"Jiraiya, after Rope Tree died, Tsunade and I can no longer work together."

Jiraiya was silent for a moment and said, "That's not your problem!"

"Of course it's not my problem. He rushed forward without checking and stepped on the detonating tag. Isn't that stupid of him? If it was Uchiha Makoto, he would never make such a low-level mistake."

Orochimaru asked the slug to send the letter back and said proudly that he thought Uchiha Makoto was the best among the three in terms of disciple training, which was enough to be better than Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Jiraiya pursed his lips. It seemed that his friend was serious.

As long as he was happy, it was up to him!

"My Minato is not bad. This time, he got important information at the Fourth Raikage Succession Ceremony, hehe!"

"The tailed beast was powerless under the hands of my filial disciple!"

The two thirty-year-old men started the elementary school student comparison again.

And Uchiha Makoto had already arrived at the Land of Fields and met with the Fourth Squadron of the Torture Department.

But surprisingly, Uchiha Miao was mixed in the team.

"Miao? How did you get here?"

Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao flexed their arms like conjoined twins, and said with a smile: "Sir, I came here as a direct Uchiha secret guard. My mission is to protect your safety. Hehe, am I smart!"

Uchiha Zhen took a look. There were fourteen people in total. Fourteen people went to intercept a batch of food. There was something wrong!

Nara Zhihe hesitated several times.

"Let's find a place to rest first. I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I haven't asked everyone to relax since I took office. Now that we are together and not under Konoha's control, I will take you to my friend's living water hot spring homestay, which is no worse than the one in the Land of Hot Springs."

Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao looked at each other and looked at Uchiha Zhen, which was obviously saying, I doubt the authenticity of that friend!

In fact, after Uchiha Makoto arrived in Tianzhi Country in advance, he started to run businesses everywhere, including hot springs, weapons shops, Chinese restaurants, hot pot restaurants, and bought a large piece of land to build a laboratory. He was ready to take Tianzhi Country for himself.

"Long live, long live the deputy minister!"

The whole fourth team cheered.

The benefits are really good!

Their family has never given such good benefits!

Uchiha Makoto took them to his own hot spring homestay and let them do whatever they want, and all of them were counted on their own accounts. Everyone seemed to be having fun.

They went into the village with the bumpkins and saw everything new.

This can't be blamed on them. Uchiha Makoto kept the traditional hot spring here, and also made red wine, milk, ginger, and all kinds of strange hot springs, and put up signs on each hot spring to explain the function!

Uchiha Makoto and Nara Tomokazu found a Japanese-style room and personally made a cup of tea for Nara Tomokazu!

"What on earth is going on in the village? More than a dozen people went to intercept the supply of the Land of Lightning!"

Nara Tomokazu frowned all the time, and said in a deep voice: "This is just one of the tasks, but the Hokage did want us to fight guerrilla warfare, which means that he didn't want us to go back to the village, and..."


Uchiha Makoto realized the seriousness of the matter.

What does it mean for ninjas to fight guerrilla warfare outside, and let them find tasks by themselves?

"Your mother was held hostage by the Hokage. As soon as you left, the Hokage took your mother to his house in the name of taking care of his wife. I think..."

They are all grasshoppers tied to the same line. Nara Tomokazu finally thought that the breakthrough of this matter was still in Uchiha Makoto.

If it were someone else, he would not hesitate to kill those who could threaten him before he left Konoha to ensure their safety.

But this person is Uchiha Makoto's mother, the woman who has gentleness engraved in her bones!

Uchiha Makoto had no emotions, lazily propped up the tatami, and kept tapping the table with his fingers.

"The Hokage wants to destroy the Fourth Division. After all, this division gathers ninjas from all the big and small families in Konoha."

"What do you want? I suspect... after the war, the Hokage will use your mother as a threat and ask you to kill us family ninjas yourself."

If this really happens, no one can escape when Uchiha Masaru takes action, including him!

Uchiha Masaru didn't respond, but took out a map and spread it on the table, "Look, what else needs to be planned in terms of economy."

"It's time now, and you still have the mind..."

His peripheral vision swept over the map, looking at the crosses and circles marked on it, Nara Tomokazu's eyebrows stretched, looking at Uchiha Masaru looking at a monster.

"You want to take advantage of the Third War to eat the meat of the Land of Fields? Then your mother..."

"Don't worry about my mother, he is just for the Hokage's husband"The private doctor hired by someone."

Uchiha Makoto's indifferent attitude startled him. He was able to remain calm when his family was held hostage. How strong was his mentality? Could he do it?

"Someone will help us pass on the news from Konoha in the future."

Uchiha Makoto didn't look surprised. This was expected.

"How is Kakashi doing recently?"

Speaking of Kakashi, Nara Tomokazu curled his lips. "Kakashi is fine. The matter of Lord Sakumo has come to an end, but the Hatake clan is not doing well. The Hokage wants to confiscate their clan land."

Uchiha Makoto frowned. So fast!

"No matter what the reason, this matter will be delayed for several years, and the Hatake clan has no one in charge now... What happened? "

Nara Tomokazu took a sip of tea and said like an old man: "Kakashi agreed to the Hokage's request, but there is a man named Hatake Kazue who found the torture department and is looking for you. Tell him the situation and I will teach him how to deal with it. It will probably take a while!"

"Please, if I were Lord Sakumo, I would beat Kakashi, the filial son, to death even if I jumped out of the coffin!"


Uchiha Makoto smiled and raised his eyebrows, joking meaningfully: "Do you want to see Lord Sakumo beat Kakashi? I will satisfy you for your hard work!"

Uchiha Makoto took out a sealed scroll, which contained an unformed living White Zetsu.

"Reincarnation! "

A coffin slowly emerged from the ground, and Nara Tomokazu dodged instantly when he sensed the danger.

Although his strength was not strong, Nara Tomokazu was no less fast than an elite jonin, and he was very good at using the instant body technique!

"Is this... Lord Sakumo? !"

Nara Tomokazu was so shocked that he could stuff two honeycomb coals into his mouth!

Uchiha Makoto casually inserted a kunai into Hatake Sakumo's head.

"Uchiha Makoto, it's you again!"

"Lord Sakumo, we meet again!"

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