This statement choked Nara Tomokazu.

Is he crazy to say this in front of Orochimaru? !

Or is he tired of living!

"What are you going to do? Our clan leader is already furious." Nara Tomokazu changed the subject and told Uchiha Masaru about the situation in the past few days.

"Let's go meet the people from the delegation tonight."

It was a dark and windy night, a good time to kill and rob.

A dark and gloomy ghost appeared behind Uchiha Masaru and Nara Tomokazu, and the whole person melted into the darkness except for a pair of eyes.

"I didn't expect that Uchiha would have such a shameless person. It's possible to use his smart mind to resurrect my mother in advance."

Black Zetsu!

The guy who ripped out the heart of Uchiha Madara Black Tiger in the fourth battle.

Uchiha Masaru felt as if something was watching him, but after he couldn't find anyone around, he gestured to Nara Tomokazu.

Nara Tomokazu instantly broke away from him and fell behind, and then dozens of shurikens shot towards Nara Tomokazu's position from all directions.

After Konoha's Anbu discovered the situation, they immediately appeared and blocked Uchiha Masaru's attack.

"Uchiha Masaru, attack your companions... companions..."

A black humanoid object emerged from the ground with a head, "Have you been discovered? It seems that I have to report to Madara about Uchiha's new situation."

"Get out of the way!"

"In the way!"

Uchiha Masaru and Nara Tomokazu didn't want to give those Anbu a look of disdain, and watched Black Zetsu escape from under their noses.

"Then, what is that?" One of the Anbu asked.

"You ask me? If it weren't for you, he could have escaped so quickly?" Uchiha Masaru had a hint of coldness in his eyes, and was very displeased with the Anbu's behavior.

"I... we have to report to the Hokage!"

"Tsk, trouble," Nara Tomokazu was also unhappy. Who knows if that black mass is staring at him or Uchiha Makoto.

Although he hoped that he was staring at Uchiha Makoto, if Uchiha Makoto hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have been able to find that kind of thing that was invisible to the gods with his ability. "What on earth is that?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a ghost!" Uchiha Makoto didn't know how to explain it. He said it was Six Paths' fucking son?

It's better to say that ghosts are more credible. Anyway, Black Zetsu can possess and control other people's bodies, so it's reasonable to say so!

"Are you still going now?" Nara Tomokazu asked. He felt that today would be a sleepless night.

"Of course! We must go for the benefit of Konoha."

Uchiha Makoto showed selflessness on his face, and the cunning and viciousness in his slightly narrowed eyes were not hidden at all.

Nara Tomokazu carefully kept a distance of one meter from him. It was too dangerous!

Uchiha gave him the feeling of a poisonous snake hiding in the bushes, who would kill the enemy with one blow as long as he found an opportunity.

Moreover, his method of cleaning traces was even more advanced than that of professional Anbu. Since he came back, he had been afraid that Hyuga's affairs would be exposed.

But after so long, no one asked about this matter, and it seemed that even Hyuga had acquiesced to it.

That was a Hyuga head family, wouldn't Hyuga be afraid of being looked down upon?

But the facts proved that Uchiha Makoto successfully deceived everyone, and even made a lot of money from the Hyuga family!

He didn't believe in asking for money with a bang, just simply asking for money.

After all, when he was on the battlefield, he would hide in front of the mission if he could, and if he couldn't, he would either hide next to the jonin or pretend to be dead to save his life.

If it weren't for Hyuga Yuan, that stupid dog, who only knew about merits and missions, their safety factor would be at least half as high.

I really can't understand what merits Hyuga Yuan, a branch family, wants, whether he can become the clan leader or be able to release the bird in the cage.

It's just that he can't see these things clearly. Running for an impossible future, in the end, it's just a waste of time.

When he arrived at the place where the delegation lived, Uchiha Zheng remembered all the layouts here, including people's movements, expressions and habits.

"Dear delegation, I'm sorry, I have been delayed by some things these days. I guess you must have had a hard time looking for me!"

Uchiha Zheng didn't give the other party a chance to sneer, just as the Konoha Anbu might be busy looking for Black Zetsu and didn't have time to pay attention to his situation.

"Chief Shikaku came here, and the meaning he conveyed was very clear. The Hokage will never give up, but there is no money!" The one who expressed his position was the envoy of the Rock Ninja.

"We can accept what you said about exchanging prisoners for prisoners, but it's not just you who are consuming supplies, we are also consuming them. We will compensate you, who will compensate us!"

The envoy of the Sand Ninja was a little impatient. The prisoners of Konoha were almost poisoned. Who would be kind enough to detoxify them if the place was poisoned!

They don't have many Konoha ninjas on hand, and ransoming people is a huge expense, and the economic situation in the village is not optimistic.

"Can you clearly tell me how much you can pay?Name a price I can accept!"

Uchiha Makoto looked at the Rock Ninja envoy. He didn't have much hope for the Sand Ninja. They just needed to come up with 500 million, but there was still a way to give the 500 million.

"I can come up with 600 million." The Rock Ninja envoy gritted his teeth and said a number, and directly cut 1 billion.

This made Uchiha Makoto laugh out loud. Even the aunties who buy vegetables are not as good as you at bargaining.

"Do you think it's possible?" Uchiha Makoto asked back with a smile. It may be impossible in the eyes of others, but as long as he wants, it's possible!

"I am willing to give you 10 million as a reward." The Rock Ninja envoy seemed to have Uchiha Makoto determined that he meant this, so he said it blatantly when they met for the first time.

"I am also willing to give you 10 million as a reward!"

Uchiha Makoto tapped the table rhythmically, with a playful smile on his face, "Do you know how much I negotiated for? Sorry, 27.5 million taels! If you are not sincere, we can fight again!"

The Sand Ninja Envoy and the Rock Ninja Envoy took a breath of cold air. Konoha is so generous. An S-level mission is only a few million taels.

"And the Hokage gave me... the right to raise the price! The more I ask from you, the more I will get. What do you think? !"

"Aren't you afraid that we will tell your Hokage about your behavior?" The Sand Ninja Envoy lost his temper and slammed the table with his eyes wide open.

In the eyes of the envoys, Uchiha Makoto is a jackal. His appetite is probably bigger than that of the Hokage.

"Hehe, do you think the Hokage will believe it? A mere 20 million made me betray Konoha. I am Uchiha, a ninja from the Uchiha clan, a wealthy ninja clan in Konoha! "

Now Uchiha Makoto is a mine owner. He doesn't care about small money, but it's good to earn some mining fees. After all, there is still a long way to go!

"I can decide to give you 200 million, but the compensation to Konoha cannot exceed 600 million!" The envoy of the Rock Village compromised slightly.

"I am also willing to pay 200 million, and the compensation cannot exceed 300 million!"

After that, the two envoys looked at each other and asked, "But how can we trust you!"

"Contract, in duplicate, one for Konoha and one for me." Uchiha Makoto took out two contracts that had been prepared and placed them in front of them, "But I want cash, pay first, otherwise no deal!"

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