With the sound of bones breaking, Uchiha Makoto pushed the table leg upward again.

Honda Ichirō, who had been stubborn under the torture for more than ten days, showed a look of fear on his face, and his tied body kept struggling.

When he was on the verge of mental collapse, Uchiha Makoto pinched his jaw, and his devilish voice sounded like a death warrant, "Your legs are broken, I think you must be looking at your legs being bent backwards while riding on a wooden donkey!"

"No, no, I'll say it, I'll say anything!"

Honda Ichirō trembled with his teeth, his body was stiff, his eyes were terrified, his lips were pale, and he looked at Uchiha Makoto as if he had seen a devil. They felt that the legs of the stool that were forced in under the stool were firmly attached to the place where he said it could not be reviewed.

"That's good!"

Uchiha Makoto patted his head and turned his head slightly to look at Sarutobi Hiroshi and Shimura Tianyi who were standing in place.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Honda Ichiryou confessed everything from becoming a ninja to being caught, and even told us clearly how many girlfriends he had dated at the same time and what color underwear he liked to wear.

"Anything else you haven't explained?"

Uchiha Makoto tapped the table rhythmically. No one in the room dared to breathe, fearing that they would be the ones sitting on the tiger bench and riding the wooden donkey the next moment.

"I've said it all, I've said it all, sir, please give me a quick death, please give me a quick death!"

Honda Ichiryou made a crazy request, repeating this sentence in his mouth.

When Sarutobi Hong handed the recorded information to Uchiha Makoto, his hands were shaking slightly, "Captain, please take a look."

Uchiha Makoto glanced at it, confirmed that there was no problem, signed his name, and ordered: "Find a medical ninja to connect the leg and send it back."

"Yes!" The three replied in unison.

When Uchiha Makoto threw the thick intelligence in front of Minister Morino, Minister Morino was full of suspicion, "A list of people to be recruited?"

"Information!" Uchiha Makoto said lightly.

"What?" Minister Morino quickly flipped through more than ten pages of content. It had only been half an hour. He asked in disbelief: "Did you kill someone?"

"No, the person is fine! If there is no problem, I will go off work!" Uchiha Makoto looked lazy and did not seem to care much about his work.

After reading the last page, Minister Morino's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably. This person had not uttered a word under various tortures for more than ten days, but Uchiha Makoto actually pried out the color of his pants in half an hour. He felt that the world was a dream.

"How did you do it?"

"Well? He cooperated! Didn't waste any time!"

Uchiha Makoto perfunctorily said that he confessed after using only two of the ten tortures, which was considered cooperation.

Although he used some psychological hints and induced him without anyone noticing, it was not a big deal.

"I, Morino Iza, have been interrogating this man for more than ten days, but I didn't get a word out of him. You actually said he cooperated?"

"Minister Morino, if there is no problem, I will leave work." Uchiha Makoto gave him a contemptuous look, "I will send all the information to the remaining few within three days."

Morino Iza waved his hand. He saw that this subordinate had no enthusiasm for work. He had to confirm it and then report the task to the Hokage.

Uchiha Makoto, who came out of the interrogation department, was thinking about where to find twelve ninjas to join his interrogation team. Uchiha could bring Uchiha En in. I wonder if Hinata is interested...

"Uchiha Makoto!"


When he heard someone calling him, he looked in the direction of the voice. Kakashi, Obito, and Rin were standing not far away and waving at him.

"Is there anything?"

Uchiha Makoto asked them indifferently, and it seemed that he had no friendship with them!

"Do you want to train together?"

Kakashi spoke up. Although he knew the gap between himself and Uchiha Masaru, he still understood that challenging the strong could make him stronger, especially with graduation approaching and his father not having time to train with him.

"Ah, I don't have time. The interrogation department is short of staff and very busy!" If there was Hatake Sakumo, he could play with them for a while, at least there would be someone to chat with.

Let him be with a few little brats... really a bit socially anxious!

"You entered the interrogation department?!" Kakashi said with a bit of envy, "But... you haven't got off work yet at this time!"

"Well, my team is short of people and needs to recruit people. I don't have time to play with you!" Uchiha Masaru patted Kakashi on the head when he passed by him, "Bye~"

"You, who are you looking for? We, we can help you!" Obito shouted. Although he was not familiar with Uchiha Masaru, they were both Uchiha. He was able to enter the interrogation department to make up his mind.I am still happy for him.

"Wait, you mean... your team, you are interrogating the captain now!" Kakashi asked in disbelief with his pupils shrinking slightly.

"Yeah, very busy!" Uchiha Zhen rubbed his eyebrows, he couldn't go door to door to ask!

"Sub-captain!" Obito's eyes were wide open and he swallowed his saliva, "I, I can help you, as long as you tell me how to open the Sharingan!"


Uchiha Zhen turned around suddenly, thinking in his heart, he couldn't go door to door to ask, there are three errand boys, why not let them go to distribute flyers!

At this time, looking at the three people again, I feel that they are so cute!

"There should be many children from different families in your class!" Uchiha Masa said, while inducing Kakashi, "Please help me spread the word that Uchiha Masa, the captain of the fourth squad of the interrogation department, wants someone, and I will train with you for an afternoon!"

"Really?" Kakashi didn't believe it. When he knew that Uchiha Masa was already the captain of the interrogation department, he had given up looking for him to train you. He knew that it was very busy at this time, and his father was also busy.

"Really, you can go to each family to notify them. The result is not important. Just convey the message, and then shout a few words on the street."

Uchiha Masa didn't plan to ask for civilian ninjas, and letting them shout on the street was just for show.

"Then when will you train with me?" Kakashi asked, fearing that Uchiha Masa would regret it later.

"You can come to Lord Orochimaru's mansion to find me."

"Are you not at home?" Obito seemed to have discovered a blind spot.

"I ran away from home!" Uchiha Makoto shrugged, "Now I live in the home of my master, Orochimaru!"

"Yoshi, Kakashi, I won't lose to you!" Obito was full of enthusiasm and ready to fight.

"By the way, Obito, you know all the Uchiha people, go tell Uchiha En to come to the fourth team of the torture department to find me tomorrow."

"You also need to go to the Nara clan in person and tell my good teammate Nara Tomokazu to come to the fourth team of the torture department to find me tomorrow."

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