Kai, who was training early in the morning, became suspicious when he saw three people following Uchiha Makoto.

"Minister Makoto? Hello early," Kai greeted Uchiha Makoto enthusiastically. He was sincerely grateful after knowing that it was Uchiha Makoto who helped him collect his father's body, "Who are they?"

"Why are you asking nonsense?" Uchiha Yan took off his hood and glared at Kai, "You are not even a man, you won't understand even if I tell you."

"Yan, don't you think you are not embarrassed enough?" Uchiha Makoto scolded sharply, made a gesture of silence, and explained to Kai kindly: "They went to find Wubailiang's girlfriend, but were blackmailed by her. I hope you don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

Uchiha Makoto smiled in the spring breeze, leaving no reason for rejection.

"I, I won't tell you. I don't know anything." Kai blushed. He really didn't know it was this. No wonder they were dressed so tightly. It was not a glorious thing. "Minister Zhen, thank you for bringing my father back."

After the four left, Izuna asked, "Uchiha...are they all so shameless now?"

"No, it's just the two of them."

Uchiha Zhen explained that Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao were a clear stream of Uchiha, the weirdest of the weird, the most outrageous, with extremely abnormal brain circuits, but good strength and talent.

Now he wants to keep Izuna at home and protect his family, but now it seems that the plan has gone down the drain. This guy is his brother, and then he is thinking about revenge for his brother.

It's better to hug Madara's legs than hug his legs. Tsk tsk tsk~ If the Third Hokage knew that his teacher's mortal enemy appeared in Konoha, he would be very happy!

Suddenly, Izuna stopped.

Uchiha Miao asked weakly, "Sir, what do you want to do?"

Quan Na stared at a dessert shop that had just opened.

Uchiha Makoto saw this and immediately understood, and generously said to Uchiha Miao, "Miao, go buy all the desserts and put them on my account."

"Grandpa, please come home with me first, I'll pack them for you later."

He was afraid that Quan Nai would get excited and cause trouble. Although the incident last night was fooled, any newcomer would be able to find out that there was a fierce conflict between him and the Hokage.

That night, after the Third Hokage took Sarutobi Shinnosuke home, he immediately contacted Tsunade from the front line to come back. Uchiha Makoto opened his son's head. His son was alive, but there was no difference between him and death.

Anyway, the relationship had been torn apart, so there was no need to pretend for some things. Although the members of the torture department who participated in the interrogation yesterday did not show their faces, he could be sure that the ninjas of each family participated.

Especially Nara Tomokazu, who threatened him with his son's life, must not be allowed to stay.

Early in the morning, the Third Hokage came to the Shimura clan and found Danzo. He didn't say any more nonsense and said directly: "Danzo, I want Uchiha Makoto's life."

Danzo and the Third Hokage had been at odds for a long time. He sat cross-legged on the tatami, without blinking, closed his eyes and rested. After a long time, he responded: "You want Uchiha Makoto's life, what does it have to do with me, Shimura Zangzo? I'm just a retired clan leader. I've worked for most of my life, and it's time to find a wife and enjoy life."

"If there is a suitable woman, you can introduce it to me. Don't talk about other things. Don't disturb me to cultivate my character."

Danzo went on strike!

The Third Hokage was so angry when he heard this that he clenched his fist. If he was twenty years younger, he would rush up and beat him up.

"Uchiha Makoto has lost control. If his strength continues to grow like this, you and I will not be able to deal with him. You don't want to see another Uchiha Madara, and go against the teacher's last wish!"

Danzo finally opened his eyes and looked at the third generation who had torn off the mask of hypocrisy, and said sarcastically: "I feel guilty towards the teacher. When I go down, I will apologize to him. I will tell him that the Hokage he personally chose has destroyed his family and taken the village he wanted to protect with all his heart, and used it as a nutrient to satisfy his desires."

"Danzo," the third generation Hokage roared, and this time he withdrew Unexpectedly, his rights became a barrier between the two of them, but what can be done? Who made Uchiha Makoto so cunning? "I will restore your rights and allow you to expand your power privately. As long as you don't go too far, I will turn a blind eye."

"The evil Uchiha should have been eliminated long ago. The disappearance of the Hatake clan is related to him, and the massacre of the Konoha troops at the border is also related to him. The Uchiha should be eliminated as soon as possible."

Danzo suddenly spoke harshly, and his attitude took a 180-degree turn. The indifference, blind date, and retirement just now disappeared.

"Old buddy, you are the only one who knows me best in this Konoha." The third generation smiled brightly, this is his good partner, good partner.

"Leave this matter to me, you just need to agree, no need to participate."

Danzo didn't want the Third Hokage to ruin his business, and he didn't want him to get involved and point fingers, and let him take the blame at every turn.

After the Third Hokage left, Danzo ordered grimly: "Go check who Shisui is?"


Uchiha Makoto brought an ancestor back home.

His mother had been sent back safely, busy in the kitchen, and little Shisui followed behind to help.

Uchiha Huai saw the three people with their heads covered and their faces covered brought back by his son, dressed similarly to Hatake Sakumo at the beginning, and wondered whose family his son had done something wrong this time. He would go to the grave to pay homage to the deceased next time, so as not to let the deceased's soul worry about it.

"Father, I'm back."

The first task of Uchiha Makoto when he entered the house was to close the doors and windows.

As a father, Uchiha Huai's heart skipped a beat, and he said to Uchiha Rena in the kitchen: "Rena, there are guests at home, please take Shisui to the room to play for a while."

Uchiha Rena in the kitchen did not refute anything, nodded, took some snacks and took Shisui back to the room.

Uchiha Miao carried a large bag of desserts, put it on the table, took off his hood, and Uchiha Yan also took off his coat, staring at the large table of desserts, but he didn't dare to eat.

Uchiha Zhen picked a few duplicate cakes and said to Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao: "You two bring some food to Shisui, don't let him drool at the door."

At this time, there were only three people in the living room, and Quan Na didn't even look at Uchiha Huai, staring at the table full of desserts.

Uchiha Zhen cleared his throat and introduced a little awkwardly: "Father, this is the great grandfather, that is, your grandfather, um... he may have to live in our house for a while during this period, you see..."

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