Uchiha clan land.

As soon as she got home, Uchiha Reina hugged Uchiha Makoto and cried for a long time.

After winking at her father until he was almost cramped, his taciturn father finally understood and came to help comfort her.

"Father, mother, I'm really fine, but I've been too busy recently. I fell asleep during the Hokage meeting. Look at my face."

Uchiha Makoto stretched his face in front of Uchiha Reina and explained the fabricated story.

Although she said so, Uchiha Reina couldn't help but worry when she saw the two holes on her mouth. She said, "I heard that you were taken away by Lord Orochimaru. I'm worried..."

"Lord Orochimaru is very good and easy to get along with, but he's shy so he seems difficult to get along with." Uchiha Zhen said this without even writing a draft. He put his hands together and said frantically in his heart, "Orochimaru, Orochimaru, I'm not telling the truth. Please don't mind it!"

"Okay, Zhen just came back. Let's worship our ancestors after dinner."

Uchiha Huai obviously didn't believe his son's nonsense. It's not like he hasn't seen Orochimaru before. That kind of dangerous man actually became easy to get along with in his son's mouth. The relationship between them is definitely not as simple as teacher and student.

A small ancestral hall in a broken woodshed.

Uchiha Huai knelt down and kowtowed to several tablets, then stood up and said to Uchiha Zhen: "Zhen, Lord Orochimaru is very dangerous."

"Well, I know, I also want to be that dangerous."

Uchiha Zhen pursed his lips. According to the news from the shadow clone, whether it was the cultivation of the Sharingan or the research on the Byakugan, if Orochimaru hadn't acted in time, it would have almost failed.

He would also like to master the core black technology in the ninja world if it was dangerous, but he couldn't do it!

Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was that he was not as good as Orochimaru in this regard!

It's not shameful to admit your own shortcomings, but it's the most shameful to cover up and not dare to look directly at your own shortcomings!

Uchiha Huai:... What kind of magic potion was this!

"Father, your leg... maybe I have a way to help you recover!"

Uchiha Zhen suddenly remembered something important. Hinata's head could be dissected, so one leg should be no problem.

He hadn't done it before because there was no venue or equipment to support him to do the surgery. Now Orochimaru's laboratory can do it.

It's not too much for a disciple to use it privately!

Uchiha Huai shook his head and said slowly: "The disabled don't have to do missions, go to the battlefield!"

"Ah?" Uchiha Zhen was stunned. He didn't expect Uchiha Huai to have such a cowardly idea. He wanted to give up at such a young age.

He's not even thirty years old!

He wants to lie down before he's thirty. Are Uchiha... so unmotivated?

Shouldn't they pursue their careers and strive for a high-paying iron rice bowl like the Anbu in order to enter the power center?

"Father... you don't want to eat gigolos!"

Now the only one in the family who has a job is Uchiha Reina. Although he has money, he can't spend too ostentatiously in Konoha.

Uchiha Huai glanced down at him slightly and said righteously: "I rely on my ability to eat gigolos from my wife. If you have the ability, find a wife to eat gigolos!"

Wow! This guy is living a life of luxury!

"I'm still young, I can't afford luxury... yet!"

Uchiha Makoto was very embarrassed. This was his taciturn father, but he was actually a luxury!

What's wrong with the Uchiha now? Aren't you a descendant of Uchiha Izuna?

Uchiha Izuna's brother is Uchiha Madara. Where's his pride? Where's his dignity?

"I can eat my wife. You can find a way to solve your own food problem. If you can't solve it, pack up and go to Lord Orochimaru! Once a teacher, always a father. It's not too much to support you!"

Uchiha Huai had some resentment for his son who made his wife worry for so long, and the new clan leader seemed to be particularly yearning for power.

He didn't want Uchiha Makoto to be involved in these things. Maybe he could avoid some unnecessary troubles with Orochimaru.

"You're driving me away?!" Uchiha Makoto couldn't believe it. He had just come back and he was asked to pack up and leave. This was his real father!

Even more cruel than Hatake Sakumo to Kakashi, he just said a few insults at most, but he was not kicked out of the house!


"Hey! All right!"

I was just worrying about how to tell them?

My home is quite far from Orochimaru's residence, and it's a waste of time to run back and forth. If I'm kicked out of the house, I can only save a round trip!

Uchiha Huai: ??? You didn't even resist? !

"Don't come back if you have nothing to do! You disturbed our world of two!"

Uchiha Zhen: ... So I disturbed you from making a little man! All right, it's good to have a brother! I want to prove to the Uchiha that brother control is impossible!

Uchiha Zhen took all the tablets off the table and put them into the seal drawn by Orochimaru for him.

"Father, these things are too dangerous, don't keep them at home. As for this space..."

Uchiha Zhen frowned, how can he carry this space with him!

"Got it!" Uchiha Huai didn't say anything, "Who bit those two holes on your mouth? Do you have a girlfriend?"


What a joke!

"Father, this was... poked by a mace... Do you believe it?"

Uchiha Zhen was embarrassed. It was impossible for him to have a girlfriend. He couldn't say that he was bitten by a snake. If he said it, people would think he did something to the snake!

Uchiha Huai crossed his arms, with a look that said, "Do you think I believe it?"

"Men should be responsible. Don't hide your girlfriend when you have one. It will make the girl feel insecure!"

"Father, I really don't have a girlfriend. I will never have one in this life!"

Uchiha Zhen didn't know how to explain, but when he said this, Uchiha Huai's thoughts were diverted and his face became strange.

It is said that his ancestors Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara were inseparable... This thing won't be inherited!


"Zhen, just be happy!"

Uchiha Zhen's head was full of question marks when he heard this. What does it mean!

Why did his father speak so strangely? Did he enter menopause early? !

But on second thought, not hanging around his parents might also be a disguised protection. If one day he threatened him with his parents, he really didn't know if he could face the enemy calmly.

"Then I'll tell my mother and leave!"

That night, Uchiha Makoto carried his bag, bought some vegetables on the street, and brought a bowl of Ichiraku ramen to Orochimaru's mansion.

You should be grateful if you eat from others, and you should be grateful if you take from others!

Now you not only have to eat and take, but also live here!

I feel like I'm short of everything now!

"Lord Orochimaru, I... ran away from home! Can I stay with you for a while?!" Uchiha Makoto put a bag of ramen next to Orochimaru who was undergoing the experiment, "Maybe I have to live here permanently..."

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