The man was the director of the sales department.

He was very popular in the factory.

He read the Chairman's Declaration all day long.

Everyone in the factory thought he was patriotic, but he turned out to be a traitor.

The man had a mission and could not leave the machinery factory, so he never showed his face.

When Wen Xiulian saw his face, he had a murderous look in his eyes. He grabbed Wen Xiulian's neck with his right hand and said coldly: "You deserve to die!"

Wen Xiulian's breathing became difficult in an instant, her face turned pale, and she looked at the man in horror: "Let go, let me go..."

When the man increased his strength and was about to strangle Wen Xiulian to death, Xu Jiajia, who had secretly come behind him, hit him hard on the head with a stone.

Xu Jiajia was very strong.

This hit.

The man's head immediately bleeds.

The man turns around and sees Xu Jiajia. Just as he is about to pull out his gun, he is kicked to the ground by Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia's colleague rushes in and immediately holds him down.

Wen Xiulian, who is free, falls to the ground, as if she has lost her soul, without any life at all.

It's terrible!

You really can't do such immoral things!

Xu Jiajia touches Wen Xiulian with her foot and looks down at her: "Are you okay?"

Wen Xiulian wants to stand up, but her feet are weak and she has no strength at all. She shows a crying expression: "I can't get up, pull me up."

Xu Jiajia pulls him up: "You are also involved in this incident, come with me to the Public Security Bureau."



The news of the traitor spread throughout the machinery factory.

"I heard there is a traitor in our factory. Do you know what's going on?"

"I heard about it too, but I don't know who the traitor is?"

"Didn't Wen Xiulian come these days? It must be her!"

"You are out of touch. She is not a traitor at all. She is not feeling well and is staying in the hospital!"

"Then who is she?"

"Need I say? Whoever hasn't come for a few days is the one!"

"That's not right. There is a substitute in the Propaganda Department who hasn't come for several days. The director of the Sales Department has also come. Are they both traitors?"

The factory director was also eating in the cafeteria at noon. He heard everyone's discussion and stood up to clear Xu Jiajia's name: "Xu Jiajia from the Propaganda Department is not a traitor. She is a public security officer. She came to the machinery factory to take the substitute shift to catch the traitor. If it weren't for her, the newly developed machine in our factory would have been stolen by the Sakura Country. "

"What? Damn it? The new machine developed this time took researchers five years to develop. The Sakura Country is trying to steal our achievements. Damn it, it's so infuriating!"

"Director, is the traitor the one in the sales department?"

The director said coldly: "If it's not him, who else could it be? His mission is to steal the fruits of our labor. Even if he steals it this time, he will not leave and will continue to stay in the machinery factory."

"Too abominable, that kind of person should be shot!"

"This matter has extended to the country. The country has the final say on how to deal with it."

Colleagues who are good friends with Xu Jianguo all looked at him.

"You actually lied to us?"

Xu Jianguo looked helpless: "I have no choice. This matter must be kept secret, otherwise it will be easily discovered. For this matter, the Public Security Bureau also kept silent."

"Your daughter is really amazing! She caught the traitor in a few days."

"That's her job."

"But what about Comrade Wen Xiulian?"

"I know, I know. I heard that she is also a traitor, but she found her conscience in the end and reported the case again."

"Will she be sentenced in this case?"

"Who knows? We don't understand the law!"

A week later, Wen Xiulian appeared in the chassis factory safely.

Everyone was surprised when they saw her.

Didn't they say she was a traitor?

Why wasn't she sentenced?

The factory director took in everyone's expressions, and he walked over and said, "Comrade Wen Xiulian played an indispensable role in catching the traitor hiding in the dark this time, so the Public Security Bureau applied for a bonus for her. Our factory also decided to promote her to a higher level because she kept all the information. Her salary increased from 40 yuan to 45 yuan."

Those who knew the inside story were very dissatisfied.

"Director, this is too unfair. She is a traitor. Although she finally stopped, it is a fact that she was a traitor."

The factory director glanced at the person who was speaking: "If it wasn't her, someone would still take over her position, but it is unclear whether that person would stop in the end.

Even if no one took over her position.

The director of the sales department will personally take action.

When there

Can the data be saved?"

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