.

What's wrong with forging a murderer? He was framed in his previous life.

As long as the evidence is complete, who cares what you say!

Who cares who you are!

"Catch all the people who led the rumor. When they are in the interrogation department, it is not up to them to admit it or not, but I have the final say." Uchiha Makoto exuded a cold aura around him, and his voice was like a messenger from hell, "Keep an eye on Kakashi. This is the last wish of Lord Sakumo."

Nara Tomokazu pondered for a moment and sorted out the course of events. Sending Kakashi to the interrogation department was a disguised protection. Lord Sakumo must have made a deal with this bastard before his death.

If you make a deal with the devil, you will lose everything!

"I know what to do!"

When the interrogation department was investigating the grave digger, the Third Hokage came to the Root with a gloomy face.

"Danzo, did you dig Sakumo's grave?"

Danzo had not yet recovered from the joy of the row of Sharingans on his arm, and when he heard the Third Hokage's question, he stepped on his butt.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I can help you take the blame for the Tianguo girlfriend, but don't think of putting it on me. You actually changed the task for Uchiha Makoto behind my back. Sakumo's death was designed by you, and it has nothing to do with me."

Danzo was furious, and he wanted to press the Third Hokage to the ground and crush him. Now the third war has begun, and the Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja have already fought.

Raikage died in the Rock Ninja army this morning while covering his subordinates' retreat alone. It is only a matter of time before Konoha is about to go to war. Who would want to kill a powerful ninja?

Seeing this, the Third Hokage was sure that Danzo had not done it, and frowned, "What have you and Orochimaru been doing recently?"

"Orochimaru is your disciple, he stays at home every day and has not made any contribution. What can I do to him! Can't I just give him a few words?" Danzo's voice was raised this time, and he was obviously a little guilty.

The Third Hokage still felt strange in the end. Who else but Danzo could do such a thing.

"Sakumo's grave was really not made by you?"

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