Uchiha Makoto had seen this kind of welcome ceremony when he returned from World War II, but the last time was not very pleasant.

He looked at the big boxes carried by the ninjas behind him, thinking that this time it would be another unpleasant welcome ceremony.

The Konoha high-level officials and ninjas headed by the Hokage stood on one side, and the villagers stood on the other side. Orochimaru and Uchiha Makoto had already exchanged glances when they met on the road.

Especially the big box, even if you didn't see it, you knew that the excitement inside was the beginning.

"Welcome home, heroes," the Third Hokage's eyes were filled with tears, and he wiped the non-existent tears hypocritically, but when he looked at Uchiha Zheng, his face suddenly became serious, "Zheng, as a ninja, although there are many unexpected reasons, disobeying orders is disloyal to the village. Considering your young age, let's not care about this matter."

"What? Master Zheng disobeyed orders?"

"I heard that he provoked a war."

"Ninjas do have to obey orders, right? Is there any reason?"

Uchiha Zheng saw that Uchiha Huai raised Shisui above his head and waved to him, and he felt better, so he didn't care too much about the Third Hokage, and waved to the ninja carrying the box behind him.

"Hokage, didn't you tell me to find your son at all costs? How come I disobeyed orders? I haven't come back to the village for so long just to help you find the whereabouts of Sarutobi Shinnosuke!"

Uchiha Makoto ordered the ninja to open the box, and it turned out to be the skinny body of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

The Third Hokage saw Shinnosuke being tortured beyond recognition, his eyes were red, he could not control his emotions at all and asked angrily: "Why treat Shinnosuke like this? Don't you know that abusing a fellow ninja is equivalent to treason?"

Uchiha Zhen sneered, "Hokage-sama, I can understand your feelings, but please don't put all the dirty things on my head. I have been looking for him for seven or eight months, and the clues have been broken again and again. And... I haven't been paid for my mission. Don't let me work for half a year in vain and end up with a mess!"

"By the way, I heard that my mother is taking care of the Hokage's wife at your house. Now that I'm back, my mother should take care of me. I will pick her up later. Please pay my mother's wages, Hokage-sama."

After that, he ordered the ninja behind him: "Carry him to the torture department. I want to see where the Hokage's son was tortured to this point."

The Third Hokage realized his attitude and immediately changed his face. He said bitterly: "I am too excited. I should take Shinnosuke home to recuperate!"

"That won't work. He has important information that has not been processed. After all, the life of a unit is at stake. Lord Hokage can't delay important matters because of personal feelings," Uchiha Makoto shouted at the ninja behind him: "Why don't you take him away? The longer the time is delayed, the less information you get. Don't you understand this principle as a ninja?"

"Lord Makoto is so manly~"

"Too responsible. You travel through mountains and rivers without resting and just thinking about work."

"Yes, how can Lord Makoto's mother take care of the Hokage's wife in Lord Hokage's house? Doesn't she have servants?"

"Lord Makoto can't even have a hot meal when he comes back. How pitiful!"

The Third Hokage listened to the villagers' discussion, and an unnatural look appeared on his hypocritical face.

After returning home, Shisui grabbed his thigh and asked Uchiha Makoto to hold him.

"Hold me~" Even though he was three years old, Shisui was still as cute as a bun, his eyes were always wet, "Brother, hold me~"

Uchiha Makoto raised his eyebrows and picked up Shisui, "Hey, little Shisui, give yourself a share with your elders. You used to call me dad, but now you call me brother. Do I have to call you dad when you grow one year older?"

Uchiha Huai walked out of the kitchen, "Don't bully little Shisui, he's so well behaved."

"Oh, let me see how well behaved you are. Do you know the ninjutsu I taught you?"

Uchiha Makoto put Shisui on the tatami and went to the kitchen to squeeze two glasses of juice. As long as little Shisui didn't do anything stupid, he was still willing to treat him as a stupid son.

"Yes, I already know Fire Style, Thousand Years of Death, Uchiha God-level Secret Art, and a knife, which is great for chopping wood!" Little Shisui gulped down the juice in his hand, "Uncle Huai taught me Fire Style."

"Little Shisui is smarter than you. When you were three years old, you didn't even want to get out of bed except for drawing with books. I once thought you were useless."

Uchiha Huai prepared simple dishes, boiled vegetables, boiled chicken, cold salad and a bowl of rice!

Very good, a meal is ready.

"Brother, I miss Aunt Reina."

Shisui looked at Uchiha Makoto pitifully. He ate this every day at home, and he has been eating it for eleven days. If Uchiha Makoto doesn't come back, that bald crow will soon become his food.

Uchiha Makoto dragged his chin, thinking about how to take his family away.

The Third World War did not last long, and it was all minor fights. Compared with the Second World War, everyone no longer had the energy to fight.

"When the war is over, I will take you to a good place for a trip."

Uchiha Huai opened his mouth, but said nothing. Only Shisui happily ran around Uchiha Makoto for several laps.

"Brother, can you take my wife with you?"

"What?" Uchiha Makoto was shocked. What the hell, when did little Shisui have a wife? It's okay to be precocious, but it's not okay to fall in love early. "Who is your wife?"

Little Shisui blinked, tilted his head and said innocently: "The clan leader said that when his child is born, he will be my wife,"


Cough cough cough~

Uchiha Huai couldn't help it, and all the soup in his mouth sprayed out.

He heard that the clan leader had a son this year, a son!

Are all young fathers so open-minded now?

Uchiha Zhen almost bit his tongue when he heard what Uchiha Fugaku had done. As a clan leader, is it interesting to not do anything and just lie to children?

Even if you are willing to marry your son to him, he still doesn't like it! !

That bastard!

His family doesn't dare to accept him!

Uchiha Huai cleared his throat and reminded: "That... Zhen, the clan leader gave birth to... a boy some time ago!"

Little Shisui looked at him blankly and asked: "The clan leader said that only by marrying his child can you become the strongest Uchiha! Can't I marry him as my wife?"

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