Orochimaru stared at Uchiha Makoto dangerously, feeling that he was not accepting a disciple, but more like a treasure house full of secrets. He didn't know what surprises he would get after opening it.

"It's not that you are clumsy, the root of your loophole is that you killed too few people!"

Uchiha Makoto was silent.

It was too scary. He could always see through the essence at a glance. He even wondered if he knew what he was thinking.

This was no longer just a scientific frontier. The control of psychology had reached a realm that ordinary people could not reach.

He once thought that Orochimaru's trafficking was a highlight of his character, but now he truly understood the feeling of having his ideas exposed and stripped.

Sure enough, he was the most suitable person to be his teacher.

What he needed was efficiency, not the joy of finding a method after many attempts.

At this moment, Uchiha Makoto's blood boiled. This was the cold Lord Orochimaru, a ninja who sat firmly on the title of Sannin by stepping on countless corpses.

People admire Jiraiya, the Three Ninjas, for his will of fire, and Tsunade for saving countless lives on the battlefield. But when people mention Orochimaru, they are afraid of him and think he is in danger.

For this master, one can be respectful without harming one's own interests.

"Lord Orochimaru, what should I do?"

"I wanted to recommend you to go to Danzo's Root for training, but... now I have changed my mind." Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth, and he knew that Uchiha Makoto would not let him down, "I decided to teach you in person and make you a person who can set off the wind in the ninja world."

Uchiha Makoto did not hide the fighting spirit in his eyes, but the excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes made people feel crazy.

"I won't let you down, Lord Orochimaru," Uchiha Makoto smiled and raised his eyebrows and asked, "But what are you talking about Danzo and the Root?"

"Little guy, you put the blame for killing Hyuga on Danzo, and wiped out a team of the Root and put it on Hyuga, to achieve the purpose of mutual suspicion between Hyuga and the village. You are also a victim of the eye technique family and secretly teamed up with Hyuga. Hehe, do you dare to say that you didn't benefit from it? You knew from the beginning that Danzo was a high-ranking official in Konoha, and deliberately said it in public."

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Uchiha Makoto rolled his eyes back and forth, humming a little tune as if it had nothing to do with him. When he finished speaking, he looked admiring, "As expected of Lord Orochimaru, I don't know anything, but I heard you say it's amazing!"

Who can't play dumb!

Orochimaru looked disgusted, "Don't pretend, help me dissect Hinata, I found that his genes seem to be connected to Uchiha."

At home, the news that Uchiha Makoto had a mental illness and was sick in the Hokage's office reached Uchiha Reina, and she was worried.

"Don't worry, didn't I say that Makoto was taken away by Orochimaru for treatment? Don't worry!"

Uchiha Huai comforted his wife, but he didn't have that kind of worry in his heart. Normally, he should go to the hospital when he is sick, and it is impossible for him to be taken away by Orochimaru. He is not a medical ninja.

"Why do you say that? Don't you worry about Makoto's safety? He came back from the battlefield with a mental illness, and as parents, we didn't even find it..."

Uchiha Reina cried sadly, and Uchiha Huai didn't know what to do. He cursed Uchiha Makoto for making his wife sad.

His wife is his, and his son is a money-loser. Sooner or later, he will run away with his wife!

It seems calm, but in fact, a power struggle has begun in secret.

The Uchiha Guard was accused of lax inspection for the unknown intrusion.

Uchiha Fugaku's joy of getting 300 million has not yet subsided, and his face is full of worries. The Hokage has to take the blame for the Anbu.

What is this!

If he can become the core figure of the village's power, will such a thing happen?

Who dares to give him a black pot!

This matter itself was discovered by the Uchiha, and there was no reward, and there was a sudden illness in the Hokage building!

It's easy to say, whoever's illness doesn't break out early or late, it will break out in your Hokage's office.

Uchiha Fugaku muttered expressionlessly: "Could it be that Uchiha Makoto discovered something and told us not to get involved in this way?"

Thinking of this possibility, coupled with the fact that he has many things to deal with as the clan leader, including the balance and distribution of power in the clan, he was so busy that he regretted not listening to Uchiha Makoto and sending all the elders to the ancestral hall to retire.

"Liuhuo, go report to the Hokage and tell him that I heard that Makoto suddenly fell ill and felt very sad. His anger also triggered his old illness!"

As Uchiha Fugaku fermented, Uchiha developed mental illnesses one after another, and the guardsThe work almost became a part-time job.

The happiest person to hear this news was Hyuga Yuan. Ever since he was beaten up in public by Uchiha Makoto, whenever he used chakra, he would feel the piercing pain all over his body, like torture.

"Uchiha Makoto, old man Hyuga, I will never let you go!"

Hyuga Yuan is now useless. The strength of an elite Chunin can't even extract chakra. He endured the pain and observed his body with his Byakugan, and there was no problem.

After several examinations at Konoha Hospital, no problem was found. He didn't give up. Finally, the doctor gave two suggestions. One was to see if there was any psychological problem, and the other was to ask for help from Tsunade, one of the three ninjas.

The second one was obviously impossible, that is, it was confirmed that he had a mental illness!

When he heard that Uchiha Makoto had a seizure in the Hokage's office, he laughed for several hours.

He showed his joy even when walking on the street.

"Hey, Nara Tomokazu, you are so free!" Seeing his former teammates, he couldn't help but taunt them. In a small team, no one likes each other.

"Hinata Yuan? I heard that you also have a mental illness. Why did you run out to get some fresh air?"

As Uchiha Makoto's mental illness appeared, Uchiha Ru fell ill like the wind. According to the doctor in the hospital, Hinata Yuan also had psychological problems. He insisted that he couldn't use chakra and that he was under a sorcery.

After several times, the doctor directly concluded that he had a psychological problem and told him to relax and rest, or use illusion to treat sleep and relax.

Hinata Yuan was immediately furious when he heard this. He knew that Nara Tomokazu was just as useless as Uchiha Makoto, a cowardly person. "What did you say? Get out!"

"I said, when are you going to get better from your mental illness?" Nara Tomokazu shrugged. He was thinking about whether he should also pretend to have a mental illness and say that this disease is contagious or something...

"Who do you say is sick!!!"

Nara Tomokazu shook his head. He was most annoyed by Hinata Yuan's point that he couldn't understand what people said and barked. Brains are a good thing, not everyone has them!

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