Nara Tomokazu was not polite either. When dividing the spoils on the battlefield, the two of them always took the good ones, and threw the ones that no one liked to Hinata Yuan.


Uchiha Zhenzhen borrowed some seal scrolls from Orochimaru and went out.

He didn't mind Nara Tomokazu's dissatisfaction at all. Anyway, it was not bad for him. As a good teammate, let him do whatever he wanted!

But this move was not painful, but it was a big loss1

Whether the wallet of the Shikaku clan leader could be saved depends on the fighting power of these Uchiha.

Although barbecue is not expensive compared to sushi, it is definitely not cheap!

"Master Zhen, are we going to ask someone for debt?" Uchiha Yan and the debt collection team behind him were eager to try. Since the valve of abandoning arrogance was opened, he completely let himself go.

"Have you eaten?" Uchiha Zhen asked. If they were full, their fighting power would be gone.

"Not yet!" Uchiha Yan scratched his head embarrassedly.

Normally, he eats two meals a day, one at nine in the morning and one at four in the afternoon, so that he can save a meal. Not only him, but many tribesmen do this.

"It's just right, I'll take you to eat barbecue! The Nara clan leader is treating, you... don't let me down!"

Nara Tomokazu was afraid that they didn't understand, and kept adding, "Everyone, eat as much as you can, you're welcome!"

Obito: "Really, are you treating us to barbecue?"

Lin: "Will it be too much trouble!"

"No trouble, there are not many opportunities to eat barbecue, Obito, if you want to open your eyes, you have to eat more meat." Uchiha Makoto deliberately reminded.

Nara Tomokazu:......

Led by Uchiha Makoto and Nara Tomokazu, they entered the barbecue restaurant with a dozen people.

When he saw Nara Shikaku and other clan leaders, his face was full of smiles, "Clan leader Shikaku, we can just eat at home. This is too expensive for you, and you asked me to bring my friends with me."

When Nara Shikaku saw Uchiha Masaru bringing... a dozen people, he opened his mouth and couldn't say anything for a long time.

"This is the captain of the interrogation department. He is young and promising. I am afraid he is the youngest captain of Konoha!"

Although some clan leaders felt that it was a bit exaggerated, they didn't spend their money and came out to say a few polite words.

"Hey, isn't this all the clan leaders? What day is today? It's my honor to meet you all here!"

He is not reliable in doing things and speaks without hair, referring to the current Uchiha Masaru.

Since he came, except for arranging the people brought by the group to sit down, he has been flattering in various ways. There is no serious word, and he is more slippery than a loach.

Before this, many family ninjas had already prepared to send some beautiful female ninjas who suited Uchiha Makoto's taste to the interrogation department, but seeing the people he brought, they found that they needed to reconsider this issue.

The appearance of the Uchiha clan is naturally unquestionable. Nara Tomokazu, who was named to enter the interrogation department, is a man and looks ordinary, but the Nara family relies on brains to make a living, and they also agree with this.

The others... should be incidental, one is the only son of Hatake Sakumo, and the other is a civilian girl!

This makes it difficult for them, the clan leaders, to figure out his preferences.

"I don't know what kind of people Uchiha Makoto wants to enter the interrogation department? Woof woof woof!" The Inuzuka clan leader once again helped everyone ask what they were thinking.

"Well, I am a squad leader without any troops, so of course I need all kinds of talents, but it still needs to be fair, just and open! Otherwise, the Hokage will talk to me!"

Uchiha Makoto leaned lazily on the cushion, without saying a useful word.

However, the clan leaders also understood his meaning. If he went too far, the Hokage would interfere.

"Actually, I wanted to ask the chief of the Yamanaka clan for a ninja, but Ishikcho and my teammates are not getting along. I just don't know if we can work together!"

As soon as Uchiha Makoto finished speaking, Nara Tomokazu was stunned. He didn't expect that at this time, he would help him to bring this matter up in front of the clan leaders. He felt mixed emotions for a while.

Even though he knew that he had some bad intentions, many things were known to everyone over the years, but no one had ever helped him!

At this moment, even if he knew that Uchiha Makoto wanted to use him to do something, he didn't feel any dissatisfaction, and even felt inexplicably moved.

Speaking of being moved, he himself felt a little ridiculous.

Ishikcho and Ishikcho were of the same blood, and intelligence could be shared. He didn't have much hope of getting his own clan members in.

Uchiha Makoto openly proposed this matter, which obviously meant that he wanted the Yamanaka clan members, but it depended on whether he could get along with Nara Tomokazu.

In other words, they all knew about Nara Tomokazu's affairs, but they just turned a blind eye to it.Chiha Masaru gave him another choice.

He could give Yamanaka a spot, but it depended on their attitude. Was it to defend Nara Tomokazu or for some other purpose? Not only him, but even Shikaku was unsure.

Judging from Uchiha Masaru's performance, he was insightful and cunning beyond his age, and would never defend his teammates.

Yamanaka Inoichi looked at Shikaku with a hint of embarrassment. He had just become the clan leader not long ago, and he was not sure how to deal with some things. "How could it be? Ino, Shika and Cho have always been of the same blood and are good friends."

"Oh... Then it was fake that I saw Yamanaka and Akimichi's clan members threatening my good teammates on the battlefield!"

Uchiha Masaru lazily changed his posture, but the coldness in his eyes made Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Choza feel cold on their backs. "Maybe I misunderstood!"

Uchiha Masaru's words made all the clan leaders cautious, and they were ready to go back and investigate whether anyone had offended Uchiha Masaru on the battlefield, or his teammates or something like that.

"If this is true, I will find out immediately and give an explanation to Tomokazu-kun!"

Yamanaka Inoichi expressed his opinion. Their family is in the intelligence department, but the intelligence of the interrogation department is different from that of the intelligence department. They are purely civilians.

The interrogation department is different. They can even directly determine the life and death of the prisoners without the help of the Hokage. They only need to issue a reasonable report.

No one can guarantee that their own people will not make mistakes. If they are caught by someone's words, it may even implicate the entire family.

The most uneasy person is Nara Tomokazu, who has been concentrating on grilling meat. He never thought that one day, there would be an explanation.

He kept putting peppers on his grilled meat to cover up his slightly sour nose, afraid that someone would suddenly let him notice his choking when speaking.

Uchiha Masaru didn't want the truth, he wanted good teammates to be exploited by him willingly. He glanced at Nara Tomokazu who was trying hard to eat to hide his emotions, and smiled: "No need to check, anyway... they are all dead! Otherwise, how can I have the chance to become a good teammate with Tomokazu-kun!"

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