Uchiha Makoto smiled innocently.

Hinata Yuan: "If you have anything to say, please say it!"

Nara Tomokazu: "I don't want to do anything troublesome."

Now they don't have a jonin leading the team, and most of the mission scrolls are in the hands of the captain.

Since Captain Matsumoto is gone, how can they know the complete mission! The supplies are even less clear, they must have disappeared with the captain!

"We will try to delay time and arrive at the front line in a mess. As for the mission, I don't know. Just follow the arrangements of the commander in charge."

The war is coming to an end, and the commander in charge must be busy and exhausted. How can he have time to take care of them?

As long as Hinata Yuan doesn't commit suicide, they will be safe, and they can even find some time to practice.

"I agree with your idea," Nara Tomokazu hesitated, "It will take some time to reach the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind from here. If Hei Bai Bu Xiu is on the road, it will take at least five days. Can you guarantee that no ninja will attack us in these five days and we can reach the front line safely?"

Uchiha Masa: "..."

He can't guarantee it.

"The one in charge of the front line is Lord Sakumo. Can you guarantee that he won't arrange you to carry out a sneak attack mission?" Hinata Yuan asked back.

Uchiha Masa: "..."

He can't guarantee it either.

When everyone fell into silence, Uchiha Masa asked back faintly: "How old were you when you went to the battlefield?"

On the battlefield, there are only ninjas, no age, but on the contrary, as long as you are young, you will be looked down upon by the other side and regarded as a weak cub.

"I went to the battlefield when I was 6 years old, and now I am only 7 years old. Lord Sakumo will not let a genius who has not grown up die."

Uchiha Masa said it confidently, but Hinata Yuan and Nara Tomokazu were not so happy. They were 14 and 12 years old, and could be considered mature ninjas.

They really couldn't say such shameless words as seriously as Uchiha Masaru.

For them, the mission was no longer so important.

"I agree with your method. We will try to be careful on the road."

Nara Tomokazu agreed. Obviously, he had found a reasonable way out for himself. Hinata Yuan, who had not expressed his opinion, did not refute it. Uchiha Masaru knew that he wanted to take this opportunity to gain more merits.

After clarifying the goal, the three set off quickly.

But their luck was very bad. It was really as Nara Tomokazu said. It was too difficult to reach the mission location safely.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The three immediately dispersed to avoid the opponent's attack.

The figures crossed and were pulled into the battlefield without giving them any reaction.

Uchiha Makoto found out that it was Uchiha who attacked them, and opened his Sharingan without thinking. The opponent stopped immediately after noticing it, and turned around while forming a seal to release ninjutsu to the rain ninja who wanted to sneak attack.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique."

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique."

Uchiha Makoto formed a seal very quickly. He would practice every technique he knew hundreds or even thousands of times, imprinting the direction of the seal to mobilize chakra in his brain, integrating it into his bones and blood, and shortening the steps of forming a seal.

Some simple ninjutsu are simplified to one seal to complete.

In the ninja era, others are still forming seals, and your ninjutsu has already been launched. In this case, it is obvious who can survive.

Uchiha Makoto did not stop, and drew the short knife at his waist, aiming at the enemy's vitals, clean and neat.

With the addition of three people, the rain ninja was defeated soon. When the battle was almost over, he found that the person who had just cooperated with him was actually Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke's biological father.

They were naturally not needed for the finishing work. The remaining Rain Ninjas were tied up like dumplings and thrown on the ground after being cast into illusion by the Uchiha.

Uchiha Fugaku walked up to Uchiha Makoto with a kunai in his hand and asked uncertainly: "Are you Uchiha Makoto?"

As soon as this was said, all the Uchiha looked at him in surprise.

No one could have imagined that the kid who had never even attended a ninja school and was sent to the battlefield to die a year ago was still alive.

At the beginning, the elder was afraid of danger on the battlefield, so he replaced his grandson's quota to go to the battlefield and pushed Uchiha Makoto out.

Although this kind of thing is very unkind and even immoral, no one said anything, but secretly despised it in their hearts.

The elder was a high-ranking Uchiha, and Uchiha Makoto's father was just a cripple who could not make any contribution to the family. In this way, Uchiha Makoto became a scapegoat.

Never expected that the clan member who they thought had died long ago was actually standing in front of them alive, and opened the two magatama Sharingan at the age of 7.

Even Uchiha Fugaku, the candidate for the next clan leader, had only recently acquired the three-magatama Sharingan.

Uchiha Makoto glanced atA glance at the Uchiha clan members present, none of them recognized each other, and the two teammates stood aside to watch the excitement.

"Yes, I am Uchiha Makoto, Master Fugaku."

"I didn't expect to see you here, and you helped me so much."

Uchiha Fugaku's tone was relaxed. He knew the danger level on the battlefield. When he left the village, he brought a team of 20 people. Now there are only a few people left. Being able to survive on the battlefield and open the Sharingan is enough to prove his strength.

"Why are you here?"

"We met the Sand Ninja on the way to perform the mission. The captain died. The specific mission is unknown. We only know that we are going to the front line, and we don't know what to do."

Uchiha Makoto's face was calm, but the Uchiha present changed their faces, and some of the bad-tempered ones even began to talk about the quintessence of the country.

Obviously they knew that this was to let an Uchiha with two magatama Sharingan go to die. A 7-year-old two magatama was destined to be extraordinary as long as he was trained a little.

Go to die? Even if the Hokage asked them personally, they would not agree.

Fortunately, we met here, and fortunately, their captain died early.

No one cares why the captain, who is a senior ninja, sacrificed himself, while several teammates with weak strength were safe and sound.

"Zhen Jun, if you don't mind, you can come with us."

Uchiha Fugaku invited him, more in order to win over a future genius.

After all, he will run for the clan leader after the war, and his competitor is the son of the great elder. Now there are only a few of his people left.

"Okay," Uchiha Zhen's face was always calm, but he was very happy in his heart. It would be a waste not to use the free bodyguard.

Looking at the two teammates again, Nara Tomokazu simply agreed with both hands, and almost raised his feet. Although Hinata Yuan was reluctant, he did not refute.

Uchiha Zhen couldn't help but sigh, the Sharingan is really a good thing. He was a scapegoat at the beginning, and now the future clan leader is his bodyguard, haha...

Uchiha Zhen has been silent all the way, but in fact he has never been idle. He kept practicing the two ninjutsu that he got from Nara Tomokazu in his mind.

He couldn't use the water ninjutsu for the time being, but he studied the principle and strengthened it. He was very interested in the lightning ninjutsu.

After Uchiha Makoto's research, he found that the focus of this ninjutsu was not on attacking, but on strengthening oneself, making the appearance less vulnerable to injury, numbing the pain, and increasing one's speed...

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