Filial piety?

Or be filial to yourself!

He can't bear it!

"Itachi also wants to practice with you." Uchiha Fugaku glanced over, "Isn't it, Itachi!"

Itachi looked at his father's slightly threatening eyes and nodded.

He really wanted to practice with Shisui, but the big brother in front of him always gave him a weird feeling, making him feel cold all over.

"Hehe, Chief Fugaku, Itachi is three years old! Who said that Itachi would be my little Shisui's wife?" Seeing the way that Uchiha Fugaku, the chief of the clan, used the heir selection method to educate his children, Uchiha Zhen teased: "Does it still count now!"

When he said this, he was worried.

Why isn't Itachi a girl!

If it was a girl, he could stand up straight and be a man.

"Zhen Jun, don't worry about Shisui's wife. Even if Itachi can't be the wife, Mikoto and I will work harder, and there will be absolutely no problem with the second child."

Uchiha Fugaku made a solemn promise.

However, Uchiha Makoto treated it as a joke. If you can give birth to a daughter, I will let Shisui kowtow to you three times and call you daddy!

After a meal, no one may be full.

Uchiha Makoto took Shisui to leave. Uchiha Fugaku had a long-lost smile on his icy face, but he winked at Itachi madly and ended up in failure.

Looking at Uchiha Makoto's back as he left, Uchiha Fugaku's face sank and he said coldly: "Itachi, why don't you follow him? Isn't my hint to you obvious enough?"

Itachi felt that his father was abnormal today. Why did he join in the fun when the family was reunited? That Uchiha Makoto was not easy to get along with. What if he was kicked out!

"Father, Shisui and his family are together, I don't want to disturb them."

"You are his adopted son, he is your father!"

Uchiha Fugaku had never been so angry. He hinted so clearly, asking you to do whatever you want. How could a child have so many thoughts.

Itachi even felt that his father was a little unreasonable today.

He could see the fear of Uchiha Makoto from his father. What kind of person could make his powerful father afraid?

"Fugaku, Itachi is still young. Besides, Makoto has just returned. He should play with Shisui. What's the point of Itachi following him?" Uchiha Mikoto spoke for his poor son.

"I'm doing this for his own good!" Uchiha Fugaku put the tea bowl on the table fiercely. "Uchiha Makoto still cares about Shisui. Back then... I hope Itachi can learn more from Makoto."

Itachi blinked and asked in confusion: "Father, why are you afraid of Uchiha Makoto?"


Itachi was slapped from the room to the door by Uchiha Fugaku, and one side of his face was instantly swollen.

"Itachi!" Uchiha Mikoto picked Itachi up distressedly.

"Call me godfather!" Uchiha Fugaku opened his Sharingan and said to Itachi, "Remember, don't let me hear you say disrespectful words to Zhenjun."

At night, Uchiha Fugaku turned over and over, and found the best ointment and handed it to Uchiha Mikoto, "Mikoto, give this to Itachi."

Uchiha Mikoto took the ointment and complained, "Itachi is only three years old, you hit him so hard, now you feel sorry."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed and said in annoyance, "Who is willing to push their own children away? Uchiha Zhen's parents died back then. With his temper, he will settle the account sooner or later, and he will be careful. I'm not afraid that he will put it all on me, but I don't want you and Itachi to be implicated."

"Now I just slapped him. , if Uchiha Makoto makes a move, it will be a knife! This time when he comes back, I can no longer feel his presence. "

Uchiha Mikoto comforted, and suddenly remembered Uchiha Makoto's words, and said: "Mr. Makoto said... He sat under the cherry tree at home for an afternoon, and neither Liuhuo nor other secret guards found it. "

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand, "He can move freely in Konoha, let alone Uchiha! Forget it, let him go. "

When Uchiha Mikoto came to Itachi's room with ice and ointment, he called softly: "Itachi, are you asleep?"

Itachi, who pretended to be asleep, did not move, and Uchiha Mikoto walked in with a smile, "Don't pretend, your face is swollen like a steamed bun, and you still have to sleep on your side. "

Itachi slowly got up, and the whole person was limp.

Uchiha Mikoto helped him apply ice and medicine, and gently persuaded him: "Please don't blame your father. As the head of the clan, he has no choice in many things. He still loves you very much, Itachi."

"Mother, father...why are you afraid of your foster father?" He couldn't figure it out. The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he wanted to figure it out.

"Zhen Jun became the head of the torture department when he was ten years old, but suddenly one day, the whole Konoha was filled with the torture department members fightingThe sound of death, the killing began from that moment, and he destroyed the entire Konoha with his own strength, causing countless casualties. "

"This happened not long after you were born. It's not that your father is afraid of him, but that everyone who experienced the night of killing has developed a fear of his strength, even the Hokage!"

"I know, mother."

After Uchiha Mikoto came back, Uchiha Fugaku immediately got up and asked worriedly: "Is Itachi okay!"

"It's okay, Itachi is a sensible child, he understands you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a photo of Izuna, put it on the bedside and said: "Let's work hard and try to make Shisui our son-in-law. The child will grow up like this photo, no problem! You look at it more, and let the child grow up like this."

The next morning, Uchiha Makoto just opened the door and saw Itachi sitting at the door with a lot of bags on his back. His eyes twitched. Is he planning to live here permanently!

"Foster father, excuse me! "

Looking at Itachi, who had a paralyzed face at such a young age, he helped him carry the bag that was taller than him into the room without saying anything, and shouted to the inside: "Shisui, get up, your wife is here."

Shisui poked his head out of the room, lazily helped Itachi organize his luggage, and said aggrievedly: "Brother, I want to eat beef noodles."

"Itachi, what's wrong with your face? Who hit you? Tell brother Shisui, I will help you beat him up." Shisui rubbed Itachi as hard as he rubbed the plucked crow that Uchiha Makoto gave him.

Itachi's youthful maturity was shattered by Shisui, his eyes were red and filled with tears, "No, I fell when I went out."

Uchiha Makoto came over with three bowls of beef noodles, and interrupted: "You are really artistic in falling, you can even leave a slap mark!"

"Did your father hit you? "Shisui raised his voice in surprise. Itachi was so obedient but still got beaten. Thinking of what he had just said, he was speechless... Can't beat him, can't beat him!

Itachi is a young master, who can beat him except his father!

He glanced at Uchiha Makoto who was eating noodles, then at Shisui, and nodded with a pursed mouth.

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