"I'm sorry, Chief Morino, the specific type of people still needs to be finalized by the captain. I can't overstep my authority and hand you the list."

Morino Iza nodded to show his understanding. Although Nara Tomokazu and Uchiha Masa are teammates, they are now in a superior-subordinate relationship, so it is normal to have such considerations.

Finally, he looked at Uchiha Yan and asked unwillingly: "How many Uchiha are there!"

He was really worried that Uchiha Masa would move the old, weak, and disabled Uchiha to eat public food.

"There is only me!"

Uchiha Yan was unwilling. Who are they Uchiha? Even if they want to come in, they have to see what his master wants!

When he heard that there was only one Uchiha, Morino Iza left with peace of mind.

On the Uchiha side, Uchiha Yashiro was really worried about why Uchiha Masa didn't get up at noon, so he ran to Uchiha Masa's house and called Uchiha Rena over.

"Zhen! You are so rude. It's fine if you don't go home, but you actually stay in bed here!"

Uchiha Zhen was pulled out of the quilt by his own mother by the ear.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Uchiha Yashiro disappeared from home in an instant. As long as he ran fast, this matter would have nothing to do with him.

"Mother, I was wrong. Please let go. There was a baby crying last night, which was so shocking that I couldn't sleep..."

Uchiha Zhen was making up stories, trying to dispel Uchiha Rena's anger.

"Baby? You mean Shisui? Shisui is so well-behaved that he won't cry. Don't talk nonsense."

"Who?" This time it was Uchiha Zhen who raised his voice, "You mean Shisui? Uchiha Shisui?"

Good guy, Uchiha Shisui was born in this period of time. He always thought he was the same age as Itachi!

"I want to go and see, okay?" Uchiha Zhen looked at Uchiha Rena pitifully.

"Don't change the subject, why don't you go home!"

"It's not that I don't go back..." Uchiha Makoto said with a bit of grievance, "My father said he wanted to give me a brother or sister, and he disliked me being in the way at home, so he asked me to live with Lord Orochimaru. Yesterday, the clan leader came to see me and it was late... I didn't dare to go back..."

Uchiha Makoto's voice became smaller and smaller, and he pushed all the pots on his father, and Uchiha Rena's anger level soared.

Strike while the iron is hot, he immediately took out two scrolls from his arms and stuffed them into Uchiha Rena's arms. It was the barbecue he brought back yesterday, "Mother, this is barbecue, I'll come later and give it to you, I... I won't go back!"

Looking at his aggrieved son who didn't dare to go home, Uchiha Rena already had the urge to beat Uchiha Huai to death.

"Zhen, come home with me, Uchiha Huai, I'll beat him to death."

"Mother, I still have a lot of things to do in the interrogation department. I have to help Kakashi and Obito train in the afternoon. I'll leave first."

Uchiha Zhen left Uchiha Yashiro's house, looking back every few steps. As soon as he got out of the door, he was ready to go to the interrogation department. As a result, he accidentally bumped into Uchiha Yashiro.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

"Uncle Yashiro, thank you for your hospitality last night. I'll go home tonight."

After saying that, he felt like a social death, but he really didn't know what to say. This uncle looked serious like a class teacher.

As soon as he entered the interrogation department, he heard that this one was too fat, this one was too ugly, and this one was too short. Uchiha Zhen looked at Uchiha Yan and Nara Tomokazu suspiciously.

"What are you two doing? Picking a wife or reading faces?"

"Master Zhen!"


Nara Tomokazu called the captain in a weird tone, but as long as he works, it doesn't matter if his attitude is a little bad, it won't lose a piece of meat!

Uchiha Zhen took the list and said, "Hizashi stays, this is the internal appointment."

Nara Tomokazu ticked the name of Hinata Hizashi.

Then the discussion started from two people to three people, analyzing which person is easy to get along with and which person is a good person at first glance.

After a large number of screenings, Nara Tomokazu felt that he could read faces and could set up a store to make money in the future.

"Okay, let's train these people slowly after they come! Let's do today's work first." Uchiha Zhen stretched and asked a shadow clone to give the names to Morino Iza.

Morino Iza, who received the list, found it a bit strange. There were not enough people to make up four groups, but the standard was that they all looked very iconic, and there was only one Uchiha who signed his name.

This meant that these people would become members of the fourth team.

Arriving at the prison, Uchiha Makoto asked Colonel Kameda to bring out anyone and asked Shimura Tianyi to prepare a big pot and sauce.

When the spy was brought in, he was not tied to the tiger bench, but was flat.Lying on a bench.

Uchiha Makoto said nothing, and told Sarutobi Hong to boil water. He personally came to the spy and said, "Wallon, 42 years old, disabled retired ninja."

"That's right, why do you care about me, why do you think I am a spy from another country, I have been in Konoha for more than 30 years." Vallon shouted, completely refusing to admit that he was a spy.

"Sarutobi Hong, put some pepper in the water!" After saying that, Uchiha Makoto ordered the kneeling colonel: "Take off his clothes."

Fortunately, the torture room of the torture department is full of men, although they are puzzled, they did not ask more questions.

"To be honest, I have no interest in where you are a spy or what your purpose is in Konoha," Uchiha Makoto held the sauce in his hand and circled around Valon, "I recently raised a snake, but it only eats meat. I thought that I have the right to deal with the life and death of prisoners in the torture department anyway."

As he said, he began to apply the sauce on Valon with a brush, starting from the head and going down, just like marinating meat.

"You, what are you doing? I am a native resident of Konoha, what are you doing? I have made contributions, you... stop!" Valon saw the pot opposite with white mist, and he said that he had added chili just now...

He wanted to...

After having this idea, he immediately struggled.

Uchiha Makoto didn't care about these, while brushing the sauce, he kept muttering, this is fat, this piece of tendon meat is good.

"Ayan, how's your knife skills?"

Uchiha Yan was stunned, and nodded quickly, "Not bad, pretty fast!"

"Come on, take the slices of meat here and put them in the pot." Uchiha Zhen pointed at Valon's calf and said.

"Okay, I killed pigs before, so I have experience in cutting meat!" Uchiha Yan's brain seemed to have opened up the Ren and Du meridians, and he immediately understood what Uchiha Zhen meant. While drawing his knife, he said, "Brother, bear with it. Your meat is different from that of pigs, so you may need to slice it a few more times."

Uchiha Yan's knife was really fast, and he cut the calf.

Nara Tomokazu cooperated very well and took a plate to catch it. He only heard him slowly ask, "Captain, how well do you like your snakes!"

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