He asked three questions in a row, causing Uchiha Reina to hit him with her fist.

"How old were you when you could walk, eat, and learn ninjutsu! By the way, little Shisui's parents went on a mission last month and haven't come back yet."

Uchiha Makoto didn't respond. If they haven't come back for a month, they probably won't come back again!

"Our family has enough money. Mother, don't go to work at Konoha Hospital anymore. Help me take care of little Shisui with father!"

Once Konoha enters the war, countless wounded will be transported back. Working in the hospital is often hard and there is not much salary to be earned. It is better to leave now and take care of little Shisui at home to prevent him from growing crooked!

After dinner, Uchiha Makoto was forced to play with Shisui, but he was so bored that he scratched the wall before he could last five minutes.

He simply put Shisui on the ground, made a simple cat teaser and held it with his toes, crossed his legs and swung on the stairs, letting little Shisui play by himself.

He used chakra to continuously attack the eight extraordinary meridians, and when he felt that he had entered a state, he suddenly felt someone approaching.

Uchiha Liuhuo, who came to find Uchiha Zheng, felt the coldness of the abyss before he approached. He was a secret guard trained by the previous clan leader for Uchiha Fugaku since he was a child, and stood out from the fight of hundreds of people.

He was never as anxious as he was now, hovering between life and death every day, but he still said with a stiff upper lip: "Master Zhen, the clan leader asks you to come over."

"No time, get out!"

Uchiha Zheng, whose practice was interrupted, felt like he was about to open the next door, but he was interrupted. He didn't know when he would enter this state next time.

When Xiao Shisui saw Uchiha Liuhuo appear, his big watery eyes were filled with tears and he cried, and Uchiha Zheng, who was already irritable, became even more irritable.

"Don't cry, shut up."

No matter what Uchiha Makoto said, it didn't work, and little Shisui continued to cry.

"Little Shisui, Master will let you bleed a little to cheer you up, so hold back your tears."

If Uchiha Reina saw Shisui crying, she would definitely scold him again, and if it got serious, she might even get beaten!

Uchiha Liuhuo was confused, whose blood should he let out? He had just been slapped by Uchiha Yan, and he didn't call anyone, but was also greeted by his eighteen generations of ancestors.

He couldn't scold or beat him, so he started to fight. Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao had no martial ethics at all, and they all attacked together.

What's going on now!

Uchiha Makoto stood up and looked at the culprit who made little Shisui cry.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"

A powerful fire dragon rushed towards Uchiha Liuhuo as if it had eyes.

Shisui's crying stopped abruptly, and he clapped his hands and giggled.

Uchiha Liuhuo, who had no idea what was happening, had just dodged a fire escape, and turned around to see Uchiha Makoto rushing towards him with two knives.

Uchiha Makoto controlled his speed to a level that could be seen by the naked eye, but his strength was not weak at all, and he rhythmically made Uchiha Liuhuo suffer unilaterally, just like he had been in Madara's illusion for the past six months.

He was beaten to the point of doubting his life!

Finally, looking at the dying Uchiha Liuhuo, he mercifully let him go.

He put away the knife, picked up little Shisui, and said seriously: "Little Shisui, you will be my disciple from now on. I will take you to see my master and let him show you your brain!"

Little Shisui tilted his head and responded to him with a silly smile.

When the escaped Uchiha Liuhuo reported to Uchiha Fugaku, he could not speak clearly. There were no visible scars on his body, all of which were internal injuries.

Uchiha Makoto punched him in the face. The outside was not red or swollen, but the inside was painful. All the injuries on his body were caused by this. They were not visible on the surface, but he was actually on the verge of paralysis.

"You said that you have no ability to resist Uchiha Makoto?"

Uchiha Fugaku's face moved when he heard this. This was good news for him. Uchiha needed a genius to shock and repeat the prosperous era of the Warring States period.

The Hokage has been a member of the Senju lineage for so long, it's time for them to change Uchiha!

"That's right, whether it's combat experience or my own strength, I'm suppressed. Maybe... if he wants to kill me, it's effortless."

What Uchiha Liuhuo can't accept the most is that Uchiha Makoto beat him to stop Shisui from crying.

"Why did he suddenly attack you?" Uchiha Fugaku asked. Uchiha Makoto was not the kind of person who would provoke others for no reason. Even if he wanted to fight with someone, he would not find someone whose strength was crushed!

"Yes... yes... to coax the child," Uchiha Liuhuo said with an extremely ugly face. "I heard that Uchiha Shisui, who was born last year, was raised as a son. When I went there, the childThe son is crying..."

Now even Uchiha Fugaku wants to light two incense sticks for Uchiha Liuhuo in silence. This is pure bad luck!

How old is Uchiha Makoto? He is not good at coaxing children. Even if he feels like taking the child home, his parents will watch him.

However, this also makes Uchiha Fugaku have other thoughts. He is about to get married. If he has a daughter... the two families will make do, and the position of clan leader will be passed to Shisui in the future.

Uchiha Makoto is the Hokage, and his adopted son is the clan leader. Then the Uchiha clan will grow stronger!

Beautiful dreams are always used to be broken.

After the brothers Shuihuo finished their funeral, they returned home. Uchiha Miao was dragged to the room by the fourth elder by the ear and prepared to beat him with a stick.

But this time Uchiha Miao did not give in. He beat the fourth elder with a stick with an illusion.

After the illusion was broken, the fourth elder covered his heart and couldn't stand steadily. He pointed at Uchiha Miao and cursed: "Evil son! Evil son! What sin did I commit to give birth to such an unfilial son like you! "

"Father, you are not my opponent now," Uchiha Miao sat down and talked to the fourth elder seriously for the first time, "We can sit down and have a good talk."

The fourth elder had never seen Uchiha Miao so calm, let alone such a serious side of him. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he asked, "What did you do with Uchiha Yan?"

"When I was young, I once asked you, was it that adult who betrayed Uchiha, or was it that Uchiha who betrayed that adult? Uchiha was born to respect the strong, why did he stay in Konoha instead of following the strong. "

After Uchiha Miao finished speaking, the fourth elder's pupils showed a panic, his lips trembled, and he rebuked loudly: "What are you talking about, who instigated you? ! "

"Who betrayed whom? ! "

Uchiha Miao raised his head slightly, and the three magatama suddenly turned, staring straight at the fourth elder, waiting for a real answer.


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