The director hung up the phone in doubt of life. There are such people in the world, and the director is the same. He can't do anything with a subordinate. However, since the director has asked, he should give him some face, right? What position should he give him? The director thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with a good idea. When he got off work, he saw a female comrade in the propaganda department with a big belly. His eyes lit up and he walked over to keep the person. The female comrade was unexpectedly kept by the factory director, and she was anxious: "Director, you, are you okay?"

The factory director glanced at her belly and pretended to be concerned: "How many months have you been pregnant? Are you about to give birth?"

The factory director's sudden concern scared the female comrade. The factory director had so many things to do, when did he care about pregnant women: "It's almost eight months, and there are still two months to give birth."

"How about this, don't come from tomorrow, I'll find someone to take your place."

The female comrade was very panicked when suddenly talking about this matter out of the blue, and she was about to cry: "Director, I can handle it, and I don't need to find someone to take my place now." Even if she needs to take a place, she will find a relative at home.

The factory director shook his head: "No, you can't handle it, you need to take over, I will arrange for you to wait for maternity leave with pay.

However, tomorrow's new comrade should say that he is your relative.

No one can tell this, including your family.

Once it is leaked, you can forget about this job."

The female comrade was frightened by the factory director's words: "I, I won't tell you, then, then when should I come to work?"

The factory director didn't know when Xu Jiajia would catch the traitor, he gave a vague time: "It may be three months, it may be half a year."

The female comrade thought of the factory director's abnormality and asked in a low voice: "Factory director, is there something wrong in the factory?"

The factory director frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, be careful not to get into trouble."

The female comrade was so scared that she immediately covered her mouth and said vaguely: "The comrade who will take over tomorrow is my relative, and I don't know anything else."

The factory director saw that she was very reasonable and smiled with relief: "Okay, you go back first Go, come over tomorrow to contact the job. "..." What? "The pregnant woman, her man stared at her, her chest was ups and downs, and she couldn't wait to slap her to death:" I said good, looking for my relatives, how do you go back? " Can you do it? Do you want to do white workers? "In front of money, relatives and things have to be standing side by side. The man's attitude is better, but there is still doubt:" Your relatives really don't pay? " It is not one percent, but no matter what, do not earn them: "Let your relatives replace the class." "Jia Jia, don't you work at the Public Security Bureau? Why did you go to the machinery factory? Did your director have a problem with you because you asked for too many days off? Did he send you to the factory?" Old Mrs. Xu looked worried.

Xu Jia Jia poured herself a glass of water, took a sip, and her throat felt moistened before she spoke: "Of course not, I went to the machinery factory for a mission, don't ask too much, it's confidential, and when you see me at the factory, you have to pretend you don't know me."

Xu Jianguo shook his head: "I'm afraid not, the one with the surname Wen has been to our house, she knows you, you've been to the security department before, they all know you, and they know you're my daughter."

Xu Jia Jia stroked her chin, pondered for a few seconds before looking up at the few people: "Xiao Yao Hehua, in the factory, you and Did my dad talk to me? "

The two people who were named shook their heads in unison: "No."

"Okay, Dad, we don't have to pretend not to know each other, but we have to pretend not to know Xiaoyao and Hehua."

Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua said in unison: "No problem."

Xu Jiajia asked Xu Xiaoyao again: "Did your team leader have any abnormalities later?"

Xu Xiaoyao shook her head: "No, during this period, whenever I had the chance, I would get close to her. When she went to the toilet, I also followed her twice. I found that she simply liked English, not a secret code."

Xu Jiajia looked at Hehua again.

She also nodded and said: "I also think she simply likes English."

Xu Jiajia stroked her chin and lowered her eyes to look at the water cup

, just simply like English?

Someone in the family works in the machinery factory, and it is difficult to hide Xu Jiajia's undercover work.

At night.

Xu Jiajia lay next to Shen Yuebai and repeated what Xu Xiaoyao said.

"It's hard to say. When you get to the machinery factory, you can observe slowly. If she is a traitor, she will be exposed sooner or later."

Xu Jiajia thought so too.

The two chatted for a while and then began to pay public grain.

The two tossed and turned until midnight before falling asleep deeply.


The next morning.

Xu Jiajia learned from the director that she was the shift leader and the man was pregnant.

"Okay, got it!"

The director was afraid that Xu Jiajia would quarrel with others in the factory, so he warned her like an old father: "The machinery factory is not like the public security bureau. There are many people and complicated situations there. Don't quarrel with others. And also put away your laziness. You are going to take the shift, not to enjoy yourself."

Xu Jiajia wanted to roll her eyes. Is she so unreliable: "I know, I know, I can recite it. If you are so worried, just come with me!"

The director wanted to slap Xu Jiajia to wake her up: "What are you thinking? "

Xu Jiajia looked at the director who was becoming more and more outspoken, and the corners of her mouth could not help twitching a few times: "Then let me do it, don't worry about this and that, I am affected by you."

The director looked at Xu Jiajia with a face full of resentment: "Are you disliking me?"

You can't say it directly, so as not to hurt the old man's self-esteem. Xu Jiajia laughed: "You are the director, how can I dislike you?"

There are many rules in the factory, and the director is afraid that Xu Jiajia will have conflicts with others, thus affecting the task.

"You must remember that the factory is not like our unit, don't be so good at talking and offending people everywhere!"

Xu Jiajia laughed angrily, she just spoke directly, not without brains: "Director, you seem to have a deep misunderstanding of me."

Director: "..."

She has no idea who she is.

She has criticized all her colleagues in the bureau.


After coming out of the Public Security Bureau, Xu Jiajia did not report to the machinery factory immediately, but wandered around before going to the machinery factory.

The people in the security department thought she was looking for Xu Jianguo: "Comrade Xu, I'll go call your father."

Xu Jiajia thought that since she didn't know the factory director anyway, it would be better to let her father take her to find someone.

Xu Jianguo came soon. He knew that Xu Jiajia was here to report, and without saying much, he took people to find the factory director.

The factory director glanced at Xu Jiajia, who was wearing white Dacron, and said: "Let me see your work permit."

Xu Jiajia handed her work permit at the Public Security Bureau to the factory director.

The factory director read it.

He called the Public Security Bureau.

After confirming Xu Jiajia's identity, he asked Xu Jianguo to call the pregnant woman.

Xu Jianguo went to the Propaganda Department to find the pregnant woman.

The pregnant woman, with a big belly, said to Xu Jianguo: "You go to work, I will go directly to the factory director."

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