The investigation was long.

He has been hiding in his shell.

He surrendered himself now.

No matter how you look at it, it's not right!

The deputy director's eyes were full of sarcasm, and his words were a bit crazy: "Those people are too stupid to be my opponents.

However, I was surprised that the higher-ups would overturn the case."

Xu Jiajia looked at the deputy director expressionlessly, and her tone was so cold that it could freeze people to death: "If you don't kill people, will you die? So many people died just for your excitement and pleasure?"

Next, no matter how Xu Jiajia interrogated, the deputy director was unwilling to reveal a word.

Xu Jiajia punched the deputy director in the face in anger: "Are you dumb?"

The deputy director still kept silent.

Xu Jiajia: "..."

The director came to Xu Jiajia's office and saw her listless look, and asked: "Still haven't found out anything?"

Xu Jiajia shook her head: "He refused to say anything. I have tried all the methods that can be used, but it still doesn't work."

Director: "Anyway, he has confessed, why bother so much."

This case made other people in the bureau boil.

"Oh my god, it's terrible, I'm actually a colleague of the murderer!"

"He has killed so many people, how can he look so righteous?"

"You can't judge a person by his appearance!"


The news that the deputy director is a serial killer quickly spread throughout the city.

After Xu Xiaoyao came back from get off work, she couldn't wait to ask Xu Jiajia: "Jiajia, is it true that your deputy director is the murderer?"

Xu Jiajia glanced at Xu Xiaoyao who was gossiping, twitched her lips, nodded and said: "Yes, he confessed himself."

Hehua asked a question: "I heard that he refused to be interrogated. Since he has confessed, why did he refuse to be interrogated? I think the murderer is a little strange."

Xu Jiajia didn't think it was strange. After all, people with mental illness are generally not normal: "Anyway, the murderer is him. I didn't catch the wrong person. However, the gangsters he hired have not been caught yet."

Xu Xiaoyao: "He has been operating under your nose for so long, but no one has discovered it. I don't know whether to say that he is too powerful or that others are too useless?"

Xu Jianguo came over and joined the discussion: "Girl, do I have to bring pepper spray to work in the future?"

For safety reasons, Xu Jiajia still asked Xu Jianguo to bring it.

Xu Jianguo: "..."

I don't want to bring it at all, what should I do?

On the day when the deputy director was shot.

The families of the victims were also present.

They were carrying baskets of vegetables.

They were filled with wet mud, bugs, and feces.

They saw the deputy director appear.

They grabbed the things in the basket and threw them at him.

His head, face, and body were stinking.

Even so, he was still smiling.

The more he did this, the angrier the families of the victims were: "Beast, it's too easy to shoot him, he should be torn into pieces!"

When others heard this, they also followed suit.

"Torn into pieces, torn into pieces..."

The scene was in chaos.

The leaders were afraid of a stampede, so they immediately arranged for people to maintain order.

With the intervention of staff.

Those who watched the excitement stopped making noises.

It must be said that the deputy director was very stubborn.

The gunman actually shot him three times before he was completely dead.

After watching the excitement, Xu Jiajia sighed: "Finally, the case is closed."

Wang Hui looked at Xu Jiajia, who was always energetic: "Team leader, do you still need to continue to track down the minions hired by the murderer?"

Xu Jiajia glanced at Wang Hui: "This matter is left to you to investigate, especially the three people who killed Senior Wen, they can't be let go."

This is a separate case that Xu Jiajia gave to Wang Hui. He was very excited, but he was afraid that he would not do well: "Team leader, if I encounter something I don't understand, can I ask you?"

Xu Jiajia cruelly refused: "No, you have to use your brain to think, think more, observe more, and you will always gain something."

She also relied on the system to solve cases before.

After accumulating some experience, she now relies on herself to solve cases.


Today Shen Yuebai is not busy, so he simply comes to the Public Security Bureau to pick up Xu Jiajia after get off work.

When colleagues saw Shen Yuebai coming, they shouted at the top of their voices: "Xu Public Security, your man is here to pick you up!"

Xu Jiajia is the only one with the surname Xu in the Public Security Bureau.

As soon as she said this, Xu Jiajia walked out of the office. When she saw Shen Yuebai, she smiled brightly and her eyes seemed to be filled with stars: "Why are you here? Don't you have to train today?"

Shen Yuebai took the bag from Xu Jiajia naturally: "It's not like I have to train every day.

Training, I got off work early today, where do you want to go? "

Xu Jiajia thought for a moment, blinked and said, "I have been in Sioux City for so long and I haven't seen a movie yet. How about going to see a movie?"

Of course Shen Yuebai has no problem: "Okay——"

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

As soon as Xu Jiajia went to a densely populated place, her chest felt tight and she even vomited.

Shen Yuebai's face turned pale with fright: "I, I will take you to the hospital."

Shen Yuebai picked up Xu Jiajia in a princess hug.

Out of the cinema.

Xu Jiajia felt like she was alive again: "Ayue, I'm much better, put me down."

Shen Yuebai lowered his eyes and looked at Xu Jiajia's face. Believing what she said, he put the person down and said, "Why did it happen all of a sudden?"

Xu Jiajia didn't understand. She didn't have cabin fever, so why did she act like that: "I don't know."

Shen Yuebai was worried and dragged Xu Jiajia to the hospital.

The doctor asked Xu Jiajia to do three examinations.

No problem.

When Xu Jiajia was about to leave, the doctor asked her to do another check-up.

Xu Jiajia looked at the test sheet and was speechless: "Doctor, are you doing this to check for pregnancy? I'm not pregnant, so I don't need to check for this."

Milk says you sleep more and eat more during pregnancy.

She didn't occupy any of these two.

The doctor still suggested: "I'm here anyway. It doesn't take much time to do this kind of examination."

When Xu Jiajia saw the test results, she was completely confused: "This, is this pregnancy? And it's still two months? Doctor, did I make a mistake? I just had my period a few days ago."

The doctor happened to know a little bit about gynecology, so she said: "Some people will have menstruation when they are pregnant, but the amount is not only less than usual, but the duration is also very short. Some people have it in one day, and some people have it in two days."

Xu Jiajia's face changed when she thought about her menstrual period. She thought she was too tired to take so little, and even complained to Huang Ying at that time.

"Doctor, are you telling me that I'm really pregnant?"

The doctor praised the test results: "This kind of test generally does not travel."

Shen Yuebai was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to realize: "Jiajia, I, I want to be a father!"

He wanted to pick Xu Jiajia up and spin around in his arms, but he was afraid of shocking the child in his belly, so he had to suppress this thought.

The doctor answered on behalf of Xu Jiajia: "Yes, you are going to be a father. However, your wife's condition requires her to rest at home for a period of time, otherwise she will be prone to miscarriage."

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