Hyuga Tuhou immediately became nervous and took a few steps back, "What? What are you doing? I can't see far. I am a branch family, and I am a waste. I can only see those three mines!"

"I can't fight in advance. I am responsible for seeing if there are thieves stealing mines, not catching them."

Whether it was Nara Tomokazu, Kurama Shunichi, or the tribesmen led by Hatake Jie, they all opened their mouths in shock. How far can the Hyuga clan's Byakugan see? According to their understanding, it is only ten kilometers at most.

You can see three mines, but you say you can't see far. Those are three mines!

Nara Tomokazu and Kurama Shunichi looked at each other, and each of them held up Hyuga Tuhou, pointing to the direction they were running from, "Open your Byakugan and look in the direction of Konoha, do you see if Uchiha En has escaped?"

Hyuga Tuhou was like a frightened bird, shaking his head like a drum, muttering: "I can't see it, it's too scary, I can't see it."

Kurama Shunichi made up his mind and said with gritted teeth: "Women's clothing, Kayamain Ruri, I will accompany you for a day."

Hearing women's clothing, Kayamain Ruri, Hyuga Tuhou, who swore to die, immediately opened his Byakugan, stretched his neck to look into the distance, scanned a circle and fixed on one place, blinked his eyes, and tremblingly stretched out his finger, "U, Uchiha En, many people are chasing them."

"Tell me clearly, where? How far?" Nara Tomokazu asked.

"In the middle, there is also... someone carrying Master Zhen. They are not together, but Erhuojun is in danger, and Sanshuijun is seriously injured... um... it is on the road we just came from."

Nara Tomokazu handed the unconscious little Shisui to Hatake Jie, and said: "Senior, please help me take Shisui back to Tianzhi Country and keep an eye on him!"

Hatake Jie nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will take him back safely."

"Let's go and save people." Nara Tomokazu set up the cowardly Hyuga Tuhou, "Use your unreliable transfer formation and lead the way."

"Now that we have arrived at Tianzhi Country, I will let the tribe go with you." Hatake Jie said.

"No, you should not show up. The most important thing is to settle Shisui." Nara Tomokazu glanced at Shisui. He knew Uchiha Zhen, and the importance of Shisui would be his most advantageous knife. He didn't believe that the bastard would raise a child for no reason.

He was extremely reluctant to save Uchiha En and the others, but his body would not listen to him and he had to do it.

"You bastard, I really owe you."

Hinata Tuhou was carried back by Kurama Junichi and Nara Tomokazu and screamed.

In the end, Kurama Junichi let Hinata Tuhou be a humanoid survey machine like his grandson at the cost of Sannaka Sanin Ruri.

"Hurry, hurry, someone is catching up again, ah ah ah, hurry, you go first, I'll command from behind!"

"Is it too late?"

Kurama Shunichi and Nara Tomokazu didn't care about his screaming and quickened their pace, which scared Hyuga Tuhou and he shouted: "I remembered, I have a way... let me go... I really have a way to help remotely!"

Kurama Shunichi let go of Hyuga Tuhou and threatened: "If you have to fart, do it quickly."

Hyuga Tuhou stabilized his body, took a deep breath, spread his legs and took a horse stance. After determining the direction, he stretched out his fists and shouted: "Self-created soft fist·long-range chain bomb, ah~ ah ta ta ta ta ta ta~"

When Uchiha Yan and others who were being chased again thought they would die here, countless fist winds came out from nowhere and defeated everyone, and everyone's chest was broken and vomited blood.

Uchiha and others took the opportunity to finish him off and ended their lives.

"God will not destroy us, Erhuo, we survived."

Uchiha Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "Like Rouquan, there are no Hyuga people around, just hold on, as long as we reach Tianzhi Country, we will be safe."

Nara Zhihe looked at Hyuga Tuhou as if he was looking at Erbi, feeling that he was wasting time.

How could there be someone in the world who is more afraid of death than him, this time he finally saw it.

"Okay, okay, Uchiha's brothers have cut their necks, I feel I'm fine again, my transfer formation should not fail this time."

Hyuga Tuhou stopped, shook his arms, and was very proud.

Who knew that the next second, Kurama Shunichi picked him up and started to hurry on his way.

Hyuga Tuhou quickly sprinkled a handful of talismans that looked like a ritual, and then formed a seal, and a golden light suddenly appeared and swallowed the three of them, and the next second they appeared in front of Uchiha Yan and others.

Both sides looked cautious and almost fought.

"Tomokazu-kun? You, how come you guys suddenly appear here?"


Nara Tomokazu didn't have time to say anything more, and quickly dealt with the explosion for the people in their hands. After finishing, he looked at Hyuga Tuhou and said with gritted teeth: "Now...Use your sometimes effective and sometimes ineffective transfer formation to bring everyone back to the Land of Fields. Miao is too badly injured. "

As soon as he got nervous, Hyuga Tuhou's transfer formation failed again.

Uchiha was confused the whole time, not knowing what this Hyuga was doing.

After trying several times, Hyuga Tuhou said with a sad face: "It doesn't work!"

Kurama Shunichi's eyebrows jumped, and he made a seal with one hand, turning into a woman's dress, Kayamain Ruri, and said softly: "Lord Tuhou, I want to go back to the Land of Fields. There are so many mosquitoes here. ”

Hyuga Tuhou: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Uchiha people: ......ː̗̀(ꙨꙨ)ː̖́

Nara Tomokazu: ......(ꏿ᷄౪ ꏿ᷄ ̨ )͞

Hyuga Tuhou threw the talisman in his hand into the sky like a fairy scattering flowers, and his hands formed seals. Suddenly, golden light appeared under his feet, and everyone came to the village they had just built in Tianguo.

Kurama Shunichi released the transformation technique and immediately arranged for the injured Uchiha to come to a building similar to a hospital. There was only one doctor and a few nurses in it. Seeing Kurama Shunichi, they bowed respectfully.

"Kurama-sama, they..."

Kurama Shunichi ordered: "Save people at all costs. "

The Uchiha with minor injuries was arranged to the ordinary treatment room with Kurama Shunichi, and Uchiha Miao was pushed into the operating room.

Hinata Tuhou, who was still immersed in the glass of Huashanyuan, drooled and was slapped by Nara Tomokazu, "What are you still standing there for? Go in and help!"

Hinata Tuhou came back to his senses and after confirming that he was safe, he restored his normal Hyuga look, followed the doctors and nurses into the emergency room, and opened his white eyes to command.

Uchiha Yan collapsed on the chair in the corridor, his arms blocking the glaring light, the wounds on his body were simply treated, and he sat outside the operating room waiting with his spirit, his voice hoarse and tired, "Tomokazu, you said Sanshui will be fine, right!"

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