As expected, after returning to Konoha, Kakashi was fought over by the Uchiha clan and Danzo.

It was only after Minato moved out and Jiraiya put pressure on him that the two groups of people were suppressed.

But he still paid a great price in the Uchiha.

Finally, the third generation came forward and included Kakashi in the Anbu, so that he would not appear in front of the Uchiha for a short time to ensure that the Uchiha clan would be quiet.

I don’t know how long it took, Kakashi woke up from the hospital, stroking the Sharingan that could never be closed, and his heart was extremely sad.

If he hadn’t insisted on the mission, if he hadn’t made such a low-level mistake as forgetting to finish off the knife, if it wasn’t for saving him, Obito would not have died.

He ran home with tears in his eyes and saw that there was no one. The house had been cleaned up and there was no trace left.

"Did you leave too?"

Kakashi collapsed on the ground. He thought that there would be someone waiting for him when he returned home, and would take him to the grove to be beaten, but now there is nothing.

If he hadn't been beaten to the strength of a jonin, everyone would have thought that the man in black robes was his imagination.

Kakashi stayed at home for seven days, and was finally carried away by the Anbu and taken directly to the hospital for emergency treatment.

If it had been a few days later, he might have been the first jonin to starve to death in Konoha.

And Uchiha Makoto from the Sound Village was slumped on the sofa in the laboratory, wearing earplugs and rolling his eyes.

Not long after he came back, Izuna came back. Not only did she come back, but she also came back with Madara's body. She sat in the laboratory and cried loudly for three days and three nights.

Uchiha Makoto finally understood Orochimaru a little.

"Grandpa, don't cry. You can't wake up even if you cry. Didn't Madara arrange everything for himself clearly?" Uchiha Makoto began to persuade him. It was too annoying. There was no normal man in Uchiha.

Izuna sniffed, sat beside the incubator where Madara's body was stored, and said aggrievedly: "Use that Impure World Reincarnation to call my brother out."

"Grandpa, Madara has been planning for most of his life, let him have a good rest for a while!" Uchiha Zhen rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "The donkeys in the production team have to be given some rest time, just relax, you can see Madara every day when you come to the laboratory."

After a while, Izuna pulled his pillow and quilt to the laboratory, ready to live in the laboratory permanently.

"No, Grandpa, you can actually take Madara home... living here... not good!"

Izuna raised his chin proudly and said: "Humph, I have cracked all the techniques of Senju Tobirama. In the future, I will study techniques that can kill him in seconds in the laboratory. Living here saves time."

Uchiha Zhen was speechless. This reason was extremely sufficient, but it was selfish.


"What did you say? You cracked all the techniques of Senju Tobirama?"

Uchiha Makoto got the point, which means... he has read all the techniques in the forbidden scroll!

"Of course, the despicable Senju Tobirama, all the techniques he studied are aimed at Uchiha, vile! He deserves to be exterminated!"

Speaking of Senju Tobirama, Izunai always can't help but curse a few words.

Sometimes Uchiha Makoto also agrees, Orochimaru also agrees when he is in a good mood, and Nara Tomokazu has seen the real rich Uchiha family. Whatever Izunai says is right, not to mention scolding Senju Tobirama, he can even mention Senju Hashirama.

In the Sound Village, Izunai, a dead man, has become a group favorite.

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