"Do you really need to do that?"

Orochimaru couldn't understand why Uchiha Makoto, who had been vomiting for more than half an hour, became so hypocritical when he already got the things.

"It's so disgusting, my mouth is full of the taste of dead flesh now." Speaking of this, Uchiha Makoto's stomach was churning again, and he supported the table, "yue~"

"If you want to vomit, vomit outside, don't disturb my experiment here." Orochimaru couldn't stand it and drove him out.

"I'll go and take it slowly, please leave some for me, I'm really useful!"

Before leaving, he didn't forget to remind Orochimaru that the first generation cells should not be taken alone, he sacrificed too much to get this.

On the other side, the third generation Hokage looked at the compensation agreement on the table and thought about it.

"Shikaku, what do you think of Uchiha Makoto?"

Nara Shikaku thought about it and wanted to beautify Uchiha Makoto's behavior, but he still couldn't find a word to describe it euphemistically.

"Young, but shameless."

The Third Hokage picked up Orochimaru's recommendation letter and said in a very calm tone: "Shamelessness does not mean incompetence. It is his ability to get the two countries' delegations to sign this agreement. What kind of person do you think is suitable for the position of interrogation captain?"

The first person Nara Shikaku thought of was Orochimaru, cold, dangerous, and ruthless, but then he thought about the meaning of the Hokage's words and said: "Uchiha Makoto! At present, the most suitable person is him."

"Do you also think this little guy can do it?" Although the Third Hokage asked a rhetorical question, he had already used an affirmative tone.

"Yes, I believe there is no intelligence that cannot be interrogated in his hands."

Nara Tomokazu affirmed, but also a little worried. He didn't know how Uchiha Makoto managed to make those envoys compromise, but the worry in his heart has been in his heart for a long time and could not dissipate.

"Hokage!" Uchiha Makoto came to the Hokage building to report.

He was retching so hard that his intestines almost came out of his mouth at Orochimaru's residence. An Anbu asked him to come to the Hokage's office. He knew it must be about the appointment of the captain of the torture department.

"Uchiha Makoto, you are a hero on the battlefield. It has been a while since you came back. If I don't assign you a position, I'm afraid that the leader of the Fugaku clan will have an opinion."

The Third Hokage paused and asked, "What position do you think you can be qualified for?"

"Lord Orochimaru recommended me to the torture department," Uchiha Makoto said hoarsely, with an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth, "I think it's no problem to be qualified as the head of the torture department!"

"After all, my master is Lord Orochimaru. A lower position is not in line with my identity as a disciple of the three ninjas!" Uchiha Makoto explained.

Nara Shikaku opened his mouth wide and couldn't make a sound. He was petrified on the spot. You should at least be more tactful!

The Third Hokage cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment. He just asked casually to test Uchiha Makoto's desire for power.

He wanted to take back what he had just said. Uchiha Makoto was shameless! And he was very shameless! He was so shameless!

"Didn't Orochimaru tell you what position you could be qualified for?" The Third Hokage was now in a completely awkward chat stage.

"Orochimaru told me to come to the Interrogation Department, but I personally feel that a position below the head does not fit my identity. What do you think, Hokage?"

Uchiha Makoto's remarks about not wanting Faith suffocated Nara Shikaku. How did Orochimaru teach such an apprentice?

Seeing that the Hokage's face was not very good, he quickly tried to smooth things over. "Mr. Makoto, in fact, you can accumulate merits from the position of squad leader. After all, the head of the Interrogation Department needs not only experience, but also enough merits to lead the people below."

"Experience... I definitely have it. As for merits, aren't my inheritance from my master Orochimaru enough?"

Uchiha Makoto himself was almost unable to hold back. He had to interview himself to come to work. It would be best if he failed the interview and let me go back to study Hashirama's cells and whether the rest gate and life gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia could be opened at the same time.

Where's the face!

Uchiha Makoto, where is your face!

The Third Hokage is a little embarrassed!

Originally, he just asked a few questions, and Uchiha Makoto was just being modest.

Now, he thinks he can be the head of the torture department. If his achievements are not enough, he can make up for it with his master's!

"Hokage, if you think my master's is not enough, I can go to Sakumo-sama to borrow some more!" Uchiha Makoto continued to add fuel to the fire. I don't believe you can hold it!

Ha! You and Danzo are fighting each other, and you can let me be involved to make you happy? !

"Start with the branch director. You need enough experience. After you go there, Director Morino will teach you well!"

The Third Hokage spoke up. I'm afraid he thinks he can be the Hokage if it's not finalized!

"Squad leader, isn't this embarrassing for my master?" Uchiha Makoto squinted his eyes and pouted, "How much is the salary? How many years to get promoted? Are there any additional benefits?"

YuThe three questions asked by Uchiha Makoto directly touched the brow of the Third Hokage. Money, money, money, why does he talk about money all the time? Is he obsessed with money?

"Minister Morino, take him away!"

A burly man appeared in the Hokage's office and looked down at Uchiha Makoto. The first feeling about this subordinate was that he was difficult to deal with!

Uchiha Makoto raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he had heard what he said just now, but so what, he was a relative anyway!

Such a good resource should not be used in vain. Orochimaru was pulled out to block in front of him. If you want to touch me, you should talk to Orochimaru first!

"Hello, Minister, I am Uchiha Makoto. Please give me more advice. You can say that I did something wrong, but you can't scold me for being uneducated, otherwise I will let my guardian Orochimaru talk to you."

"Hello!" Minister Morino's facial muscles twitched unconsciously. He was angry for sure, but he would definitely not do anything to make things difficult for him. He took the man away first to see his ability.

"By the way, Lord Hokage, when will my reward be paid?" Just as he was about to leave the door, Uchiha Makoto seemed to remember that he had not yet paid the compensation for the mission for Konoha.

"Let's go, you won't be short of money." The Third Hokage didn't want to see Uchiha Makoto now. It would be better if he didn't have it easy again in this life. It was too annoying.

Minister Morino took him to the interrogation department, equipped him with clothes and forehead protectors, explained the rules of the interrogation department, and summoned his team members.

A squad leader is in charge of four classes, each with four people, but now there are only three people, 13 people short!

Uchiha Makoto frowned and asked: "Mr. Minister, if my squad is not enough, I can recruit people on my own!"

"Yes!" The squad leader does have the right to recruit people, but he still has to pass this test.

He gave him this bare team on purpose, just to see what this subordinate will do!

"Okay, I'll report a few people first, Nara Tomokazu, Uchiha En, Uchiha Huai, Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha..."

Except for the first one, Uchiha Makoto mentioned a bunch of Uchiha later, either old, weak, sick or related!

Minister Morino's face gradually twisted, "Uchiha Makoto, do you think the torture department is opened by your Uchiha family?!"

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