Orochimaru's pupils shrank, and he knew that the disappearance of the Hyuga clan was caused by his lovely disciple.

I just don't know how he managed to benefit from the conflict between the Sand Ninja and the Hyuga clan.

"Of course, but I am more interested in how you made it impossible for the Yamanaka clan to search for intelligence."

"The Yamanaka clan can read other people's memories, but it is through the nerves in the brain to the hippocampus. I destroyed their brain nerves, so naturally there is no way to extract memories."

Uchiha Zheng is proud of his technology. No one can understand the human body better than him. He once tried brain stem remodeling, but he touched the red line and could only study it secretly.

"It's terrible, he has such thoughts at such a young age," Orochimaru laughed grimly, "Let all parties suspect each other, and finally put all the blame on Danzo, what a calculation!"

Uchiha Makoto spread his hands and looked at Orochimaru innocently, "It's not my fault, they wanted to kill me first!"

"Where's the body?" Orochimaru was more concerned about the eyes of the main family. As for how Uchiha Makoto got it, whether it was a ninja from the village...


They are crazy scientists!

Grasshoppers on the same line, can they still tell on others?

Uchiha Makoto hesitated to find another scroll from a pile of scrolls, and then turned out an inconspicuous scroll from this scroll...

After a few times, countless scrolls had rolled to the ground in Orochimaru's laboratory.

Orochimaru was ashamed, he didn't steal his things, so why did he do this!

"How do you have so many sealing scrolls?"

Although the sealing scrolls are not expensive, they are not something that can be casually placed on the ground like he wholesales.

"I picked it up on the battlefield, and the Sand Ninja picked it up!" Uchiha Makoto didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and he picked up things based on his own ability, so it was not shameful.


"Found it!" Uchiha Makoto unsealed the scroll, and a Hyuga corpse was lying in the middle, "It's him!"

Uchiha Makoto created a shadow clone and carried the person to the operating table, lying side by side with another Hyuga.

In order to keep the nerves around the eyes from being damaged, Orochimaru and Uchiha Makoto worked together to remove the two eyes and put them in two containers, one Orochimaru took it himself, and the other was placed on his workbench for him.

Turning on the shadowless lamp, Uchiha started the brain dissection of the two Hyuga. He wanted to compare the differences between the brains of the Hyuga with the caged bird and the Hyuga without the caged bird.

After a while, Orochimaru stood behind Uchiha Makoto with a notebook, and did not disturb him. He just stood with his clone and kept recording. When he was too tired to stand and wanted to rest, he stuffed a soldier pill into his mouth and stared at him to continue.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

After Uchiha Makoto sutured the brain of the Hyuga branch, the shadow clone was directly consumed and exploded.

"Lord Orochimaru, the donkeys in the production team were not forced to work like this, you really don't treat me as a human being!"

Uchiha Makoto lay on the ground motionless, and glanced at Uchiha Yan, who showed no signs of waking up and felt relieved.

"Please build an intravenous access for Hyuga Chenshi and give him some oxygen. His vital signs have not disappeared, and he may still be alive."

"Can he still be alive?" Orochimaru initially thought that it was unnecessary to sew them all together, perhaps because of some special fetish, but he didn't expect that it was to keep his life going.

It's not easy to be alive with your head cut like that.

"Zheng, you were too modest when you said that you didn't know as much about the body as Tsunade. Tsunade can't do this."

Orochimaru praised them and called the secret guards to carry Uchiha Makoto and Uchiha Yan out of the laboratory and take them to the room to rest.

The decoration of Orochimaru's home is Japanese style. Judging from the thickness of dust in the room, it has not been lived in for a long time.

Presumably, he should live in the underground laboratory when he is at home.

He slept until the next night. Since Uchiha Zheng had not issued any hypnotic instructions, he also spent the whole time in deep sleep.

"Tell Lord Orochimaru that I will go back to Uchiha first." Uchiha said to the air. He knew that there must be a secret guard hiding in a place he could not see at this time.

Then he snapped his fingers beside Uchiha Yan, and the sleeping Uchiha Yan woke up slowly.

He became cautious when he found himself in a strange place.

"Are you awake? Go home if you can still walk! You haven't been home for a day and a night." Uchiha Zheng changed his clothes with a strong smell of disinfectant.

"Lord Zheng? Where are we...?" Uchiha asked blankly. Why did he feel that he was lying here suddenly while fighting.

"Your ability to resist illusion is too poor! It took a whole day and night to come out. "

Uchiha Zhen shamelessly said that Uchiha Yan was rubbish. In order to compensate for his dedication to science, he threw some fire escape ninjutsu experience and ninjutsu that he had looted on the battlefield to him.

"Take this!"

Uchiha Yan saw that the seven or eight scrolls were all fire escapes that he was good at, and he was a little speechless.

These things are very precious to ninjas. No one is willing to share them, let alone give them to others. Even if they are from the same clan, the two people don’t have much intersection.

"Master Zhen, these are too precious, I can’t take them."

Precious? So precious? He looted a lot on the battlefield, but he didn’t have time to sort them out.

"I’ll give it to you. If you don’t want it, you can throw it away."

These things are really not precious things for Uchiha Zhen, and they are not even rare things in Nara Tomokazu’s hands.

"Thank you, Master Zhen. "

At this moment, Uchiha Yan had planted the seed in his heart to follow Uchiha Zheng to death, even if he had to sacrifice his life for it.

The two returned to the Uchiha clan, each went back to their own homes and looked for their own mothers.

Uchiha Yan returned home with a heavy heart and was scolded by Uchiha Yashiro.

"You have been missing for a day and a night, and you are so bold? I wonder if the Uchiha Sharingan is being targeted by someone now? How dare you send it out alone!"

Uchiha Yan is young and has no thoughts about political power, but Uchiha Zheng's strength makes him obsessed with following.

Uchiha is born with superior talents, and following the strong is the best choice, "Uncle Yashiro, why did we Uchiha not follow that adult back then? "

Three magatama appeared in the pupils of Uchiha Yashiro immediately. Chen Mo closed the doors and windows for a long time, and stared at the child he raised in front of him with a complicated expression.

That adult is a taboo in Uchiha, but Uchiha Yan doesn't understand why such a powerful ninja was abandoned by the tribe. Isn't following the strong the philosophy of their Uchiha?

Uchiha Yashiro became serious and gloomy, "Where have you been these two days?"

"I went to Lord Orochimaru's mansion with Lord Zhen, and then practiced with Lord Zhen. I was hit by an illusion and woke up after a day and a night. I didn't even know when I was hit by the illusion. "

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