A pair of snake eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but praise: "Good, very good!"

Since ninjas have almost the biological clock of 007, they were very upset to be woken up just after falling asleep.

And Orochimaru actually called all the idle people in the Konoha camp, including the logistics troops, to watch the fun.

Uchiha Makoto's mouth twitched when he saw this scene.

Uncle Snake, you are so bad!

You ruined someone's health, and you still want them to be embarrassed in front of everyone.

On the other side, when Chiyo and Kazekage of Sand Village received the news that the Konoha army was already on the front battlefield, they were so scared that they rolled and crawled to hold an emergency meeting.

"Elder Chiyo, Sand Village has been emptied of most of it. Apart from the pension, it can no longer continue to fight. Don't sacrifice the entire village for personal grudges."

Kazekage said it very bluntly, but it was also forced by the situation. In the last battle, thousands of ninjas had been lost, including more than a hundred senior ninjas.

After the pension was paid, the treasury of the entire Sand Village was cleaner than its face.

Chiyo also knew the current situation of the Sand Village. For the sake of the village, the revenge of Konoha White Fang...

"I know, but now Konoha has come to the border area. If they want to break through, they can attack the Sand Village in less than half an hour."


"How is the front line?"

"Lord Kazekage, they... did not continue to advance, but surrounded the battlefield..."

"Are they praying for the dead?"

All the high-level officials of the Sand Village did not understand Konoha's behavior, and finally came to this conclusion.

"It seems... they are in a meeting!"

Kazekage: ? ? ?

Are you kidding me!

Meeting on the battlefield?

Are Orochimaru and Konoha White Fang crazy? !

As it turns out, they are a little bit.

Hinata has already provoked impatiently, and doesn't care whether Hinata Tatsuki is missing or not. The point is that they just want to make trouble for Uchiha.

"Uchiha Masaru, if you can't find out, forget it. You don't have to bring everyone here to watch your performance."

"Hmph! Could it be that you Hyuga hid the person and framed us, afraid of being exposed and desperate?" Uchiha Yan is just like his name, he is ignited and his mouth is comparable to Uchiha's machine gun.

"We are just considering your face to avoid embarrassment." Hinata retorted dissatisfiedly.

"We Uchiha's face is born to be blessed by God, what? Envy? Jealousy? So you framed?"

At this time, Uchiha Masaru couldn't help but give Uchiha Yan a thumbs up. Young man, you are really good at talking. Is this what he meant?

However, Hinata's words caused dissatisfaction among everyone present. First, when Uchiha Masaru helped with logistics, many injured ninjas were favored.

Secondly, as a ninja of the Dujia family, Uchiha Masaru was not arrogant at all, he was approachable and often joked with them during treatment.

The most important thing is the heroes before and after the war, and you, a Hinata, are slandering them.

The whispers of the ninjas made Hatake Sakumo frown, and he began to wonder if Uchiha Makoto had used illusions on these people.

And the Uchiha didn't expect so many people to speak for the Uchiha. In Konoha, they were the ones who were scolded regardless of right or wrong.

"Zhen Jun actually has this kind of magic."

"Hehe, in fact, I think you Uchiha are annoying with your stinky faces in the village, but after getting to know you, I feel that you are nice people."

"Yeah, you are handsome."

The Uchiha blushed under the praise of the ninjas around them.

This caused the people around them to joke and laugh.

"Uchiha Makoto, you called us here, did you find the whereabouts of Hinata Tatsutoki?"

Hatake Sakumo interrupted the whispers of everyone present.

"Hinata Tatsutoki, I don't know whether he is dead or alive..."

Hatake Sakumo's eyelids jumped. You said you didn't know anything when you were called up before dawn. Are you kidding me?

"But I already know where Hinata Tatsutoki was all night."

"First of all, it was a dark and windy night, and Hinata Tatsutoki came to the battlefield to touch the corpse."

"It's absurd. How could our dignified Hyuga clan do such a despicable and mean act."

Hinata's words scolded Uchiha Station and Orochimaru together.

Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything. It was normal to touch on the battlefield, but a well-known ninja would not do such a thing.

"That's right, but does a branch family like Hinata Chen have so many resources? No, of course he has to do this late at night when no one is watching."

Hinata was speechless and after a long while, he managed to say, "What evidence do you have!"

"The evidence is right in front of us. Most of the valuables here have been stolen."

Uchiha Makoto pointed at the large area of ​​things he had touched.

Hatake Sakumo motioned his men to check.

"Lord Sakumo, it was looted.. "

"Impossible, we Hyuga will never do such a thing that is humiliating to our family. You must be slandering us."

Then Uchiha Makoto continued to talk nonsense seriously.

"Lord Sakumo, Lord Orochimaru, look here, because Hinata Chenshi was too serious about touching the corpse, he didn't pay attention to the situation behind him, and his throat was locked from behind. There are traces of a slight fight here."

"But it is obvious that Hinata Chenshi should have only resisted slightly, and even had no power to fight back. The evidence is this poisonous and bloody Senbon, and the traces of being dragged. "

After the other ninjas checked, some of the brains with active brains have begun to imagine the scene.

"Oh, so that's the case. Hinata was too serious about touching the corpse and didn't pay attention to being shot by the poisonous Senbon from behind, and then was strangled by the Sand Ninja's puppet line and dragged backwards, leaving these traces. "

"But why didn't they deal with the scene. "

"Is there any need to say this? This is a battlefield, what is there to deal with. "

Everyone has told what happened.

Orochimaru unexpectedly discovered that these people's minds have been induced by Uchiha Makoto.

"What a scary little guy."

This time, Hatake Sakumo personally checked and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. He even found some puppet remnants and some kunai, which can be connected to the scene.

Now the faces of Hinata and others are very ugly, and they curse Hinata Tatsutoki in their hearts.

"The fact is that Hinata Tatsutoki secretly went out of the military camp to touch the corpse, and was killed by the Sand Ninja who collected the corpse! Maybe he is just a Genin."

"Damn Sand Ninja, Lord Sakumo, we must teach the Sand Ninja a lesson. "

Hinata was already gritting his teeth in hatred, not knowing whether it was towards Uchiha Makoto, the Sand Ninja, or Hinata Tatsuki who had embarrassed them.

Hatake Sakumo looked unhappy. Did you make a mistake and I have to help you get revenge?

Dream on!

"Hinata Tatsuki left the barracks without permission. Hinata has to give me an explanation for this."

Hatake Sakumo's words were very powerful, and he faintly accused them of colluding with foreign enemies.

"In addition, Uchiha Makoto is very good."

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