Konoha frontline camp.

This is the first time Uchiha Makoto has seen the real Hatake Sakumo.

In the anime, a few seconds of footage makes a person extremely powerful. When you really stand in front of him, even if the other party is smiling, the pressure will arise spontaneously.

"Lord Sakumo, this is what happened. The rain ninja was killed on the spot. Uchiha Makoto also rescued him, but the injury was too serious..." Uchiha Fugaku reported the matter to Hatake Sakumo after careful processing.

Konoha White Fang belongs to the Hokage faction. He is skeptical about Uchiha Fugaku's report and does not want to continue to argue with Uchiha on this issue.

He changed the subject and led the topic to Nara Tomokazu.

"Since your captain died and one of your teammates was seriously injured, I will reassign you to a new team." Hatake Sakumo looked at Uchiha Masaru, who seemed calm and humble beyond his age. He felt that he had seen this temperament before. "Uchiha Masaru, you join Uchiha Fugaku's team."

"Yes." Uchiha Masaru bowed and turned to look at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Okay, you go and rest first. As for Nara Tomokazu... you need to wait for your new teammates."

As he spoke, a fat man and a blond boy walked in and just passed by the two Uchiha.

Judging from the clan emblems on their bodies, they were ninjas from the Akimichi clan and the Yamanaka clan.

"You came just in time. This is Nara Tomokazu, your new teammate."

Nara Tomokazu greeted lazily.

"Akimichi Yan!"

"Yamano Hakuun!"

"You three clans have always been a team, so you may be able to get along better than your previous teammates."

Hatake Sakumo stared at Nara Tomokazu with a meaningful look.

Uchiha and Hyuga were at odds, and he suspected that Uchiha was deliberately making trouble. No matter what happened in the village, he didn't want to bring this fight to the battlefield.

"Uchiha Makoto is broad-minded and a good teammate," Nara Tomokazu narrowed his eyes and continued, "He is also a genius. We have been taken care of a lot along the way. His medical ninjutsu has helped a lot."

Konoha White Fang is different from other high-level officials. Nara Tomokazu judged his style of doing things in a short time.

He hopes that geniuses are honed on the battlefield, not protected in a cage like a canary.

Although he and Uchiha Makoto did not have a very friendly relationship, he still praised him to the sky, and even had envy in his tone.

"A young Uchiha is worthy of such exaggeration, so ignorant." Yamanaka Hakuun muttered in a low voice, and another teammate also looked very contemptuous.

Hatake Sakumo heard it, but he was not good at tricks and did not think deeply about it. He just thought it was the competitive spirit of young people, and he also had other plans for Uchiha Makoto.

"I see, I can't bury this genius in my army."

After returning to the Uchiha clan's tent, Uchiha Makoto lay on the tatami and wondered if the damage caused by the lightning escape to Hinata Yuan would be discovered in Konoha.

According to his estimation, he would not live to Konoha. Anyway, it is impossible for him to die in his hands. Otherwise, if Konoha investigates, it will definitely be over.

A large number of Hyuga were killed on the battlefield, which would definitely be noticed by the village, and the third generation was not a freeloader. He, an Uchiha, would definitely be listed as a key focus.

He has no backing now, and he does not have too strong strength. The urgent thing is to find a thigh to hold.

In modern times, evidence is important, but he can still be framed.

For a ninja with no strength, if he is found out, he can be pushed out to appease Hinata's anger.

To be on the safe side, he needs a strong and powerful thigh, and then accumulate some popularity in the last battle.

When he was thinking deeply, he suddenly noticed a slight movement outside the account.


Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three kunai were launched, and a carp was ready to fight at any time.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Applause accompanied a figure walking in.

"I'm so sorry to disturb Daozhen's rest." Uchiha Fugaku praised and was a little frightened. The three kunai were at strange angles, and even he, a jonin, had to work hard to dodge them.

He didn't take Uchiha Zhen's vigilance seriously. If he didn't have this vigilance, he would have turned into a skeleton on the battlefield.

"Master Fugaku, what's up?" Uchiha Makoto lowered his guard, moved his fingers slightly, and the three kunai returned to his hand.

"Makoto, don't be so polite, just call me Fugaku," Uchiha Fugaku completely treated Uchiha Makoto as a peer. In the ninja world, strength speaks, not age. "There will be an S assassination mission in three days. Master Sakumo has named you... Go to the Kingdom of Wind alone."

Assassination mission? Alone?

He himselfI think I haven't shown any strength to carry out this mission.

Uchiha Fugaku was also puzzled, and even a little dissatisfied. Uchiha ninjas are not abused like this.

"Does Lord Fugaku know why I was specifically asked to go on such an important mission?"

"I don't know. I originally proposed to follow another team, but was rejected by Hatake Sakumo."

Uchiha Fugaku handed him the mission scroll, and then took out another one, "This is the experience of the Uchiha clan on the Sharingan."

"Thank you." Uchiha Makoto was neither humble nor arrogant. He opened the mission scroll first. When he saw the content above, even if he was well-educated, he couldn't help but say a few words of national quintessence.

The target of the S-level assassination mission turned out to be Chiyo's son, and the information above was limited to being very good at puppetry and having the strength of an elite jonin. The rest was unknown!

Chiyo's son, the parents of Scorpion of the Red Sand, isn't it the job of Konoha White Fang to kill them, Tama?

Although they didn't appear in the anime, can anyone who died at the hands of Konoha White Fang be a weakling?

After reading it, Uchiha Makoto took a deep breath and asked, "Master Fugaku, have I ever offended Master Sakumo in any way? If so, please tell me, and I'll lie in the coffin!"


Three days later.

Uchiha Makoto walked forward in the wind and sand, cursing and cursing, and he cursed Hatake Sakumo's eighteen generations, and even Kakashi.

"Puh, puh, puh~"

A mouthful of sand was spit out.

A sand lizard kept shuttling in the desert. The difference was that the eyes of this sand lizard showed blood-red double magatama, and it would be alert to the surroundings after walking for a while before continuing to walk.

Yes, this sand lizard was Uchiha Makoto.

This was the safest way he could think of to hide.

The Sharingan experience that Uchiha Fugaku had given him before was very useful. Breaking through the three magatama was just an opportunity, and maybe this mission was it.

But now in the vast desert, where can he find the Akasaga couple?


The sound of ninja tools colliding lingered not far away.

He stopped and hid half of his body in the desert, and slowly crawled over according to the chakra fluctuations emitted by the fight.

A hidden weapon passed by him.

So fast!

Judging from the amount of chakra fluctuations, it was a small or medium-sized battle. What was surprising was that there were people from the Uchiha clan among them, and the other chakra fluctuations were also from the ninjas of the secret family.

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