Hearing this, Orochimaru's pupils shrank.

Is he so magnanimous at such a young age?

Like himself, he is full of desire for the truth of the world.

What a special Uchiha.

"Zhen Jun, let me see if your current strength matches your state of mind!"

He said, and put a kunai against Uchiha Zhen's neck.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Orochimaru. My insignificant strength is like an ant in front of you."

It's not that he doesn't want to fight with Orochimaru to learn experience, but he really can't move and can't slow down.

Seeing him say this, Orochimaru couldn't continue, "Zhen Jun and I are really destined to be together. Life is fragile. If one day..."

"Lord Orochimaru, have you ever thought about immortality?"

Uchiha Zhen quickly interrupted him. In order to increase his bargaining chips, he had begun to secretly give psychological hints to Orochimaru, and talked nonsense seriously.

"I once read a book of overseas myths. As long as you cultivate immortality, you can break through the limitations of the human body."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Masaru.

"I'll show it to Orochimaru if I have a chance. I also think I'm very compatible with him."


That night, everyone in the Konoha base camp had their own thoughts.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't sleep all night, and his eyes were red.

He really couldn't understand why he believed Uchiha Masaru's words. Even if the other party was a genius, he was only seven years old.

"Fugaku-sama, it's not good."

Just when Uchiha Fugaku was in a state of panic, his confidant Uchiha Liuhuo rushed in.

"What's going on?"

"There's news from the village. Konoha is spreading rumors that Uchiha Masaru is harming his teammates. I'm afraid..."

Uchiha Liuhuo didn't continue talking and handed a secret letter to Uchiha Fugaku.

"Damn it, Hyuga actually dared to slander my Uchiha genius!"

Early in the morning, everyone knew that Uchiha Makoto had completed a secret S-level assassination mission and was a hero on the battlefield.

The third generation Hokage in the Konoha Hokage's office looked at the two battle reports from the front line in silence.

One was from Orochimaru and the other was from Hatake Sakumo.

The young third generation still had some courage and did not convene an elders meeting to discuss the authenticity of Hatake White Fang's intelligence.

"Has Uchiha had another genius?"

On the street, the villagers pointed at the Uchiha in the village.

The arrogant Uchiha could not bear such treatment.

The leader of the guard team simply found a reason to arrest those people.

On the way back to Uchiha after the night shift.

Uchiha Makoto's mother Uchiha Reina suffered the cold eyes of countless people, and some even threw stones at her and cursed.

"Zhen will never do such a thing."

Back in the clan, their family's life became even worse.

The original low pension has never been sent to them since the incident fermented.

There is no idea whether there are enough resources for children on the battlefield.

The most important thing is that their children have not even attended ninja school before being sent to the battlefield.

Uchiha Huai looked at his disabled body, shook his head helplessly, and could only comfort his wife, "How difficult it is for Zhen to survive on the battlefield, what we have experienced is nothing."

In the crystal ball, the third generation saw the rumors in the village and did not choose to clarify them, but suppressed the achievements of Uchiha Zhen in the front-line battle report and did not disclose it to anyone.

This also led to the current Uchiha and the village The rift is getting deeper and deeper.

Suppressing Uchiha is something that the third generation is happy to see.

If asked, he would blame Orochimaru and White Fang. Anyway, they told him to keep it secret. As for Uchiha Masa...

The treatment in Uchiha doesn't seem to be very good. If he lends a helping hand, he will be loyal to Konoha like Uchiha Kagami and use it for himself. Then he is still a genius Uchiha. If he can't...

What Konoha lacks the least is genius.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku hurriedly found Uchiha Masa in the grove, leaning against a tree and not moving.

"Masa, there is a very unfavorable news for you. Hinata Yuan will spread rumors about you everywhere after returning to the village."

He was still immersed in the coldness of Orochimaru and didn't come back to his senses.

After Orochimaru left, his whole body shook uncontrollably.


This is a strong man!

The fighting factor engraved in Uchiha's DNA kept shouting in his body.

Get stronger!

Only by getting stronger can you do whatever you want.

He is still too weak now.

Uchiha Makoto opened his eyes, and the three-magatama Sharingan turned and stared at Uchiha Fugaku.


"It's nothing, the mouths are on others, let them be! But Hyuga Yuan..."

Uchiha Makoto isIn his heart, he had already regarded Hyuga Yuan as a piece of experimental material.

He dared to do things behind his back. It seems that he is really tired of living. I wonder how Hyuga will deal with a branch family that harms the main family!

"Now it has affected the bond between Uchiha and the village. Maybe..."

Uchiha Fugaku felt a chill when he saw those eyes, just like... facing Lord Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas!

Uchiha Makoto licked the corner of his mouth and said to Uchiha Fugaku: "Future clan leader, when will Lord Sakumo arrange for me to return to the village?"

"Huh? There is no such arrangement!"

Uchiha Fugaku was confused. He could not understand the child's brain circuit at all. He just regarded it as a way out.

"No arrangement?"

Uchiha Makoto frowned. Konoha White Fang would not break his promise!

However, Hatake Sakumo's evil taste arranged it like this.

In order to repay Orochimaru's favor, Uchiha Makoto had to stay on the battlefield. He wasn't injured anyway, so he should do more work!

"Orochimaru-kun, I agree to what you said. I will arrange for Uchiha Makoto to stay here and wait for the final battle with the Sand Ninja in three days."

When Hatake Sakumo found Uchiha Makoto, he was helping to change the dressings for the patients in Konoha Logistics.

The young nurses and the wounded took good care of Uchiha Makoto, firstly because of Uchiha's appearance, and secondly because his palm fairy technique could bring great treatment to the patients.

In just half a day, Uchiha Makoto had made himself popular and became a caring little cotton-padded jacket in the logistics troops.

"Lord Sakumo, why are you here?"

A young nurse was very surprised to see Hatake Sakumo. Now that the war is imminent, why is the commander so idle?

"I'm looking for Uchiha Makoto."

The little nurse saw that it was the caring little cotton jacket who came to see them, and shouted inside: "Mr. Makoto, Lord Sakumo is looking for you."

Uchiha Makoto took off his gloves and saw that Hatake Sakumo had guessed that it was unlikely for him to return to the village.

He heard that Nara Tomo and their group of wounded were on their way back to the village early this morning, and they would be almost home in the evening.

And he was still waiting to return to the village to retire.

Facing Uchiha Makoto's calmness, he felt a little guilty, and cleared his throat, "Come with me, let me see how strong you are."

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