Hyuga Tuhou's eyes narrowed into a slit, revealing a light that you understand, I understand, and everyone understands.

"Sir, are you going? Let's go together. I haven't seen Kurama for a long time."

He was a little moved by what Hyuga Tuhou said. After thinking for a while, he cleared his throat and said, "Then... go and see?"

"Hehehe~ Sir, wait for me for five minutes, bury him!"

Hyuga Tuhou pulled the box to the small vault that only he could enter, turned around, found an open space, rolled up his sleeves, and pulled up his pants.

"Soft fist, mine from a distance! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta~"

Uchiha Makoto: ⁽d(ŐдŐ๑)!

A big pit was created after a series of operations, and two small pits were formed. Hyuga Tuhou placed Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body in the big pit and his two arms in the small pit, then filled it with soil, poured a basin of water, and blew it with an electric fan to prepare for air drying.

Finally, he tied a silk thread around Sarutobi Shinnosuke's neck, passed it around the beam, and after passing it back and forth several times, he pasted another detonating talisman on the back of Sarutobi Shinnosuke's head.

After everything was completed, he explained to Uchiha Makoto: "Hehe, this is my own soft fist. The one from the main family is too rubbish. You need to get close to the enemy to attack, which is easy to get hurt. Mine can be used remotely, and you can run away after hitting!"

Uchiha Makoto clapped his hands mechanically. Talent, really a talent, and even the traps he set up He had to praise him.

The most important thing was that he only took five minutes from digging the pit to burying the people and finally setting the trap, and it was the kind that was accurate to the last detail.

"Awesome, I have never seen a ninja who sets traps so well."

After being praised, Hyuga Tuhou was so proud that his tail was about to rise to the sky, and he said proudly: "Whose mine has not been attacked? I dare say that I have definitely not seen any. All those who were attacked died in my traps."

"It's really amazing. If you have time, go and set up the construction site."

He absolutely recognized Hyuga Tuhou in terms of traps. This kind of wisdom derived from fear of death is incomparable, and he has to be second.

When the two arrived at the customs point, they had nothing but heads and nothing but cheers.

A beautiful woman on the high platform The woman in kimono played a little tune, and the half of her calf that was accidentally exposed was pitiful.

Uchiha Makoto's face was distorted, and he poked the Hyuga Tuhou who was rolling his eyes beside him, and asked in surprise: "Is this... Kurama Shunichi?"

"Yes, it's him, his stage name is Kayamain Ruri," Hyuga Tuhou wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, "I really hope he dies of thirst with this outfit."

After the song was over, there was a cry of surprise from the audience. Someone offered 5 million taels to have dinner with him, which was equivalent to two S-level tasks.

"Eat, must eat!"

Uchiha Makoto kept winking at Kurama Shunichi from below. What conditions are there? How can he refuse such a meal?

Then, a bid of 10 million taels made Uchiha Makoto fall into deep thought, and he asked: "Tsuchi, If I don't want to be a ninja anymore, can I come here to perform? "

"Yes, of course. If you perform here, I will come to support you every day."

Hyuga Tuhou's eyes were all on Kurama Shunichi, just like a young man with amorous feelings seeing the girl he likes.

Unfortunately, this girl is fake!

Kurama Shunichi on the stage had already seen the two of them. The whole store was under his illusion. He had sensed their presence when they came in.

Uchiha Makoto and Hyuga Tuhou were taken to a luxurious Japanese-style room. Kurama Shunichi came in after changing his clothes.

The one with the biggest reaction was Hyuga Tuhou.

"Kurama, why are you still wearing clothes? You look so beautiful in that outfit just now. Tsk tsk tsk~ If you can weld it on your body, even if I know you are a man, I want to marry you and worship you."

Uchiha Zhenzhen's eyelids jumped. Good guy, I didn't expect you to be such a Hyuga.

"Sir, this is the income situation this year. "Kurama handed the account book to Uchiha Masaru, and didn't even look at Hyuga Tuhou.

Uchiha Masaru opened the account book, and was shocked to see that there were only zeros left. "This harvest can be compared with the income of the previous Konoha Village."

"Yes, sir, because this place is only open to nobles with status, and ordinary people can't even afford the admission ticket."

Uchiha Masaru nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work. The built land will be our village in the future. When you have time, you two can work on the security."

"Yes, sir!"

"Sir, do you want to stay a few more days this time to see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

Kurama Shunichi suggested.

"No, I still have some things to do."

"In fact, we all heard about your work in the Mist Ninja.We want to hear the process. "

Uchiha Makoto tilted his head. Isn't the process just slashing left and right?

It's okay to talk about it. He cleared his throat and said, "We will do this when we enter the Land of Water, and then I will do this. When we reach a lake, it will be like that. Then all the Mist Ninjas will come. After the fight, they will bang bang bang one by one. Well... That's it!"

Kurama Junichi and Hyuga Dohou were confused.

"Oh, by the way, the Land of Water will give me 30% of the special tribute every year. Remember to ask someone to pick it up and count it. "

Hearing that there was a tribute, the two laughed like fools. The happiness of being rich is something that poor people cannot understand!

But now they understand!


And the Hokage and the major families who could not provide war damage compensation due to poverty started to act like scoundrels.

After the interrogation troops and the Uchiha team returned to Konoha, they handed the white hair directly to the Anbu, and applied for mission remuneration and salary for guarding the border. The Hokage began to play dumb.

"Tomokazu, I have seen the remuneration you applied for, but during the war, all tasks are mandatory, not to mention that the troops far away on the front line still need material support, but I will definitely pay you after the daimyo approves the financial support."

Nara Tomokazu remained calm, and in his heart he had already cursed the Third Hokage to have no children and grandchildren, and that the children he had would not be his own. All the most vicious curses on men were sent up.

"What the Hokage said is right. I will explain it to the members of the interrogation department when I go back, but there is one more thing. The members of the interrogation department want to take two days off to celebrate the minister's victory. "

The Third Hokage didn't notice anything unusual. It was just a two-day holiday. There was no way they could get any money. They could take whatever they wanted during the holiday!

"No problem. There is a holiday for returning heroes. I'll give you a week of rest," the Third Hokage was very generous. He gave you a few more days to sell a good reputation. "By the way, I want to hear from you personally what would happen if your Minister Zhen destroyed half of the Mist Village by himself."

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